Stray Cat Doors 3 Walkthrough Guide [All Stages Solved]

stray cat doors 3 walkthrough

Welcome to Stray Cat Doors 3 Walkthrough!

Stray Cat Doors3 is the 3rd instalment of Stray Cat Doors, very popular cat adventure series from the bright minds at Pulsmo. Have you played it already? Not yet, then you may explore this game with my Stray Cat Doors 3 Walkthrough guide to get full excitement of the game without stopping or frustration of being stuck.

Stray Cat Doors3 Cat Adventure’ Game Information

This game is not only about escaping. It is much more to it like a dress-up feature (collect outfits by spending your game coins) and enjoy the reactions of cute kittens, collect cats stamps and photo albums. The coins are collectible through the game stages and by viewing additional ads for more.

Initially when the game was released there were only 5 stages actually 6 because of the stage 0. The developer is adding new stages as they are ready. Let’s dive into Stray Cat Doors 3 Walkthrough!

Stray Cat Doors 3 Stage 0 Walkthrough

This stage of the game is simply introduction of the game and the game’s tutorial. It helps to navigate through the game and get more deep into the story line.

Stray Cat Doors 3 Stage 0 Walkthrough Video

Stray Cat Doors 3 Stage 1 Walkthrough

This stage of the game is about Cooking competition where you need to help cooking lady to win it. and find the ingredients for that she needs.

The proper tomatoes arrangements is according their weight. Take each tomato, weight it and place on it on the spot with their weight number. By solving this puzzle, you can collect first door piece (1/4) and a red tomato for a burger.

The puzzle with the color blocks according the clue on the yellow board (see below).

stray cat doors walkthrough blocks puzzle

The mice puzzle is based on the clue above their heads (see below). You can collect second door piece (2/4) and a piece of cheese for the burger.

stray cat doors3 mice puzzle

Bread section needs to have a green paw button and use of the clue on the ground, red and green paws steps order. Use this order to press the buttons: G-R-R-G-R-G-G-G. You can collect third door piece (3/4) and a bun for the burger.

Make the floor flower the same color according the picture. Red color is to open the gate and green color to collect a green lettuce for the burger.

After giving four items (cheese, tomato, bun and lettuce) to the cooking lady, she gives you a clue, what should be in the burger, the order. Use this clue to get an apple (see below). The competition is over and the fourth door piece (4/4) can be retrieved.

stray cat doors 3 burger puzzle

Stray Cat Doors 3 Stage 1 Walkthrough Video

Stray Cat Doors 3 Stage 2 Walkthrough

This stage of the game is about pirates, wow! The let’s dive in…

To cross the river, the bridge need to be built. You have only three tries to do it (see below).

stray cat doors 3 bridge puzzle
stray cat doors 3 bridge puzzle 2
stray cat doors 3 bridge puzzle 3

To pass the frog, the puzzle need to solved with a clue from underwater. The pot need to be used to see the clue. The solution is below. You can collect first door piece (1/4).

stray cat doors 3 puzzle 1

To cross the river and have a cat companion, press the follow combination color buttons: Green – Purple – Orange/Red, after the cat sits on the yellow button, press Blue – Orange/Red.

To collect second door piece (2/4), need to solve a shells puzzle underwater. Press Green – Blue above the water, then go underwater and press colorfull button and collect the door piece.

Use the green panel to get a clue of shapes order for the next puzzle (see below) which opens the door underwater after you shoot the sun button above the water.

stray cat doors 3 green panel puzzle

Use the yellow panel to get a clue to solve the next puzzle ( how many corners shape has and the order to follow). The solution is 4-4-3-9-5-3. It will bring the column with blue button that you need to shoot to able to go forward and collect the third door piece (3/4).

To get on the ship, the puzzle has be solved. The puzzle’s clue is on the board (the way has to be used to reach the destination). The solution is below.

stray cat doors 3 pirate ship puzzle

To get the last door piece from the pirate, use the clue that need to get by cleaning with broom floor of the ship. The solution is below.

stray cat doors3 shells puzzle

Collect the fourth door piece (4/4), use all four pieces on the door and escape!

Stray Cat Doors 3 Stage 2 Walkthrough Video

Stray Cat Doors 3 Stage 3 Walkthrough

This stage of the game is help to baby bird to find her/his mother. Your companion is yellow cat who has ability to make electricity, wow! 🙂

There are two clues from the same lampposts where yellow cat was found – how big is the light and the letter associate to this lamppost. The solution for the puzzle with these clues is below.

stray cat doors 3 letters puzzle

After finding the green panel and put in the place,switch it with bottom brown panel to have access to extra map level.

The person sitting on the bench has a clue for the next puzzle, how to count number of letters in the word or two words. Count the letters in each name of the books: Chase – 05, Doctor – 06, Family Love – 64, Wild Bird – 44. Look at the suitcase on the bench to find the clue what to do with numbers. Then combine Doctor + Wild Bird – 4406 and Chase + Family Love – 0564. Then find summary of 4406 + 0564 = 4970. Enter it to unlock the suitcase lock (see below). Collect the key. Use this key on the padlock to gain the first door piece (1/4).

stray cat doors 3 stage 3 walkthrough

At the same map level, use yellow cat to get a clue from the fountain’s colors. Remember how many of each color and enter these numbers on suit case lock which are Yellow=2, Blue=8, Red-5 and Green=4 – 2854. Collect orange board.

Install orange board on the left side of the panel to unlock map’s levels.

The clue from the menu board for Blue cake=24, Green cake=6, Red cake=8 and Yellow cake=46. The clue from the table plates – Blue cake cut in two peaces 24/2=12 (value of each peace), Green cake 6/2=3 (value for each peace) and Yellow cake 46/2=13 (value for each peace). The solution for the padlock is Round = Green and Yellow cakes – 3+23=26 and Square = Whole Red + Half Yellow + Half Blue + Half Green = 8+23+12+3=46. See below. Collect the second door piece (2/4).

stray cat doors 3 padlock puzzle

Move the green board to the right, yellow to the bottom and brown to the left.

The brick wall has a clue for the next puzzle that show “x” and “o” positions for bird, cat, dog and fish.

Switch two boards – brown to the right and green to the left.

Use the clue from the brick wall on the lamppost puzzle (see below). Collect yellow/green board. Install this board to have access new map levels.

stray cat doors 3 xo puzzle

Switch the yellow/green board with green board.

Check the board with a clue and find the intersection’s points numbers, the example how to find them in the top right corner of the board. GreenRed=4, GreenBlue=6, PurpleBlue=5, PurpleRed=4 and BlueRed=3.

Switch orange board with green, green with yellow/green and yellow/green with brown one. Then go and use switch to open the door. Then switch brown with green board and orange with green. Collect the third door piece (3/4).

The mailbox puzzle’s clue is the colors interceptions numbers (see below). To get final padlock key.

stray cat doors 3 mailbox puzzle

The baby bird is at home! Well done! Collect the fourth door peace (4/4). Time to go home…

Stray Cat Doors 3 Stage 3 Walkthrough Video

Stray Cat Doors 3 Stage 4 Walkthrough

This stage is all about two sisters who got in the argument… Can you help them to be friends again?

The puzzle with two boards is make their patterns symmetrical. You will get one blue egg and one purple egg (see below)

stray cat doors2 stage 4 two boards puzzle

Use these two eggs on the pedestal to remove the fences on the right and the left. Don’t forget to remove the eggs, you will need to use them again further in the game. Collect the door piece on the right (1/4).

During the game check all vases to collect different items that will be used later.

You need to catch a baby monkey to collect bananas from his/her mom. Give bananas to the monkey at the market and collect the ticket. Give this move ticket to the man. To collect a purple egg, below are all pictures that need to assemble in the movie theatre:

stray cat doors 3 stage 4 movie theatre puzzle
stray cat doors 3 movie theatre  2 puzzle
stray cat doors 3 movie theatre 3 puzzle

Below is the cactus’s’ right positions to unlock the elevator. on the top, pick an item and use the switch to put down the fence with the door piece on top. Collect the door piece (2/4).

stray cat doors 3 cactus puzzle

The peach can be found in one of the vase at 4-5 map. Give it to the monkey on the market to get an item for an elephant’s decorations. that you need to for a puzzle later. To collect one more blue egg, need to solve the birds puzzle. The clue and the birds puzzle solution is below:

stray cat doors 3 stage 4 birds puzzle

Map 4-6, collect the item on the top of the tent and use the switch to put down the fence with the door piece on top. Collect it (3/4).

The elephants puzzle’s solution is below:

stray cat doors 3 elephants puzzle

Map 4-8, the floor has two clues for rolling puzzle on the right. Collect two items. The solutions are below:

stray cat doors 3 rolling puzzle

The puzzle clue on the left is the color of the lights on the numeric boxes and the number formed with the same light on the globe. Collect two items. Below is the solution:

stray cat doors3 numbers puzzle
stray cat doors 3 lights puzzle

Install these four items on the picture frame and collect the fourth piece of the door’s lock (4/4).

Thank you for helping two sisters to be together again!

Stray Cat Doors 3 Stage 4 Walkthrough Video

Stray Cat Doors 3 Stage 5 Walkthrough

Stray Cat Doors 3 Stage 5 Walkthrough Video

Stray Cat Doors 3 Stage 6 Walkthrough

Stray Cat Doors 3 Stage 6 Walkthrough Video


I hope this Stray Cat Doors 3 walkthrough guide helps you in various ways to get the most out of the game. If you can say that this guide was helpful or you discover some tips and tricks that are not mentioned here, I would love to hear from you! Share your experience with others by leaving your comment below.

You may come back to check for updates and new Stray Cat Doors 3 walkthroughs as new stages may be added in Stray Cat Doors 3. Happy gaming!

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