Scary Horror 2 Escape Games Walkthrough Guide [100%]

scary horror 2 escape game walkthrough

Welcome to Scary Horror 2 Escape Games Walkthrough Guide!

Like little bit of a chill in the escape game. Then you can become a character in new scary game – Scary Horror House 2 or Scary Horror 2 Escape Game. You will have an  incredible horror adventure full of terror and suspense, elaborate riddles, unexpected plot twists, thrilling mysteries and endless horror…

This game is still in the process and new chapters will be added upon their release.

Let’s put our best efforts together into finding answers and solving riddles to win this Scary Horror 2 escape game. We will explore each creepy rooms, will open each locked door, will gather clues and uncover the truth of your abduction. Should we begin?

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Scary Horror 2 Escape Game Story

The game’s story is very short.. On your 30th birthday you will be kidnapped! Someone puts a bag on your head and drags you into the car. Where are they taking you? What’s happening… Scared? Well, you should be…

No worries, even if you are not 30th yet or already far away from it, you still can play Scary Horror House 2 game!

Your unforgettable Scary Horror House 2 adventure will have:

  • Escape room horror with multiple locations
  • Many challenging puzzles and interesting riddles
  • Scary horror story that gives you goosebumps
  • Intriguing plot twists and the ending you never see coming
  • High-quality graphics and realistic picture
  • Eerie atmosphere and spooky sound effects
  • Scary horror games offline and without WiFi
  • Free hints and clear clues
  • Simple controls and user-friendly interface

Scary Horror 2 Escape Game Download Link

You can find it on Google play or just clink on the link below:

Scary Horror 2 Chapter 1 Walkthrough [KIDNAPPING]

You open your eyes in dirty room with dim lights and seems there is no way out! What kind of a wicked game is it? Who plays with you?

  1. Pick metal nippers and cut the lock on the locker. Take a blue hose.
  2. Inspect the bathtub and take a spoon.
  3. Click on the box by the bathtub and solve the puzzle (you may watch walkthrough video at 1:00 minute time). Take a pipe clip.
  4. Click on the body at the corner and remove the cover. Use the spoon to take our an eye and collect a key.
  5. Use blue hose to connect it to the handle on the wall between the two sinks. Click on the hose to drop to down. Use it to go down
  6. Pick up a wrench key from the floor.
  7. Open the green bag, check the notebook and take a paper clip. Use the lunchbox key to unlock the metal box and take a knife. Go back to the washroom.
  8. Click on the body and use the paper clip to unzip the jacket. Take a light bulb.
  9. Click on the bathtub and use wrench key to remove red valve.
  10. Click on the locker and use knife on the box. Take a blue button from inside. Go back to the boiler room.
  11. Click on the wooden box to move it. Install blue button on the boiler panel and solve the puzzle with light switches (you may watch walkthrough video at 2:36 minutes time). Take a fire box key.
  12. Click on the pipe on your right. Install red valve and use clue on the wall, turn triangle and square valves in right order (you may watch walkthrough video at 2:54 minutes time) then red round valve to reduce the pressure. Place the pipe clamp on the hole. Go to the next room.
  13. Click on the cage and take a net. 
  14. Click on the picture and solve the puzzle (you may watch walkthrough video at 3:21 minutes time). Take a stick. Combine it with the net.
  15. Pick up a piece of paper from the top of wooden box on your left.
  16. Click on the wending machine and pick up a screwdriver. Go back to the boiler room.
  17. Click on the metal grill above the wooden box. Remove the broken light bulb and install your light bulb. Use screwdriver to remove the screws. Remove the grill and take a piece paper with the clue for the lock’s combination code – 2631 (2+6+3+1=12 horizontally and 4+3+5=12 vertically). Go back to the hallway.
  18. Unlock the cage by entering 2631. Take a doll hand. Move the boxes and pick up a crowbar. 
  19. Click on the door and use wooden sticks by using crowbar. Go inside.
  20. Pick up a neckerchief from the floor.
  21. Click on the shelf and solve the puzzle by moving the jars according circle sizes/shapes (you may watch walkthrough video at 5:51 minutes time). Take a metal plate from opened space on the wall.
  22. Click on the body and take a key from the pocket.
  23. Go to the room on the right. Click on the metal electric box and use the key to open it. Solve the puzzle (you may watch walkthrough video at 6:15 minutes time). Turn up the handle. Pick up a doll head from the floor (covered by cloth). Click on the chair, remove the belts, attach doll’s hand and head. Take a doll.
  24. Click on the table and pick up a sternum expander. Exit from these two rooms and go back to the washroom.
  25. Use butterfly net and pick up a Coke button from the water. Go back to the hallway and go to the right.
  26. Click on the phone, open the book and place piece of paper from your bag. Dial the number you got: 131-313-910 (X=10). Take a coin.
  27. Click on the small table with green plant on the top. Solve the puzzle (you may watch walkthrough video at 7:38 minutes time). Take a medical scissors. Go back to the room with the body. Use the scissors to cut the threads and open the chest with the sternum expander. take a punched card. Go back to the hallway.
  28. Click on the wending machine, install Coke button and use coin. Take a bottle of Coke. Go to the right.
  29. Use the doll and the bottle of Coke on the traps by throwing them out.
  30. Click on the fire box, open it by using fire box key and take a fire extinguisher. Open the door and go in.
  31. Use the fire extinguisher on the all fires. 
  32. Click on the pictures board on your left. Take a yellow sticky note.
  33. Click on the suitcase and use the neckerchief to clean it. Use the metal key card on the case. Take a book and remember the time on the piece of paper (2:45). 
  34. Pick up a forceps from the chairs on your right.
  35. Click on the clock and enter the time (2:45) and use the punched card, take a round handle. Go back to the fire box.
  36. Use the round handle on the small box inside the fire box. Take an ice breaker. Go back to the room with the hanging body.
  37. Click on the book shelf and insert the book you found. Solve the puzzle (you may watch walkthrough video at 9:40 minutes time). Take a name tag.
  38. Click on the shelf with the jars. Use the forceps to pick up a red ball from the jar. Go the next room on your left.
  39. Click on the paper on the shelf with candles (code clue). The code is 9121 (9-1=8(VIII), 2-1=1(I), 9+2=11(XI) and 1+1=2(II))
  40. Click on the metal drawers. Use the name tag and place them in the right order – Dr.Montgomery (top), Dr.Schroeder (middle) and Dr.Kilstomery (bottom). Open top drawer and take a cylinder with a sleep gas. Open third drawer and create a picture from the pieces. Use the code 91 (top) 21 (bottom) to open the second drawer. Take a scalpel. 
  41. Click on table and use the scalpel on the head. Removes the layers and take a lighter. Go back the boiler room.
  42. Click on the vent and use the lighter. Pick up a tape. Go back to the room with metal drawers.
  43. Click on the third drawer and use tape on the picture. Take it. Go back to the picture board.
  44. Place taped picture on the board and solve the puzzle by moving photos and place them according their shapes (you may watch walkthrough video at 12:03 minutes time). Go inside the hidden room.
  45. Click on the box on your right, place the red ball and solve the puzzle (you may watch walkthrough video at 12:21 minutes time). Take a pencil. 
  46. Click on the freezer and use ice breaker. Open it and take a hose. Combine the hose with the gas cylinder.
  47. Pick up an empty bottle from the floor.
  48. Click on the box on the floor and solve the puzzle (you may watch walkthrough video at 12:50 minutes time). Take a bottle of H2O2.
  49. Click on the table and sharp the pencil. Go back to the room with the hanging body and the room at the left.
  50. Place yellow sticky note on the chair and use the pencil to revile the door code: 681537. Go back to the right.
  51. Use the cylinder with sleep gas on the rats cage. Move the lid and use forceps to take a key out. Go back to the hallway with the hidden room.
  52. Click on the metal doors and enter the code 681537. Enter.
  53. Pick up a piece of paper from the floor (code clue for the lock). 
  54. Click on the sink and pick up a fireman glove. Open water and fill empty glass bottle.
  55. Click on the green monitor on the right. Solve the puzzle – 5+6+9=20 (top), 7+8+4=19 (middle) and 1+3+2=6 (bottom). Take a spray bottle.

Scary Horror 2 CHAPTER 1 [KIDNAPPING] Walkthrough Video


Scary Horror 2  Chapter 2 Walkthrough [HORROR HOUSE]

Click on the flower pot and use garden shovel three times to get letter “H” from the soil. Pay attention to the blood writing on the wall “Hell is here”. It is a clue for combining letters into words puzzle.

Click on the door with the board. Place letters from your bag, “H” and “S” on the board and make sentence “Hell is here”. Take a key. Use this key to unlock the door and go inside.

Pick up a ring from the toy truck. Click on the wall posters and remove them to find a clue for a lock on the drawer. I got blue triangle, yellow star, red cube, yellow triangle, green star. After unlocking it, remove cloth from the shelf by putting them on the top shelf. Pick up a crowbar.

Go back to the hallway and use crowbar to remove the nails from the carpet’s corner. Pick up a sewing needle and the cylinder. Go back to the room.

Go to the right (next room, bedroom), open window curtains and take the ball. Click on table and play mini-game (at 2:20 video time – push and hold the buttons to throw the rings on the pins). Collect the bottle with acid. Click on the bed, take sewing thread by removing snicker. Combine sewing needle and sewing thread in your inventory. Click on the doll on the floor, use the drawing as instructions how to make a doll – put inside white material inside the doll, use sewing needle with thread to sew it, then put on the cloth which is beside the doll. Pick up the doll. Click on the shelf above the bed and place the doll over there, take the key.

Go back to the room on your left, use this key to unlock the safe on the wall with posters. Take the glue bottle. Click on the desk and put photo’s pieces together (watch video at 4:00 time). This photo is the clue for the dolls house.

Go back to the hallway. Use the bottle with acid on the padlock on the metal door to the elevator. Go inside. Pick up the axe head. Pay attention for timing in the message on the wall “He will come at 03:55“. Click on the wall rings and install the ring from your inventory. BY moving the rings around create a picture of the elephant (watch video at 4:55). Take the handle from the opening. Install Button “1” in the panel and press it.

Level 1 hallway. Click on the coffee table and collect newspapers. Pick up the catch net from the floor. Click on the watch tower, open the door and install the cylinder from your inventory then set up the time at 03:55. Take the headless doll from the opening. Click on the statue and collect piece of paper with the clue. Place the ball from your inventory into the statue hand instead and solve the puzzle by comparing two pictures on the box (see solution below or watch video at 06:16 time).


Level 1 hallway (continue). Collect music sheet from the opened box. Go back to the elevator and press level 2.

The room. Go back to the room and click on the doll house. Place the picture of the doll house on the house and arrange the dolls accordingly. Place the doll in the doll house that was found on level 1 (watch video at 06:55). Collect the matches from the opening.

The bedroom. Go to the bedroom and install the handle on the clown box on the desk. Click on the handle and collect the cassette. Click on the bed and catch the spider with net. Click on the spider’s head and collect the clue. Go back to the room.

The room. Look inside the drawer and insert the cassette into the player. Listen and collect the piece of piano keyboard. Go back to the elevator and press level 1.

Level 1 hallway.  Click on the door on your right and use the clue from your inventory to solve the match puzzle. I got – 40213 (watch video at 08:00 time). Go inside.

Level 1 The library. Click on the metal statue and take his hand. Pick up the hammer from the floor. Click on the pillow and remember the number and color (70 purple). Go to the next room.

Level 1 The Piano Room. Pay attention to the numbers on the window (120 red) and on the piano chair (40 blue). Click on the globe and use the numbers to set coordinates on the globe by turning it in the right direction (70 to the right, 120 to the left and 40 to the right – watch video at 08:43). Collect the axe handle and combine the axe blade with it in your inventory. Pick up white broken piece from the floor. Go back to the level 1 hallway.

Level 1 Hallway. Use the axe and remove the wood plates. Go forward. Click on the paint cans, remove them around and pick up the small cable cutter tool. Click on the red box on the floor and use the hammer to get it out. Use the hammer to get out the ladder too. take the ladder and solve the puzzle on the ceiling (watch video at 10:13 time for the solution). Puck up the white broken piece and the metal saw. Go back to the library room.

Level 1 The library. Click on the fireplace, put the newspaper inside and use matches to fire them up. Click on the box on the book shelf and play mini-game (watch video at 11:12). Collect the key. Use this key to unlock padlock by the fireplace and take the fireplace poker stick. Use it to get the key from the fireplace. Go to the piano room.

Level 1 The Piano Room. Click on the table by the window. Collect the folding knife. Go back to the library.

Level 1 The library. Use the folding knife on the coach and collect the padlock. Go back to the hallway.

Level 1 Hallway. Click on the coffee table and use the folding knife to open the box. Collect the game piece. Go back to the piano room.

Level 1 The Piano Room. Click on the table beside the window and install the game piece and watch how the letters pointed by that piece. I got ADEHT which are the letters of the word DEATH . Go back to the library room.

Level 1 The library. Click on the box on the floor and use the word from the game – DEATH. Collect the button. Go back to the hallway where the ladder is.

Level 1 Hallway. Click on the door and install the found button on the board. Solve the puzzle by placing the dots so that the sum of the adjacent ones (watch video at 13:07 or see below). Enter the office.


Level 1 The office. Click on the bust and collect the batteries. Click on the box on the desk and use the key to unlock it. Solve the puzzle by restoring the picture of the ship (watch the video at 13:53). Collect the smoking pipe from the box and the bottle from the desk. Click on the table with the ship model and look at the piece of paper where you will see what pieces are missing. Pick up two ship pieces and install it, collect the remote control. Combine batteries and remote control in your inventory. Pick up the broom by the chair. Go back to the piano room.

Level 1 The Piano Room. Combine two white broken pieces in you inventory and use the glue to connect them. Use glued light fixture cover on the lamp. It will light X on the floor. Use the axe (few times) and destroy the floor at the X. Collect green piece of material. Go back to the hallway.

Level 1 Hallway. Use the metal saw on the metal rods. Go inside the antique room.

Level 1 the Antique room. Click on the wooden barrel and collect the oil bottle. Click on the box at the corner and use the cable cutter tool (few times0 to cut metal spikes wire. Collect the knife from the top of the head and the paint remover bottle. Click on the deer head. Check the blades handles numbers to solve the puzzle which are yellow = IX (the top right), green = IV (the bottom right), blue = XII (the top left) and red = III (the bottom left). Solve the math puzzle 9x(12-4)/3=24. Enter the answer on the deer head. Collect the bunch of garlic. Go back to the library.

Level 1 The library. Click on the head of the statue and use the oil bottle to lubricate it. Open it and collect the handle. Go back to the hallway.

Level 1 Hallway. Combine the paint remover and the green neckerchief in your inventory. Use it on the blue paint on the floor to get the code 8162. Go to the antique room.

Level 1 the Antique room. Install the handle on the pulley and turn it. Clear the broken pieces on the floor and collect the hammer. Go back to the library room.

Level 1 The library. Click on the book shelf and use the clue from your inventory to click on the book in the certain order, according the clue. Collect the piano keyboard piece. Go to the piano room.

Level 1 The Piano Room. Click on the piano and install two pieces of piano keyboard. Use the note sheet to play the melody (watch video at 18:11). Collect the trophy from the opening. Go back to the antique room.

Level 1 the Antique room. Click on the trophies shelf and collect the can opener. Go back to the hallway.

Level 1 Hallway. Use the can opener to open red box on the floor. Collect the neon sticks. Go back to the antique room.

Level 1 the Antique room. Go to the inside and use the neon sticks in the dark room. Use the butch of garlic on the vampire/ Pick up the chain from the floor and use it on the coffin then use the padlock from your inventory to lock the chain. Click on TV and collect the rope from the TV antenna. Adjust antenna that you can see the remote control on TV screen then use the remote control and collect the white hat from inside the TV. Click on the wooden boxes and collect the hook. Combine the hook and the rope. Click on the metal box on the floor. Enter 8162 code to unlock it. Collect the piece of the ship. Go back to the office.Click on the table and use the bottle from the inventory for the empty tray. Pick up the tool and grab the photo from one tray and put inside the other tray, collect the photo. Also collect the crowbar from the table. Use the crowbar on the wooden boxes on the room and collect the metal rod. Go back to the other room and click on the trophies shelf. Use the photos to arrange the trophies accordingly including the trophy from your inventory (watch video at 20:14). Collect the matches and “1”. Use the hook on the wooden barrel to take out the direction arrow. Go back to the office.

Level 1 The office. Click on the bust and place the three-cornered hat on it. Go inside the secret room. Pick up the fishing rod from the floor. Pay attention for color symbols (M blue, i><i green and  Z red). Click on the box on the chair and solve the puzzle by using sticks to create the symbols according to the color of the box (watch video at 21:24 time). Collect “3”. Click on the opening in the wall and use metal hand to help to hold the door. Collect the red flag for the ship model. Click on the glass cabinet and collect “7”. Go back to the office. Click on the board on the wall and place found numbers there then arrange them in according the ropes from each letter in the alphabetical order (watch video at 22:21 time). Honestly I had some issue with this puzzle but I think it was a glitch. The order is 3754216. Collect the cutter and the small key. Go back to the secret room. Click on the brick wall and use the chisel and the hammer by combining them to break it. Collect the cross from the skeleton. Use the cutter and cut off the skeleton’s head, collect it. Use the small key and unlock the glass cabinet, then place the skull and the smoking pipe there. Collect the handle and the broken glass piece. Go back to the office. Click on the ship model and install the red flag and the other piece. Collect small piece of stone with symbol on it. Go back to the secret room and click on the table with the bear. Install the small stone and solve the puzzle by placing the runes so that they can make the symbol in the center (watch video at 24:35 time). Collect the elevator button “3”. Go back to the elevator, install the button and press it.

Level 3. Click on the small table in the corner and collect the big knife. Click on the desk and sharp the knife. Click on the bear and use the knife. Collect the hammer and the fishing hook. Combine the fishing rod and the fishing hook. Use it to bring the hatch door ladder down. Go up. Collect the vinyl record. Click on the gramophone, collect the chalk, place the vinyl record and install the handle. Click on the handle. Collect the candles. Use the broom to clean the floor. Install the black candles and use the matches. Then use the chalk to compete the drawing on the floor. Click on the mummy box and collect two piece of wood. Use the cross on the mummy and collect the plasma cutter. Go down and use the plasma cutter on the metal head at the corner and collect the nails. Go upstairs and click on the broken ladder. Collect the key and go downstairs. Click on the crow on the table and use the silver key. Collect the broken glass piece. Go up and click on the broken ladder, remove the broken pieces by the hammer and nail the new plates. Go on the roof.

Level 3 the Roof. Click on the chimney and install the arrow. Click on the arrow and collect the piece of paper with letters. Click on the statue and collect the medical scissors. Click on the nest and collect the white cloth.  Click on the empty nest and collect the butterfly. Go back and downstairs.

Level 3. Click on the board with butterflies and place the butterfly that you found. Solve the puzzle by pointing out pairs of the identical butterflies (watch video at 28:37 time). Collect the basket. Go on the roof.

Level 3 the Roof. Use the basket and collect the eggs. Solve the puzzle with the knots (watch video at 29:01). Collect the rope. Go back downstairs.

Level 3. Click on the mummy and use the scissors to cut the it, collect the broken glass piece. Click on the broken mirror and arrange all glass pieces in the right order. Then use piece of paper with letters on the mirror to get proper letters. Go on the roof.

Level 3 the Roof. Click on the statue and choose the letters from the clue on the wall. Collect the ring. Combine the ring and the rope. Put the eggs inside the empty nest and the metal rod will appear. Install the rope on it and climb down.

The end of the chapter 2 of Escape Horror 2 Escape Game!

Scary Horror 2 Chapter 2 [HORROR HOUSE] Walkthrough Video

Scary Horror 2  Chapter 3 Walkthrough [LIBERATION]


Coming soon…

Scary Horror 2 Chapter 3 [LIBERATION] Walkthrough Video


Scary Horror 2  Coins, Secret Room and 2nd Ending


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