The White Bird Carnival Walkthrough Guide

the white bird carnival walkthrough

Welcome to The White Bird Carnival Walkthrough Guide!

Are you fan of CottonGames? Then you will be glad to play another game that was released on October 23 2020 – The White Bird Carnival. The game is another great inspiring story that will bring you in the home town of David and his childhood memories. To enjoy the game and have all tricky points of the game, we prepare The White Bird Carnival Walkthrough Guide. Even so, please share your game experience with others by leaving your comment below.

[lwptoc skipHeadingLevel=”h1,h2″]

The game information

The White Bird Carnival CHAPTER 1 [Heading Home] Walkthrough Guide

The White Bird Carnival Chapter 1 is the introduction to the game. David received a letter from the lawyer regarding his grandfather’s inheritance. It’s time for David to go back to his childhood memories.

  1. Click on the envelope above the letter to collect a photo inside. See picture below.
  2. the white bird carnival chapter 1 photo
  3. Go through David’s thoughts till he is in the car.
  4. David is ready to drive, so you need to choose right action to start the car. See picture below.
  5. the white bird carnival chapter 1 car
  6. Go through the opening credits then click on the white bird on the top of the house, so the white bird will fly off and click on the pine tree to get a pine cone. See picture below.

the white bird carnival chapter 1 pine cone

The chapter 1 is completed.

The White Bird Carnival Chapter 1 Walkthrough Video

The White Bird Carnival CHAPTER 2 [Granpa’s House] Walkthrough Guide

David arrived in the grandpa’s house and his journey to his childhood memories begin.


  1. First you need to find the grandpa’s house on the map. See picture below.
  2. the white bird carnival granda house
  3. Scroll up David’s thoughts until screen with two pictures of David and grandpa. Click on the top one to get a photo. See picture below.
  4. the white bird carnival grandpa house photoOn the second picture, you will see number 1015 which is the code to the safe. Remember it. See picture below.
  5. the white bird carnival safe codeScroll up and read David’s memory about his grandma. Remember the time to go to the bed which is 9:15pm. See picture below.
  6. the white bird carnival clock timeNext is the house hallway. Click on the small statue on the left cabinet and collect it. Then you need to connect three disks in the way below.
  7. the white bird carnival disksNext screen is you are in the room. Click on the pillow and collect a tooth (or look like it). Then click on the wall clock and set your bed time by moving arrows to exactly 9:15.
  8. When David is hungry and want to go down. Move light circle around the stairs to explore the area. To turn the light on, move the light circle above the wall lamp, like you are putting a light bulb inside.
  10. Next screen is little bit annoying because you need to deal with “Tick-tick” sound. I found out that you need to click on the letters of the sound so try to catch it on time (you will hear different sound if you caught it on time). Then you will be able to get to the bottom on the screen to next one.
  11. You are at the door. Click on the handle’s screw to unscrew it and go in. Scroll it to the left and get the screen with the chess figures puzzle. Pick up two item, a stamp and a card. See picture below.
  12. the white bird carnival card and photoThen solve the puzzle by move the figures to their right places according the figures colors. See picture below.
  13. the white bird carnival puzzleNext screen is the safe. Use the code that was on the picture which is 1015 to open it.
  14. Place pieces of the fish’s picture on the robot together to create a fish.
  15. Read the information that David found by clicking on the yellow coloured words.
  16. Go through few screens, until when David felt into the water and fish around him. Click on the fish to get rid of them.
  17. Two hands screen, try to connect hands by clinking on the small ones.
  19. Go through couple of screens, until reflection screen. This screen will give some hints for your next steps. As popular car model code which is 5025. See picture below. Also pay attention of reflection position of the blue, brown, yellow and green stones.
  20. the white bird carnival popular car model codeTo solve the puzzle with color switches, see the solution’s picture below. It will turn on the skywheel.the white bird carnival color switches puzzle
  21. In this screen, move the skywheel and choose the skywheel cabin with broken glass. Inside you may move the leaves around and click on the bag.
  22. Go through the item in the bag, read all piece of papers. Remember the date – Saturday, October 14 1978.  See picture below.the white bird carnival calendar date
  23. After reading all these information, David will see a ghost of Danny and promise him to solve this case.

The chapter 2 is completed.

The White Bird Carnival Chapter 2 Walkthrough Video

The White Bird Carnival CHAPTER 3 [The Beach] Walkthrough Guide


  1. From the first screen, remember the wedding anniversary number which is 52985. Pick up a small figure and a sea star from the sand.
  2. The third screen has a puzzle that can be solved as picture below.
  3. the white bird carnival beach puzzle

The chapter 3 is completed.

The White Bird Carnival Chapter 3 Walkthrough Video

The White Bird Carnival CHAPTER 4 [Gemstone Ring] Walkthrough Guide


  1. Press the blue button till you can collect a piece of paper, flower ring, yellow jewellery, the lighter and green bowl with the stick (the name of the items is my personal description only). If you have better idea what an item is, please share it in the comments below.
  2. Open the jewellery box with the code that is the wedding anniversary from the Chapter 3 [The beach] – 52985.
  3. Shred the piece of paper by pressing dirty yellow button on the left to proceed.

The chapter 4 is completed.

The White Bird Carnival Chapter 4 Walkthrough Video

The White Bird Carnival CHAPTER 5 [Disappearance] Walkthrough Guide

  1. Collect the green leaf from the top of the box.
  2. Open the box and take all jewellery.
  3. Open the box and put everything back.

The chapter 5 is completed.

The White Bird Carnival Chapter 5 Walkthrough Video

The White Bird Carnival CHAPTER 6 [Jigsaw Puzzle] Walkthrough Guide


  1. Solve the puzzle on the Chapter 6 screen as picture below
  2. the white bird carnival chapter 6 puzzleClear the screen by the finger to see it. Have a conversation between Danny and his mother.
  3. Next screen puzzle is to move a blue ball to collect all yellow dots by tilting your device’s screen (left/right).

The chapter 6 is completed.

The White Bird Carnival Chapter 6 Walkthrough Video

The White Bird Carnival CHAPTER 7 [A Box Of Matches] Walkthrough Guide

  1. You can a box of matches on the screen of chapter 7 to proceed.
  2. To print a picture, press the following combination R-L-L-R-L. Proceed to the next screen.
  3. To solve colors puzzle and proceed to the next screen, create the colors combination as picture below. Collect a broken glass piece.
  4. the white bird carnival color puzzleWhen you reach the screen with all known people picture, click on them and collect a jar with pills, a book, a metal clip, three red feathers and a peppermint gym (my personal description). If you have better words to describe the items, please share it in the comment below.
  5. Combine cubes together and click on the white circle at the left corner.

The chapter 7 is completed.

The White Bird Carnival Chapter 7 Walkthrough Video

The White Bird Carnival CHAPTER 8 [The Ball] Walkthrough Guide


  1. Heart puzzle, create a heart by moving corners of the tread.
  2. Heart rhythm puzzle, you need to merge two rhythms together by moving two handles below.
  3. Go through the screens to follow the story.

The chapter 8 is completed.

The White Bird Carnival Chapter 8 Walkthrough Video

The White Bird Carnival CHAPTER 9 [Maintenance Report] Walkthrough Guide

  1. Click on the word Maintenance to have a word Report to be lifted up.
  2. Sole the pipes puzzle as picture below
  3. the white bird carnival pipes puzzleBy moving red handle up and down, make a conversation between Danny’s father and his boss. Then enter the number of popular car model from the Chapter 2 which is 5025 to proceed.
  4. Go through the conversation between a boy and the park owner.

The chapter 9 is completed.

The White Bird Carnival Chapter 9 Walkthrough Video

The White Bird Carnival CHAPTER 10 [Lily] Walkthrough Guide


  1. Read the screens about Lily, the daughter of the park owner.
  2. On the numbers’ puzzle screen, collect a tree toy and move matches box to find number 3. To solve the puzzle, see picture below
  3. the white bird carnival lily puzzleNext screens are completing whole story about Lily.

The chapter 10 is completed.

The White Bird Carnival Chapter 10 Walkthrough Video

The White Bird Carnival CHAPTER 11 [David] + THE END Walkthrough Guide

  1. David is at the amusement park and trying to play darts.
  2. On the screen with the game owner, collect a coin from the counter.
  3. On the screen with a robot, click on the robot, so David can steal it and run.
  4. Danny what David did and run after him.
  5. Click on Danny’s back so David can push him into the lake.
  6. David comes home and realize that… it was him in the his childhood who pushed Danny into the lake. He asked Grandma what day is it, she replied Friday. Remember it.
  7. On the calendar screen, as you remember from the Chapter 2 – Saturday October 14 1978. But because Gradma said that it is Friday then your date is Friday, October 13.
  8. Scroll all screen to the end of the David’s story.
  9. The end is about realizing the robot into the lake, and acknowledging what was done and the final connection with Danny.

The game is completed.

The White Bird Carnival Chapter 11 + The End Walkthrough Video

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