Honest Vanished Anniversary Walkthrough [100%]


Welcome to Vanished Anniversary Walkthrough!


How Anniversary can go wrong?! What happened to the close friends? How is it possible within friends?

Play your character and find out how your boyfriend was killed and why. It was your 3rd anniversary, you were happy and something happened…

Everyone looks on you as a criminal.. What happened at that night, find the evidence and clues and defend yourself and reveal the truth!

There are 5 chapters and … 13 endings in total.  Let’s play together and this Vanished Anniversary walkthrough guide will give you a hand when you needed. Enjoy the game!

Please leave your comment below if some points of the walkthrough guide is not correct or can be done differently.

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Vanished Anniversary Game Information

  • The Release Date: June 19 2022 (Android)
  • Developer: Team Abocado
  • Download link for Android: Vanished Anniversary

Vanished Anniversary Walkthrough – Characters

  • Ellie Mitchell (main). For three years, Ellie has been in a relationship with Justin Scott
  • Justin Scott. He is actually a colleague of Ellie’s and also has been a Ellie’s boyfriend
  • Aaron Cooper. He has been a Justin’s friend since middle school
  • Daniel Williams. He is Justin’s colleague.
  • Sarah Miller. She is Ellie’s colleague and also Aaron’s girlfriend.

Vanished Anniversary Walkthrough – Endings

  1. A revenge (chapter 1) Go to Aaron’s room. Click on him and his desk until he says:”Are you crazy?” Ellie’s reply: Are you hiding something from me?”. Then Aaron will attack you. Ellie’s question: “Why are you overacting? You are more suspicious”.
  2. Arrested (chapter 1) Hide the bracelet that you found on the balcony’s floor.
  3. Hide-and-seek (chapter 2) You sneaked to Aaron’s room and was hiding under his desk. He caught you and you pushed him, he felt down and died.
  4. Corrupted Love (chapter 2) What is the evidence that Daniel touched Justin’s stuff? – Edited picture.
  5. Junkie (chapter 3) Should I ask Sarah about colorful pieces? Choose “Yes”
  6. Cut the tie (chapter 4) What is the evidence that Lynn is lying? – Picture of Lynn’s parents hiking. You will find new ending “Cut the tie”.
  7. To Justin (chapter 5) Try to hide on the balcony.
  8. Faded Truth (chapter 5) What is the evidence that Sarah was lying? – choose any evidence except Pictures of Orount to have new ending “Faded truth”.
  9. Good bye (chapter 5) After the funeral, wait until all game’s information pass through the screen and unlock new ending “Good bye…”
  10. Suspicious (side story) In Alley 3, click on the window with bars by the entrance to Evan Villa until your conversation with angry woman. You will find new ending “Suspicious”.
  11. Give Up (side story) In Alley 3, click on the black garbage bag by the vending machine. Choose “Open the bag” and you will find new ending “Give Up”.
  12. Fall Death (side story) Enter and exit to stairs by Alley 2 few times until you slept down and you will find new ending “Fall Death”.
  13. Savior (side story). In Add-villa, press on the intercom and enter – Head2293##. You saved the kitten and got new ending “Savior”.

Vanished Anniversary Walkthrough Guide

Vanished Anniversary Walkthrough [Chapter 1 – Vanished Anniversary]

Justin’s apartment front door code is the apartment number – 1201. Enjoy your happy anniversary with Justin.

After waking up, find Ellie’s cellphone on the balcony under the bench.

Conversation with Sarah:

  • Sarah: “How did you get hurt? Did you..”
  • Ellie: “Justin did it.”

Vanished Anniversary Walkthrough [Chapter 2 – A piece of memory]

At Justin’s apartment garden pick up Justin’s key ring on the bush.

Search for Justin’s suicide note. Go to the kitchen. Click on the plastic bag on the floor. There is the receipt from the convenience store with timing at 3:15am at the anniversary night. Click on the kitchen cabinet. Open the birthday card from 12.10 (remember this number).

Go back to the Justin’s room. Find a woman earring on his bed. Click on the books on the desk and find two tickets. Click on the tablet and enter Justin’s birthday which is 1210. Go through the pictures: picture of you sleeping and a selfie at the concert. Check WhatsUp messenger and find suspicious message. Open Internet and search for Orount concert.

Ending: Go to Aaron’s room. Click on him and his desk until he says:”Are you crazy?” Ellie’s reply: Are you hiding something from me?”. Then Aaron will attack you. Ellie’s question: “Why are you overacting? You are more suspicious”. You found the new ending – A revenge.

Leave Aaron’s room and go to the balcony. Pick up a bracelet from the floor.

Ending: Hide the bracelet to get Arrested ending.

The evidences that you have to find:

  1. Receipt from convenience store (in the kitchen)
  2. Birthday card (in the kitchen. The birthday date is the password for Justin’s tablet)
  3. An earring for women (in Justin’s room)
  4. Concert ticket (in Justin’s room, in the book on his desk)
  5. Picture taken by Justin (from Justin’s tablet in Pictures folder)
  6. Justin’s selfie at the concert (from Justin’s tablet in Pictures folder)
  7. Suspicious message (from Justin’s tablet, WhatsUp messenger)
  8. Justin’s search history (from Justin’s tablet, Internet browser history)

Balcony conversations answers:

  1. What is the evidence that Justin was lying? – the concert ticket
  2. What is the evidence that Justin went to the concert with a woman? – Justin’s selfie at the concert

Vanished Anniversary Walkthrough [Chapter 3 – Black dress]

Go back to Justin’s apartment  to find your cellphone.

After short conversation with his friend Daniel, unlock Justin’s tablet and check his pictures. Click on the picture with Justin and your sleeping, then click on the window on the picture. You will find an evidence (1).

Click on the table drawers and notebook, go through the pages of the notebook. You will find an evidence (2).  Continue through the pages. You will find another evidence (3). Leave the room.

Go to the Daniel’s room. Daniel will be on the phone. Leave the room.

Go to Aaron’s room. Choose “I should go in”. Touch anything in his room until he will come in. Choose to hide “Under the desk”. You got caught by Aaron. After your conversation with Aaron, you will find new ending “Hide-and-seek”. Choose to hide “Behind the door”. Then choose “It’s the time. Lets get out”.

Go to the washroom and talk to Aaron. Left the room.

Go on the balcony. Click on the plant and you will see the bugs. Leave the balcony.

Go to see Daniel and tell him about the bugs. Then search his room, click on the his bed by the wall and find your cellphone. You will find an evidence (4). Then click on his garbage bucket and find new evidence (5). Leave the room.

Go on the balcony and click on the book. You will find a piece of paper with all friends birthdays. Remember Ellie’s birthday – 8.12. Leave the balcony.

Go back to the Daniel’s room and use Ellie’s birthday as Daniel’s laptop password – 0812. Check the folder H and look at all Ellie’s pictures there. You will find new evidence (6). Click on the folder D and the picture inside the folder. You will find new evidence (7). Click on the cap on the book shelf. You will find new evidence (8).

Conversation’s answers with Daniel:

  1. What is the evidence that Daniel touched Justin’s stuff? – Edited picture. You will find new ending “Corrupted love”. The answer is Ripped page.
  2. What is the evidence that Daniel ripped the page of a notebook? – Part of a memo.
  3. You stalk someone
  4. Me
  5. What is the evidence that Daniel was stalking me? – My picture in the laptop
  6. What is the evidence that Daniel lied? – Picture from tablet PC
  7. What is the evidence that the person in the picture is Daniel? – Daniel’s cap
  8. What is Daniel’s motive for the murder of Justin? – Edited picture

The evidences that you have to find:

  1. Picture from tablet PC (from the folder Pictures)
  2. Justin’s note (from the notebook on his desk)
  3. Ripped page (from the notebook)
  4. Initialized cellphone (on the bed in Daniels’ room)
  5. Part of a memo (in the garbage bin by the desk in Daniel’s room)
  6. My pictures in the laptop (Daniel’s laptop, in the folder H)
  7. Edited picture (in the folder D of Daniel’s laptop)
  8. Daniel’s cap (on the bookshelf in Daniel’s room)

Vanished Anniversary Walkthrough [Chapter 4 – Orount]

Picked up your phone and talk to Lynn. Ring the door to see Lynn.

After Lynn left, click on her laptop and choose “Open the laptop”. In the chat, click on Justin’s name. Lynn will be back.

Go back to Lynn’s apartment. Click on the flower pot until it is flipped and the key found. Take the key and unlock Lynn’s apartment.

Click on the picture and remove the top cover from the right top corner down. You will find an evidence (1).

Click on the top left kitchen cabinet, remove the drink and find a cat food can. You need to find a cat first to have the cat food. Give the cat food to the cat. Click on the cat name tag and remember name “Andy”.

Click on the laptop and enter Andy as password. Click on Mail folder, Inbox and read email from Mom and you will find new evidence (3). Read also email from Kevin and you will find new evidence (4). Check folder “Written mail to myself” and you will find code combination for Lynn’s notebook, the first day of Andy – 2.17. Check “recycle bin”, read email from Justin and you will find new evidence (5). Click on the internet browser and you will find new evidence (6). Close the laptop.

Find the notebook beside the book and enter code 217. Open the notebook and you will new evidence (7).

Click on the kitchen bottom cabinet and you will find new evidence (8). Click on the yellow envelope and you will find new evidence (9).

Click on the cloth drawer and find new evidence (2).

Reply Sarah’s message on your phone. Should I ask Sarah about colorful pieces? Choose “Yes”. You will find new ending – “Junkie”. Choose “No”.

Conversation’s answers with Lynn:

  1. What is the evidence that Lynn is lying? – Picture of Lynn’s parents hiking. You will find new ending “Cut the tie”. The right answer is Chat history of Lynn and Justin.
  2. It is you.
  3. What is the evidence that Lynn faked the story? – Picture in a diary.
  4. What is the evidence that Lynn is lying? – Picture of Lynn’s parents hiking
  5. Why did Lynn need money as soon as possible? – Notice of credit delinquency
  6. What is the reason that Lynn had loaned money? – Drug

The evidences that you have to find:

  1. Poster of Orount (in the wall behind the picture)
  2. Colorful pieces (in the clothes drawer)
  3. Picture of Lynn’s parents hiking (in Mail folder on Lynn’s laptop)
  4. Drug (email from Kevin, Lynn’s laptop)
  5. Email from Justin (Lynn’s laptop in Recycle bin)
  6. Chat history of Lynn and Justin (Lynn’s laptop in internet browser)
  7. Picture in a diary (Lynn’s notebook)
  8. Notice of credit delinquency (the kitchen cabinet)
  9. Loan document (in the kitchen cabinet)

Vanished Anniversary Walkthrough [Chapter 5 – Unhidden truth]

It was July 25th, police office. You have no luck with the police officer. Nobody believes you.

“Do you want to move to Justin’s club room?” – Yes

Talked to Sarah.

“Do you want to move to Justin’s front door?” – Yes

At Justin’s apartment go to the kitchen and get a key from the kitchen drawers. Then go and talk to Daniel.

Go to Aaron’s room and use the key to unlock it. Click on the desk and search the Justin’s stuff from the club room. Click on the dropped mail postage. Go out and talk to Daniel who will be in the living room.

Click on the door bell at Sarah’s front door. Enter the room. Click on the picture above the bed and get an evidence (1). Click on the brown box below the books, open it and find an evidence (2). Click on the white round container at the top of the dresser and collect an evidence (3). Click on the garbage bin and collect an evidence (4). Open the closet and collect an evidence (5). Look under the bed and collect an evidence from the box (6).

First, try to hide on the balcony. You will discover new ending “To Justin”.

Hide in the closet. By looking on the girl from the closet, you will collect an evidence (7).

The evidences that you have to find:

  1. Pictures of Orount (pictures above the bed)
  2. blue earring (in the brown box below the books)
  3. collection of Justin’s stuff (white round container on the top of the dresser)
  4. picture of Ellie and Justin (from the garbage bin)
  5. blonde wig (from the closet)
  6. picture of men (from the box under the bed)
  7. tattoo on girl’s shoulder (by hiding in the closet)

Conversation’s answers with Sarah:

  1. What is the evidence that Sarah was in Justin’s room? – Blue earring
  2. What is the evidence that Sarah was lying? – choose any evidence except Pictures of Orount to have new ending “Faded truth”. The correct answers is Pictures of Orount.
  3. What is the evidence that Sarah was lying? – Picture from Lynn.
  4. What is the evidence that the person in the picture is Sarah? – Blonde wing.
  5. What is another evidence that the person in the picture is Sarah? – Tattoo
  6. What is the evidence that Sarah is lying? – Collection of Justin’s stuff.

You are back to Justin’s apartment. Go to Aaron’s room and find the blue book under his bed. Read it and check the trace of note on the blank page by moving your finger on the screen.

You confronted Aaron to get the truth out! Aaron killed Justin!

After the funeral, wait until all game’s information pass through the screen and unlock new ending “Good bye…”

Vanished Anniversary Walkthrough [Side Story]

Interact with kitten and talk to Aaron. Then move to Alley 3.

Click on the window with bars by the entrance to Evan Villa until your conversation with angry woman. You will find new ending “Suspicious”.

Click on the black garbage bag by the vending machine. Choose “Open the bag” and you will find new ending “Give Up”.

Click on the black garbage bag by the vending machine. Choose “Leave the bag”. Move to Alley 1.

Click on the mailboxes on the right of the entrance. Find the envelope with the cat cafe grand opening invitation and collect an evidence (1). Move to Alley 2.

Find Aaron and talk to him. Move to Alley 4.

Go under the arc and click on the doors of Add Vill entrance to see the kitten. Remember the number 9. Click on the mailboxes. Move to stairs by the Alley 2.

Enter and exit to stairs by Alley 2 few times until you slept down and you will find new ending “Fall Death”.

Move to Alley 4. Go to the doors of Add Vill and click on the lock. You will find the manual of the intercom.

Move to Alley 1. Talk to the delivery man.

Move to Alley 4. Talk to the student on your left. Choose answer “Ignore”. Talk to the student again and choose “Scold”. Talk to the student again and choose “Ask”. The choose “Do you know the password for the Add-villa?”. Ate the end of the conversation you will get an evidence/hint (2).

Move to Alley 2. Talk to Sarah. Then on your left by the green recycling bag collect a hanger.

Move to Alley 3. Look at the grill on the ground by the vending machine. You will see a coin there. Use the found hanger to scoop it. You found an evidence/hint (3). Pu the coin into the vending machine and kick the machine few times to get new hint (4). Click on the coin place in the machine and find a can tab (you wont be able to collect it but I am not sure if it can be skipped…).

Move to Alley 1. Talk to the delivery man and give him the beverage. After the conversation you will get new hint (5).

Move to Add-villa. Click on the dark stain on the wall below the mailboxes. You will find new hint (6).

Move to Alley 2. Click on the pile of boxes and read the mailing label for Evan. You will find first number for the password which is 2 and new hint (7). Click again on the boxes and you will find a cat sleeping there. Choose “Let alone”. Go to the place where Aaron was standing. Collect a scraper which is your new hint (8)

Move to Alley 3. Talk to Daniel. After Daniel leave, collect his green notebook. You found new hint (9).

Move to Add-villa. Click on the manual of the intercom and scrapped down the gum. You will find new hint (10).

Move to Alley 1. Talk to Ellie. She will give a hint by pressing twice ## (11).

Move to Add-villa. Press on the intercom and enter – Head2293##. You saved the kitten and got new ending “Savior”.

The evidences/hints that you have to find:

  1. Cat snack (alley1, mailbox, envelope with grand opening of cat cafe invitation)
  2. Hint from a bully (upon completed conversation with the student)
  3. Coin (by the vending machine. You need to find a hanger to collect the coin.)
  4. Beverage (from the vending machine by using a coin and kicking the machine)
  5. Hint from delivery man (after giving him bottle of beverage)
  6. Hint from a bully (click on the dark stain on the wall below the mailboxes in Add-villa)
  7. Hint written on the box (alley 2, mailing label on the box)
  8. Scraper (alley 2, the place where Aaron was standing)
  9. Suspicious memo from Daniel (it will be on the ground after Daniel leaves)
  10. Hint on intercom manual (after scrapping the gum)
  11. Hint from Ellie (alley 1)

The End! Thank you for playing!

Vanished Anniversary Walkthrough Video

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  1. You guys, this web is making one mistake at bracelet part, hide it. Don’t reveal it to others, if you reveal it, you will get arrested.

    • I checked the video again and can see that you need to choose “Hide” to be arrested. Hmm… Maybe it has been changed after game’s update. Thank you for pointing it. 🙂


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