Best Nobodies Walkthrough Guide (100%)


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Nobodies: Murder Cleaner is a puzzle adventure. You will need to get rid of bodies and clean up the murder scene. Make sure nobodies notices you were even there. Below find full Nobodies Walkthrough and Nobodies Achievements guide with supporting videos.

Nobodies Game Information

Download link:
Android – Nobodies: Murder Cleaner
iOS – Nobodies: Murder Cleaner
Developer: Blyts
Publisher: Blyts
Platforms: Android, Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS

Nobodies Walkthrough Guide

Nobodies Mission 1 Walkthrough (Operation I: Quick Dry)

Nobodies Game Mission 1 is on the roof of the building. Follow the steps below to pass Nobodies Mission 1.

Nobodies Achievement: Strong Foundation unlocked.

  1. Pick up a cement bag (beside right column)
  2. Pick up a bucket (beside a water valve)
  3. Pick up trowel from the ground (left)
  4. Take keys off the body
  5. Use keys on toolbox
  6. Take a parrot wrench from toolbox
  7. Use wrench on faucet
  8. Fill bucket with water
  9. Use cement on mixer
  10. Use bucket of water on mixer
  11. Take sand from the wheel barrel
  12. Put  sand in a mixer
  13. Click on mixer to use it, then take out the mix
  14. Combine trowel and mix in the inventory
  15. Take the body
  16. Put body in column (on the left side). Click on the body again to push it in
  17. Use cement on column
  18. Put wrench in toolkit, and close it
  19. Put back trowel on floor
  20. Put back bucket on floor

Nobodies Game Mission 1 – Nobodies Walkthrough Video

Nobodies Mission 2 Walkthrough (Operation II: Antwood)

Nobodies Game Mission 2  is in the underground laboratory. The following Nobodies achievements can be unlocked:

  • Scientific Method
  • Guinea Pig if you have guard drink doctored coffee, once each for every compound from the lab
  • Coffee’s for Cleaners if you keep giving the guard a regular coffee. But it takes many times.
  • Bloody Mess if you put the body on the cages on the hallway

Follow the steps below to pass Nobodies Mission 2.

  1. Take a pipette from the desk
  2. Open a cabinet on the wall by the door and use pipette on Scopolamine and test it on the mouse. Refill pipette with Scopolamine again.
  3. Take white lab coat
  4. Head out the door
  5. Take a coffee cup
  6. Use pipette on coffee cup in the inventory (doctored coffee)
  7. Give doctored coffee to a guard
  8. Leave a guard and come back, guard is asleep
  9. Take yellow pipe on right
  10. Pick up an ID card from the ground
  11. Use ID card on door, enter an aquarium room
  12. Use pipe on valve twice (will see red light is flashing)
  13. Press red button to open aquarium tank
  14. Go and get a body
  15. Go back to the aquarium room and put body into it, click again to push all the way in
  16. Close the doors and turn a valve
  17. Go back to the lab, use pipette on Desoxy then use it on a rat and refill a pipette with Desoxy
  18. Go back to the aquarium room and use pipette on feeder (on the right side of the window)
  19. Go back to hallway and use ID card on door to lock it
  20. Leave an ID card on the ground and put yellow pipe back
  21. Go back to the lab, put pipette back on desk and return lab coat

Nobodies Game Mission 2 – Nobodies Walkthrough Video

Nobodies Mission 3 Walkthrough (Operation III: Late Checkout)

Nobodies Game Mission 3  is in the hotel. Th following Nobodies achievements can be unlocked:

  • Turn down Service
  • Terrible Plumber, if you put the body in the tank on the roof and turn on the tap in locked room (do it before you move the handle to the valve, otherwise you can’t remove it).
  • Imperfect Crime, if you throw the body out of the window or off the roof

Follow the steps below to pass Nobodies Mission 3.

  1. Close door and take “Housekeeping” and “Do not disturb” signs
  2. Take a bed frame
  3. Leave room, place do not disturb on the room’s door and use housekeeping sign on the other room’s door
  4. Go upstairs, open CCTV box, take pliers and leave bed frame by the wall
  5. Go back to the room and use pliers on TV cable to take a splinter
  6. Go back upstairs to CCTV box and install splinter on cable 5
  7. Go back and take sheets and keys from the cleaner’s cart
  8. Use keys to unlock the door under the camera and put keys back on the cart
  9. Go into unlocked room, remove faucet handle by using pliers and take fuses from the opened drawer
  10. Go back to the roof, install handle on valve and close it
  11. Go back to the hotel room, get body and bloody sheets
  12. Go to unlocked room, put body and bloody sheets in the chute, closed the chute
  13. Go back to the room and cover bed with clean sheets
  14. Take elevator down, install fuses on switch and turn it on
  15. Go back to the roof, open valve then use pliers to remove a handle and take bed frame
  16. Remove CCTV splinter by using pliers and put pliers back
  17. Go back to unlocked room, put handle back, leave the room and close the door
  18. Go back to the hotel room, install back splinter & bed frame.

Nobodies Game Mission 3 – Nobodies Walkthrough Video

Nobodies Mission 4 Walkthrough (Operation IV: Picket Fence)

Nobodies Game Mission 4  is in the house. Th following Nobodies achievements can be unlocked – Good Housekeeping. Follow the steps below to pass Nobodies Mission 4.

  1. Click on painting and enter 6684 (calendar on the fridge in the kitchen)
  2. Take keys and go to the kitchen
  3. Take empty bottle from the fridge
  4. Open cabinet under sink, take a bleach bottle and use it to clean the blood, put it back
  5. take rubber gloves from the shelf on the right
  6. Unlock a door with keys and go outside
  7. Take cement and go into garage
  8. Take pliers, paint and keys
  9. Move shelf that held key and use pliers to cut a wire
  10. Go back to the house’s room and unlock other door with key from the garage
  11. Go down to basement, open electrical box, use cut wire and connect it by using rubber gloves then take pickaxe
  12. Go outside, turn off a pool’s pump and use a pickaxe at the middle
  13. Go back to the kitchen and take a body
  14. Put body in the hole you made and turn on the pool’s pump so you can use empty bottle to get water then turn off the pump
  15. Use water on cement to get wet cement and then use it on a hole with body, use paint on the the hole and turn on the pool’s pump
  16. Put cement back on bench
  17. Go to kitchen, put back to the fridge empty bottle
  18. Go to the house, put keys back in safe and close it
  19. Go to the basement, use rubber gloves to remove wire and close the box, put back a pickaxe and locked the basement door
  20. Go back to garage, put back basement key and move back the shelf, put back a pliers and paint
  21. Go back to the kitchen and put rubber gloves back on the shelf

Nobodies Game Mission 4 – Nobodies Walkthrough Video

Nobodies Mission 5 Walkthrough (Operation V: Bolt Bucket)

Nobodies Game Mission 5  is in the city. The following Nobodies achievements can be unlocked:

  • A Perfect Mess
  • Monster, if you while the bulldozer is lifted, put the meat on the ground for the dog, then lower the bulldozer to crush it.
  • First responder, if you dial 912 on payphone
  • Crushing’ It, if you crush every car in junkyard ( a lot of work!)

Follow the steps below to pass Nobodies Mission 5.

  1. Take hook from her head and a paint spray from the ground
  2. Leave this place, use a paint spray on car and a hook to smash the car window
  3. Get in, open gloves box and take coinsclick left side fuse box, push up all red
  4. Open fuse box on the left side of the wheel, make sure all blue and green fuses are down and red are up, then press white button in the middle of the car console to open the trunk
  5. Go take her body, put it in the car trunk and close it
  6. Go to payphone and use coins to dual a tow truck number on the right
  7. After car has been towed, click the red sign. It will bring you to the junkyard
  8. Take cable from the green container, open it after and take a rotten meat from it
  9. Connect hook and cable in the inventory then use on left wall
  10. Click on cable and then lower crane
  11. Enter junkyard, take fire extinguisher and screwdriver
  12. Use screwdriver on airbag and put airbag on the window, use fire extinguisher to inflate it. Then you can put fire extinguisher back
  13. Enter trailer through the window, take battery, check a piece of paper on the desk with number on it “6-12-9-12-3-3-12”. Numbers are related hour arrow position on the clock
  14. Use these combination to unlock drawer and take a key from drawer
  15. Go back and install battery on forklift then use forklift to move a car with body inside to the press machine (watch nobodies walkthorugh video how to do it)
  16. Take the key out of the ignition, return to the graveyard to take battery out of forklift and put it back against the wall inside trailer, put key back in drawer and close it
  17. Go back outside, use screwdriver on airbag and place both of them back to car, close the window

Nobodies Game Mission 5 – Nobodies Walkthrough Video

Nobodies Mission 6 Walkthrough (Operation VI: Cold Fury)

Nobodies Game Mission 6  starts in the hunting cabin. The following Nobodies achievements can be unlocked:

  • Ice-Cold Cleaner
  • Pyromaniac – At the gas station use lighter on the gas tank. Burn the body by putting wood in the fireplace and light it. Burn the cabin by using the gas container on it and the lighter to unlock.
  • Nature Lover – From the cabin go: L-R-N-N-R-N-L to unlock by entering the Northern Forest.

Follow the steps below to pass Nobodies Mission 6.

  1. Pick up shotgun shells from the ground
  2. Get in the truck, open glove box and take wallet and lighter then flip down driver’s visor for the key
  3. Enter the cabin to take a map on left and machete over fireplace. You can take rifle but no needs.
  4. Drive to the gas station, follow L-R-M-M-L-L.
  5. Use wallet on gas station and machete on tarp over logs.
  6. Back to hunting cabin by using map (fast travel), put body in trunk and cover it with tarp, open side locker on the left and take pickaxe
  7. Fast travel to police station. Then go R-M-L-M-R to reach Port
  8. Take anchor, use pickaxe on ice and use body with anchor, then on the hole in the ice
  9. Return tarp to logs on the gas station
  10. Go back to the hunting cabin and put back pickaxe in locker, map on shelf and machete over fireplace
  11. Put back wallet & lighter in glove box, close it.
  12. Take out the key and put it in the overhead visor, close it.

Nobodies Game Mission 6 – Nobodies Walkthrough Video

Nobodies Mission 7 Walkthrough (Operation VII: Private Collection)

Nobodies Game Mission 7  is in the museum. The following Nobodies achievement can be unlocked – Exhibitionist. Follow the steps below to pass Nobodies Mission 7.

  1. Take coin from the fountain.
  2. Go right and take tooth from gator’s mouth. Then talk to a boy. Ask him questions to find out about problem with candy machine then leave.
  3. Talk to boy. Choose anything until candy machine option appears. Select it, then leave.
  4. Go up to the candy machine, use your coin and choose D1 for a chocolate bar.
  5. Go back to the boy and exchange chocolate bar with gum.
  6. Go back and take museum map from the table in front of security
  7. Go left and use gator’s tooth on the fuse box and switch off B1.
  8. Go back and take ID card from the security, go back and unlock the door by fuse box with this card. Go back and return ID card.
  9. Go left and enter unlocked room, take ID card and spear from the body. There is a safe, unlock it by entering ASIMOV (185679) who is author of the book on the table. Take keys from inside safe.
  10. Go back to the entrance and up to unlock the door with found keys. Take uniform, ink cartridges, caveman clothes and card.
  11. Go back to unlocked room on the ground floor and take body
  12. Go outside and unlock door on the left room. Place body on table, connect hose with his hand, use machine and select extract. Take drum with blood and empty it into sink. Take syringe on the counter and Formol from upper shelf. Combine Formol with Drum in your inventory. Combine syringe with Yellow and Magenta cartidges in your inventory, them combine it with drum. Put drum back on the floor and use option insert on the machine, need to use gum on his mouth. Take body and pu caveman clothes on it. Put back Formol bottle and syringe.
  13. Go back to entrance, then upstairs and cavemen exhibition. Swipe caveman with body due to work order from McArthy.
  14. Go back to unlocked room on the left, open tank and caveman in. Take wax from melted caveman and put it in recycling bin. Go out and lock this door behind.
  15. Go back to 2nd floor unlocked room. Return spear, cartridges, uniform and card. Exit and lock it.
  16. Go back to the entrance and return museum map.
  17. Go right and enter unlocked room to put back keys into safe, close it. Exit room, lock it and leave ID card there.
  18. Go to the gator and put tooth back

Nobodies Game Mission 7 – Nobodies Walkthrough Video

Nobodies Mission 8 Walkthrough (Operation VIII: Flight Risk)

Nobodies Game Mission 8  is in the private planes base. The following Nobodies achievements can be unlocked:

  • In Plane Sight
  • Don’t Get High On Your Own Supply. You will need to use drugs twice on the coffee mug.

Follow the steps below to pass Nobodies Mission 8.

  1. Take knife and exit right.
  2. Open gate and enter. Fuel each plane by connecting both cables.
  3. Go left. Take grill spatula, open the grill and use spatula to get smoking coal. Put spatula back and go left.
  4. Use smoking coal on car. Go back to the planes area and enter office.
  5. Take drug from jacket and put in coffee mug. Leave office.
  6. Talk to the man and ask about padlock. His answers will be padlock combination. It can be different every time. Go and use the combination on the padlock by the grill. I had 945. Take plastic packing, forklift and lug wrench. Use forklift on all cargos. Go back to planes and load cargos according colors.
  7. Go back to body place. Use wrench on tractor’s tire, then take body and combine it with plastic packing and knife in your inventory. Combine tire and wrapped body in your inventory.
  8. Go back to red cargo plane, separate body and tire and put body on red cargo plane.
  9. Go back and put tire back to tractor
  10. Go back and put back plastic wrap, lug wrench and forklift to cargo room.

Nobodies Game Mission 8 – Nobodies Walkthrough Video

Nobodies Mission 9 Walkthrough (Operation IX: Jackrabbit)

Nobodies Game Mission 9  is in the prison. The following Nobodies achievement can be unlocked – Done Time. Follow the steps below to pass Nobodies Mission 9.

  1. Go right. Open the car trunk and take jack out, metal crate from ground and ladder from wall. Enter the house. Take wrench, tape, rotten apple, bottle from the trash can, knife, plumb from fishing rod and plastic bag near door. Exit the house.
  2. Open car’s hood and take battery by using wrench.
  3. Go right. Take a can and use it on mud. Fill empty bottle with water.
  4. Go back to the fence. Use jack on fence, go to the cable box and open it then cut cable with knife. Go back & remove jack.
  5. Go back to the security. Use knife on security door’s lock then use battery on wires. Enter and take lighter and a key. Combine key with muddy can in your inventory to create mold of the key then put key back. Exit and go back inside the cabin.
  6. Light the fireplace and melt the plumb. Use melted plumb on key imprint to make a key copy. Use bottle with water on fireplace. Exit and Go right.
  7. Unlock gate and go inside. Take a wood stick, combine metal crate and stick in your inventory to make a trap and place it on ground. Then put rotten apple into it to catch a rat. Go out and come back. Take a rat. Put ladder against the right wall. Use wrench on grating and let rat go there.
  8. Climb inside. Click on monitor and put tape in. Press record first and then press play. Click on cell control and open Block 4, Cell 2.
  9. Go down, remove ladder and proceed forward. Climb up,  take acid and paint. Use ladder to reach grating and remove it by using wrench. Go up and L-M-R-R-R to reach block 4 and enter cell 2. Take body then use acid on toilet and move it. Put body in hole and apply paint on hole. Put toilet back and leave.
  10. Go back to the room. Put grating back on. Return paint & acid. Take ladder and Go down.
  11. Use wrench on pipe elbow and remove body from pipe. Use wrench to put back piece of pipe.
  12. Go back to the house. Put plastic bag on chipper and put body in, turn it on. Take bag with dead body in and give it to pigs.
  13. Put jack in trunk and battery in hood, close both.
  14. Go back to monitor room by using ladder. Retrieve tape and close cell 2 in Block 4. Exit. Take ladder and go outside. Lock sewer door behind you.
  15. Go back to cabin. Shred tape and key by using chipper. Put back ladder.
  16. Enter the house to return wrench and knife.

Nobodies Game Mission 9 – Nobodies Walkthrough Video

Nobodies Mission 10 Walkthrough (Operation X: Bad Medicine)

Nobodies Game Mission 10  is in the hospital. The following Nobodies achievements can be unlocked:

  • No Scrubs
  • Hacker, when you try to enter BODY on the computer/printer.

Follow the steps below to pass Nobodies Mission 10.

  1. Talk to nurse at the desk. Go forward then enter the room on the left. Take a tape from the cabinet and wrench by TV. Exit.
  2. On hallway, take cap from water tank.
  3. Enter another room and take screwdriver from the cabinet and bandage from the table. Exit.
  4. Go back to entrance. Leave cap on donation box and exit the building.
  5. Outside use tape on the traffic sign then use wrench to turn it. Go back in. Go outside again and back in.
  6. Take key and coin from the cap. Remote cap from the donation box. Unlock door by the desk and enter.
  7. In the room take cards from the desk and exit. Go further and use coin to get chocolate from vending machine on hallway. Combine card and chocolate in your inventory.  Go back to the entrance and leave chocolate box at the desk.
  8. Go back to the hallway and back to the entrance. The nurse is gone.
  9. Go back to hallway, put cap back on water tank. Use screwdriver on jammed door. Enter room. Take UV lamp and read the number for discharge – 0200. Use screwdriver on grating and enter the morgue. Read number for death report – 3323. Go back the room by the desk.
  10. Turn off the lights and use UV lamp on the printer to see the password – 1587. Enter 1587 and press 1. Remember number for Sirko (7475). Go back to the main menu. Enter password and press 2 to generate certificate by entering 7475 and 3323 (death), print report and take it. Go back to main menu, enter password and press 2 to generate certificate by entering 7475 and 0200 (discharge), print it and take it. Go back to main menu, enter password and press 2 to generate certificate by entering 6274 and 0200 (discharge), print it.
  11. Go back to the room with two patients, put discharge certificate on first bed. Exit.
  12. Go the first room and take body. Bring to the room with tow patients. The bed will be empty. Leave body there. Use bandage on his head. Put death certificate on his bed. Exit.
  13. Go back to the printer and discharge certificate. Turn back on light and return cards. Exit.
  14. Go back to the first room and discharge certificate on the bed.
  15. Go back to the morgue. Take body from the table and put it inside lower right drawer, close it. Go back and put grating back and put UV lamp back on the desk. Use screwdriver outside to jammed this door.
  16. Go back to the room with two beds and put screwdriver back in cabinet. Exit.
  17. Go back to the first room, put tape and wrench back.
  18. Go back to the entrance, lock printer door, and return the key to nurse.

Nobodies Game Mission 10 – Nobodies Walkthrough Video

Nobodies Mission 11 Walkthrough (Operation XI: Cowcatcher)

Nobodies Game Mission 10  is in the train. The following Nobodies achievements can be unlocked:

  • Right On Schedule, complete the train mission without leaving any evidence behind.
  • Drunkard, you need to drink regular vodka 3 times with woman.
  • Hint Hater, don’t use the beeper for the entire game.
  • All Clean, you need to complete 100% every mission.

Follow the steps below to pass Nobodies Mission 11.

  1. Pick up bent paperclip from the floor, then go back to cart 3.
  2. Go to passenger room (33-35) and talk to the old man. Ask to borrow book. Exit the room. Use bent paperclip on washroom’s door to unlock it. Find body there and exit. Go to cart 2.
  3. In cart 2 got ot passenger room (21-23). Take pills and money from the backpack, cap from the table and suitcase from the drawer below backpack. Leave and go to the bathroom. Take toilet paper. Leave and go to cart 3’s washroom.
  4. Take toilet paper, leave and look at the map on the wall. Remember sector 48 (Ominsk – next station). Go back to cart 2.
  5. Look at the trains’ schedule on the wall. Remember train #8702 (your train is 6512). Go back to train’s restaurant (cart 4). Proceed to cart 5.
  6. Use suitcase to block vent’s grill at the left. Talk to a man about conditioning and ask for help to call crew to fix it. Go back to cart 2.
  7. Go to the washroom and put two toilet paper rolls in the toilet and flush it. Go to cart 3.
  8. Check crew room and tell her about flooding washroom. Leave and go back in. Take out of order sign, pen, manifest and key from the desk’s drawer. Leave. Go back to the restaurant.
  9. Talk to woman. Choose what are you reading and drinking. Use money to buy two flask of vodka. Combine pills with one of the flasks.  You will have doctored flask. Go back to cart 2.
  10. Go to the washroom and empty flask with vodka and fill it with water. Pick up bleach from the floor. Leave and go back to the restaurant.
  11. Talk to the bartender and ask to borrow his rag. Talk to a woman again. Give her doctored flask first and you drink flask with water. In 12 minutes woman will pass out, take her book. Leave and go back to cart 3, passenger room (33-35). Give old man woman’s book and you take his book. Leave the room. Use pen to change assigned seat on old man’s ticket to carriage 2 seat 21 (you can look at manifest). Go back to the room and show him his ticket. Go back to the washroom, combine bleach with a rag and clean the blood. Take body and go back to the room, put body on the seat, change body’s position and put cap on his head. Leave and go to cart 5.
  12. Unlock the door with keys, go in and take a rope. Unlock door by using keys of cart 6, go in and use radio to inform dispatch about train 8702 in sector 48. Train will be stopped. Go back to cart 5.
  13. Open side door and tie rope to hook on the top left. Go back to cart 3.
  14. Go to the passenger room, open window and tie rope to body. Go back to the roof and pull body up. Take body and go forward to the cart 5.
  15. In cart 5, put body inside the pipe and secure him with rope. Drop tube from the door down. Close the door. Take keys and lock door to cart 6. Go back to cart 4.
  16. Lock the door to cart 5 by using keys.  Go back to the restaurant and return rag to bartender. Go back to cart 3 passenger room and close the window. Put “Out of Order” sign on the washroom. Go to cart 2.
  17. In passenger room, put cap back on the table, pills and money back to backpack, return book to old man. Go to cart 3
  18. In crew room, return bleach, pen and manifest. Go outside.
  19. On the roof, throw the keys off there.

Nobodies Game Mission 11 – Nobodies Walkthrough Video

 Nobodies Mission Unholy Ghost Walkthrough

Nobodies Game Mission Unholy Ghost is in the church.

Follow the steps below to pass Nobodies Unholy Ghost Mission.

  1. Pick up green rosary from the floor, take body and light bulb from the light fixture on the left. Exit the room.
  2. Enter the room on the right, the office. Take hex french from the desk (pencils container), gloves from the hanger and solve the puzzle on the box (watch video below for the solution). Take a master key. Exit the room
  3. On hallway, take a candelabra by the picture and a flower pot from the left.
  4. Enter the room on the right, use hex wrench on the organ’s panel. Click on the opened panel and connect the candelabra by clicking on the second cable from the right. Press piano’s keyboard. Pick a paper.  Go right, use the master key to unlocked metal panel on the floor and glass cabinet’s door on the right. Take heart-shaped gem. Exit the room.
  5. Use master key on the second door on the left. Go inside. Take envelope from the projector, a mirror from the wall, a knife from a first drawer of night table and pick up a chisel from the floor. Use the chisel on the wall above the bed and take out red rosary from the hidden place. Click on the projector and insert heart-shaped gem, the mirror, the bulb and the paper to get a code V (red), XI (blue), I (yellow) and X (green). Exit the room.
  6. Go straight (the roof). Click on the stone to place it on the left. Put the flower pot on the right. Click on the handle to bring bell down. Use knife to cut off a rope. Pick up the rope. Go back.
  7. Enter the room on the right (the office). Click on the book shelf and use found code: V (red) – XI (blue) – I (yellow) – X (green). Place green and red rosary on the opening panel and click on both to turn them. Exit the room.
  8. Enter the first room on the left. Click on the opened piano’s panel and remove the candelabra. Use hex wrench on the panel on the right to put it back. Go right. Click on the stairs to go down. Use the rope to connect the top. Use gloves to pull the rope. Put the body in. Use the gloves to close it. Remove the rope. Exit. Use the master key to look the metal panel on the floor. Go left and exit the room.
  9. Enter the second room on the left. Click on the projector and remove all items. Put the envelope back on the projector, mirror on the wall, the knife back in the drawer and close it, the chisel on the floor. Exit the room.
  10. On the hallway, put back the candelabra. Enter the room on the right (office) and remove red and green rosaries from the panel. Move the bookshelf back in the original position.Put beck the hex wrench. Exit the room.
  11. Enter the second room on the left. Put red rosary back in the hidden place and close it by the stone. Exit the room and lock it by the master key.
  12. Go forward. Connect the rope back to the bell. Use the handle to lift the bell up and pick up the flower pot, and put the stone on the original position. Go back. Place the flower pot in the original position.
  13. Enter the first room on the left. Put back the light bulb and place green rosary back on the floor. Go right. Place heart-shaped gem back and close the glass door. Go back and place the paper into the organ’s book. Exit the room.
  14. Enter the door on the right (office). Put the gloves back and the master key.

Mission Completed!

Nobodies Unholy Ghost – Nobodies Walkthrough Video

Nobodies Mission Hot Steel Walkthrough

Nobodies Operation Hot Steel is in the military depot.

Follow the steps below to pass Nobodies Hot Steel Mission.

  1. Click on the motorcycle’s seat to collect a battery.
  2. Click on the door and collect a wire and a rope from the floor, then collect a screwdriver from the wall. Exit.
  3. Use screwdriver to dismount a speaker from the building’s wall.
  4. Open your suitcase and use wires on the speaker then add a battery to it. You will make a metal detector. Use on the field on your right.
  5. Go through the field in the following direction: R-R-L-R-L-F.
  6. Pick up a hose from the top of red container on your right.
  7. Click on the door of helicopter and solve the puzzle. See picture below.nobodies hot steel door puzzle
  8. Enter the helicopter, then collect pliers from the table, a jar beside the stove and bullets from the top shelf. Take a body and exit.
  9. Go back to the motorcycle and use pliers to get a spark plug from it. Go back to the military depot.
  10. Click on the green door and pick up a wire brush from the floor. Open suitcase and use wire brush on spark plug to clean it. Click on the door above and exit.
  11. Click on a chair to connect it to the tank. Then click on the jeep’s fuel cap. Insert hose and get some fuel with a jar. Remove the hose and close the cap. Open the jeep’s hood and use clean spark plug. Close the hood. Use the screwdriver to start the jeep. Click on the jeep to move the tank. Take a tank tread from the ground. Go back to the building.
  12. Open your suitcase and use pliers on the bullets to get gunpowder. Combine a rope with fuelled jar. Exit.
  13. Go back to the helicopter and click on the stove to turn it on. Then use fuelled jar with rope to make a torch.Exit.
  14. Go back to the building. Click on the gas valve to open it. Put torch inside the oven. Then put gunpowder inside. Use tank tread on the escalator to repair it and press the button to turn it on. Put body on the escalator. When body disappeared in the oven, turn off the escalator, turn off the gas valve and put a wire brush back on the floor. Exit.
  15. Put back hose on the red container. Go back to the helicopter, put back pliers and jar. Make sure the stove is off also. Exit.
  16. Go back to the motorcycle. In your inventory, disassemble metal detector with screwdriver. Put back battery and speaker. Then go inside the building and put back a rope, wires and screwdriver.

Mission Completed!

Nobodies Hot Steel – Nobodies Walkthrough Video

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  • walkthrough king nobodies murder cleaner


  1. for the flight risk level, it said “a cartel worker noticed that the checklist wasn’t completed” even though i did everything in the walkthrough. what do i do?

  2. For the Flight Risk level, I found the problem with the checklist. You need to grab the checklist before you drug the office worker, and then leave it to the last item to return.

  3. for the Flight Risk level, I found the problem with the checklist. You need to grab the checklist before you drug the office worker, and then leave it to the last item to return before finishing.


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