The Final Rescue Escape Room Walkthrough [100%]


Welcome to The Final Rescue Escape Room Walkthrough!


The Final Rescue Escape Room will bring in the environment when you are the last human to survive and find a way to save! The game is the new development from Nexondeck.

Our world is infected by a deadly virus. As a last human, you need to survive in what is left of the city, and who knows maybe from the world.

There is only one way to save the world, by reversing the effects of the virus. It is your only mission! You have a clue that there was a scientist who was working on an antidote. Your hope is to find something in his house, it is only the beginning…

The Final Rescue is an escape puzzle room game with the mechanics of 3D rotating rooms. Collect items to unlock the doors by solving puzzles. Explore many mysterious room, play exciting puzzle besides a great story of our life, to save the world!

Let’s play together and this The Final Rescue Escape Room walkthrough guide will give you a hand when you needed. Enjoy the game!

Please leave your comment below if some points of the walkthrough is not correct or can be done differently.

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The Final Rescue Escape Room Game Information

The Final Rescue Escape Room Map 1 [House]

The keys locations:

  • red key – outside the house, at bottom of the tree
  • grey key – under the round rug in the bedroom

The kitchen oven clue – turn off the lights in the bedroom and look at the night tables (see pictures below for more details).



The TV code clue – in the garbage basket in the dining room. Calculation is the following – divide by 2, multiply by 2, add 2 and minus 2 (see picture below).

tvcodepuzzleThe dinning table chairs clue – turn on TV, use code 2862 and look at the pictures. Pay attention for the position of the door at the back of dining table to know how to use the clue (see picture below)


The guitar clue – listen the cassette that can be found in the drawer of the table in the office (see picture below)


Walkthrough Video

If the video doesn’t play from the page, just press on YouTube and it will bring you to YouTube channel to play the below video.

The Final Rescue Escape Room Map 2 [Laboratory]

The key location:

  • grey key – on the roof of laboratory. Use red ladder which can be found at the back of the laboratory.

Maze Puzzle solution


Cafeteria puzzle solution

There are two food trays and two bills are not paid. One meal is $7.89, so two meals are $15.78. Enter this amount on the cashier machine. The receipt will show the total of $16.68. Remember this number because it is a code for the door into a lab.

Chemical formula puzzle solution


Computer password puzzle solution

The number from the chemical formula’s calculation (86, 90, 46 & 103) represent chemical element from the Periodic Table of the Elements from the lab (see picture below)


The computer password is RNTHPDLR.

Teleport machine solution steps (this is very confusing puzzle for me. I did use help from the developer’s hint video):

  1. year 2050 – teleport. Look at the machine and remember the symbol.
  2. year 2051 – teleport. Go to the computer room and find a card 9 of the hearts beside the microscope.
  3. year 2052 – teleport. Look at the machine and remember the symbol.
  4. year 2054 – teleport. Look at the machine and remember the symbol. Go outside and find a card 2 of the spades behind the building.
  5. year 2055 – teleport. Look at the machine and remember the symbol.
  6. year 2056 – teleport. Go to the recreation room and look at the symbols connection maze. By connection symbols, you will a code for the box (see below picture)


6. year 2057 – teleport. Go to the lab and find a card 7 of the clubs on the floor.

7. year 2058 – teleport. Go to the cafeteria and find a card 4 of the diamonds on the floor.

8. year 2050 – From all above you will have the code: 2479 and symbols (see the picture above) for the box on the hallway.

Walkthrough Video

If the video doesn’t play from the page, just press on YouTube and it will bring you to YouTube channel to play the below video.

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