Nobodies Silent Blood Walkthrough Guide

nobodies silent blood walkthrough

Welcome to Nobodies Silent Blood Walkthrough!

I am so exited to help all of you to play third game in Nobodies series from Blyts, Nobodies: Silent Blood. If you never play these series than give a try.

Do you remember first Nobodies game, Nobodies Murder Cleaner, and the second game, Nobodies After Death? The new game offers short stories in the different locations. You are an Asset 1080, a legendary cleaner who finish covering up someone’s assassination job. Don’t leave any evidence of your present!

There are 14 operations there in the game. The last operation, Crossroads, has two endings. Below you will find all missions covered, Nobodies Silent Blood Full Walkthrough Guide.

Nobodies Silent Blood’s Game Information

The game is absolutely FREE with some ads during the Nobodies Silent Blood gameplay.

Nobodies Silent Blood Wakthrough Guide

“2009: An unidentified researcher with the alias Satoshi Nakamoto releases Bitcoin, a supposedly untraceable cryptocurrency. Crime syndicates flock to it.

Intelligence agency cryptographers anonymously join the Bitcoin project and contribute an invisible backdoor into its security protocol.

Equipped with a direct feed of illicit business activity, the agency commences a manhunt to eliminate the world’s criminal financiers and their clients.”

Nobodies Silent Blood Operation Groundwater

This is the first operation of the game. It is a self-explanatory mission where you will have tutorials that will help you to play the rest of the game.

Nobodies Silent Blood Operation Last Rites

  • Collect a wooden block, a pin by the crematory door. Collect a hacksaw and a hose near the body. Pick up the body.
  • In your inventory, use the hacksaw on the wooden block to get a wooden wedge and on the hose to get a hose segment.
  • Use the wooden wedge on the entrance door and the pin to fix the door.
  • Inside, collect a document and a bucket. Use the hacksaw on the second oven door to find a collectible (belt). Open the first oven door, put the body in.
  • Outside, use the bucket to fill with water. Use the bucket of water on the fire to have a bucket of hot water. Use the document on the fire to get burning paper.
  • Inside, turn on the gas. In your inventory, put the hose segment into the bucket of hot water to have expanded hose segment. Use it on the gas pipe. Put burning paper inside the oven. Dump out the hot water on the dust then use the hose on the dust (Take a Deep Breath achievement).
  • Don’t leave any evidences – turn off the gas, remove extended hose segment from the gas pipe, put back on the ground the hacksaw and the hose into the garbage bin, burn the extended hose segment (Extra Crispy achievement).

Nobodies Silent Blood Operation Spillway

  • Collect a dead branch.
  • Talk to the guard and get a clue about the bugs and whats in the building. Collect a wire from the ground and a hacksaw from the trunk of the truck.
  • Use the hacksaw to cut the branch with beehive to collect it.
  • Use the beehive for the guard. Use the wire to unlock the truck door. Collect a lighter from the gloves box. Use the dead branch and the lighter to get rid of bees.
  • Inside, collect a shovel and pull down two levers to turn off water flowing of the damn.
  • Use the shovel to dig the hole. Collect the body and put it into the hole. Use the shovel to cover it up.
  • Inside, pull up the two levels for water to flow.
  • Don’t leave any evidences – put the shovel back, put the lighter inside the glove box and close it, close the truck door and locked it with wire, put the wire on the ground and the hacksaw back to the trunk, put back the dead branch (A Dam Good Job achievement).

Nobodies Silent Blood Operation Airlift

  • Collect an oil can.
  • Inside, collect a strap from the cabinet. Talk to the pilot.
  • Outside, use oil can by the wheel.
  • Inside, talk to the pilot about oil stain on the ground. Collect a collectible (jacket), a cellphone, an ID and a clipboard. In the inventory use magnify glass to look at the ID, birthday numbers 5-9-74 are the code to unlock the cellphone. Use magnify glass on the cellphone and enter code 5974 to unlock it. Text to Vivian: “but I hate apples” then “c u tonite babe? wife thinks im working ;)”. After receiving reply delete those two messages. Put the cellphone the ID back on the seat. Check the clipboard by using magnify glass and follow this checklist. Using the microphone talk to the tower, “flight L345 ready to taxi to runway.” Close the door, click on green “OFF” to reset it, click on “L” and “R” to run the engines and pull down the level to take off. Put the clipboard back on the seat, press “BD” to open the cargo door.
  • Place the strap on the door handle and open the door to go to the back door by using strap.
  • Take a flare from the first aid box and collect a bag with parachute. Use the flare.
  • In the cabin, set the number of altitude to 10000 to jump.
  • Use the parachute to jump from the back door (Stick the Landing achievement).

Nobodies Silent Blood Operation Manifest

  • Collect a rotten fish.
  • Use the rotten fish on the cat to have the cat as asset 1081.
  • Inside, collect a laser pointer, a cardboard cutout and RC car. In the inventory, combine the cardboard cutout with the RC car to get the perfect decoy. Collect a barrel.
  • Pu the cat inside the window with the bars. Use the laser pointer for the cat to press the red bottom. Inside, collect a paint, a dead body and a sticker. Open the laptop and use dead body for fingerprint. Put the dead body back on the floor.
  • Use the perfect decoy on the guard. Look at the country flag on the ship and the container number which is 9417.
  • Inside the office, choose Djibouti country and remember sealing code which is GWL, find the container 9417 and remember the code which is 8163. Collect the dead body. In the inventory, use paint on the barrel, place the sticker on the barrel and put the dead into it.
  • Outside the ship, put the painted barrel on the sealing device and use the code GWL to seal it.
  • On the ship, unlock the container with the code 8163. Put the barrel inside and close the doors.
  • Don’t leave any evidences – log out and close the laptop, put the paint back and close all doors, use the laser pointer and the cat to lock the office, put the laser back and close the lid (Cat Burglar achievement).

Nobodies Silent Blood Operation Zinfadel

  • Collect a blue hose, a bucket and a ladder. Remember the name of the winery – Nash wines.
  • Inside the house, collect a large jug, a pruning shears and a pipe wrench from the closet. Collect a brochure from the table. Open the clock and collect a gear by putting timing ate 4 o’clock.
  • Inside the barn, collect a bag of yeast and a bottle of grapeseed oil. Remember the default combination of the lock – ABCD.
  • On the field, collect grapes and a branch by using pruning shears.
  • Inside the barn, enter NASH on the lock to open the door. Put the grapes into the crusher, put the bucket underneath and install the gear. Turn the handle to get a bucket of crushed grapes. Install the ladder by the fermentation tank, empty the bucket of crushed grapes into it and put the bag of yeast inside too. Use the large jug as grapes ferment. Install the branch on the small press barrel. Collect the ladder.
  • Outside, install the ladder by the house. Use the grapeseed oil on the valve. Turn the valve off. Use the wrench to collect a red pump. Combine the pump and the hose in the inventory.
  • Collect the dead body from the house and a silage bag outside.
  • Inside the barn, open the door of the left barrel to dump out the wine, close the door. Connect the pump to the right barrel and transfer the wine to the left barrel. Open the door and put the silage bag with dead body inside into the barrel and close the door. Connect the pump to the left barrel and transfer the wine back to the right barrel. Empty the large jug into the left barrel.
  • Don’t leave any evidences – return the lock code to the default combination – ABCD and other items to their original places (Grapes of Wrath achievements).

Nobodies Silent Blood Operation Tee Time

  • Inside coffee shop, collect a sugar packets and ask about a chocolate bar which is required a voucher. Collect a golf club from the bag.
  • Inside the kindergarten, collect an jar and a paints. Talk to the babysitter.
  • Outside, combine the sugar and the jar. Put it beside the ants and collect the jar of ants. Collect a golf ball from the other side. Combine the gold ball and the golf club.
  • Outside #3, use the golf club with ball to collect a voucher.
  • Inside coffee shop, collect a chocolate bar by using the voucher.
  • Inside the kindergarten, give the chocolate bar to the boy. Leave and come back to collect a stress ball.
  • Outside, use the jar of ants on the mascot. Collect a coin from the phone, call NOBUGS phone number which is 335-5897.
  • Outside on the parking lot, collect a pesticide sprayer from the NOBUGS truck.
  • Inside the employee only, use the pesticide sprayer to clear the ants. Collect a grinder and use it on the top third locker to get a collectible (pants). Collect an epoxy jar.
  • Outside #7, talk to the players about a tornado and put the stress ball for them to play.
  • Inside the employee only, collect the mascot and the big ball.
  • Outside on the parking lot, collect a dead body and put it into the novelty golf ball.
  • Outside #7, use the grinder and put the dead body inside and use epoxy. Combine blue and yellow paint to create a green mixture by using magnify glass on the paints. Use the paint.
  • Don’t leave any evidences (Hole in One achievement).

Nobodies Silent Blood Operation Slalom

  • Talk to the medic, get the tip about black runs.
  • Inside, collect a blower, bags of salt, a screwdriver and a pickaxe.
  • Outside by the yellow snowblower, collect a green run sign.
  • Outside on the top, collect a black run sign.
  • Outside by meteorologic station, collect a wire coil. Use the blower to create a wind. Use the screwdriver to remove a latch from the opened box.
  • Outside on the top, install a green slope sign. Remove the sign after a novice skier wiped out.
  • Outside by med tent, collect a stretcher. Use the pickaxe to collect a wooden plank from the bench. Collect a rock by the bench.
  • Outside of the cave, use the rock and the wooden plank to push the large rock down the hill. Take the wooden plank back.
  • Outside by meteorologic station, open the box and collect a battery.
  • Outside by yellow snowblower, install the wire coil and connect the battery to it. Put the bags of salt in front of the yellow snow blower. Dig a hole with the pickaxe.
  • Inside, collect a dead body and put it on the stretcher.
  • Outside by the yellow snow blower, put the dead body into the hole. Use the pickaxe to cover it. Turn on the snow blower to cover it with the snow. Remove the battery and the wire coil.
  • Don’t leave any evidences – put everything back in their original places (Power Day achievement).

Nobodies Silent Blood Operation Food Chain

  • Talk to the maintenance person. Collect a shears by the tree.
  • Inside the washroom, collect a shaving cream.
  • Outside by the fountain, collect a pendant and a string from the garbage bin.
  • Inside the vet, talk to the vet person to get a clue about lions meat, bear and bats that are afraid of light.
  • Outside the monkeys cage, collect a stick. Put the pendant in the machine. Use monkey to get a flashlight from the maintenance person.
  • Outside the bear cage, combine the stick, the string and the shears. Use it to collect a banana from the tree. Use the shaving cream on the bear.
  • Outside the monkeys cage, give the banana to monkey to collect the flashlight.
  • Outside the bats cage, use the flashlight so the door to the fridge will be left opened.
  • Inside the veterinary, talk to the doctor about the bear. Collect a syringe and use it on the green bottles to get an antibiotics.
  • Inside the fridge, inject the antibiotics into the meat.
  • Inside the washroom, collect a dead body. Use the flashlight on the drain and collect a collectible (tie pin).
  • Outside the lions, dropped the dead body into the lions’ area.
  • Don’t leave any evidences – put everything back in their original places, except the syringe (The Lion Eats Tonight achievement). It can be dump into the dumpster.

Nobodies Silent Blood Operation Mulligan

  • Talk to Phil and get his social security number which is 46-279-5390. Four last numbers are important.
  • Outside by the jackpot sign, collect a golf club.
  • Outside the office building, collect a bag of gold balls.
  • Back to Phil and use the golf club to knock him down. Collect the keys.
  • Outside of the office building, unlock all three doors using the keys.
  • Inside the storage room, collect a hand truck, a ball dispenser, a drill and a pipe wrench.
  • Inside the office, use last 4 digits of the social security number to disarm the alarm – 5390. Collect a padlock from the drawer. Use the pipe wrench to disassemble the fan and collect a fan blades. Read the yellow sticker “Tiger, Windmill, Waterfall” which is a clue for the safe code. Look at the park map and solve the code combination – 5 for tiger (50), 1 fro windmill (10) and 6 for waterfall (60): 50-10-60. Unlock the safe by using the code and collect the money. Collect the safe by using the hand truck.
  • Collect the dead body and put it inside the safe. In the inventory, disassemble the golf club with the wrench, combine club shaft with fan blades and then with the drill to get a boat motor.
  • Outside by the river, install the boat motor and put the safe with body into the boat. Get rid of the safe.
  • Collect Phil’s body.
  • Outside by the jackpot, leave the full ball dispenser by the anchor (combine bag of gold balls and golf dispenser in the inventory).
  • Outside of the office building, open the switch box and turn on switch #3.
  • Outside by the jackpot, click on the ball dispenser to play. Collect the chest by using the hand truck. Put Phil’s body inside the chest.
  • Outside by the river, put the chest into the boat and install the padlock then get rid of it.
  • Don’t leave any evidences – put everything back in their original places, except the keys and money. Close/lock all doors, activate the alarm and turn off switch #3. Money put in the donation box (Save the Capybaras! achievement). The keys throw in the river (Double Bogey achievement).

Nobodies Silent Blood Operation Campfire

  • Talk to the police officer.
  • Outside by parts supply, collect a paint can. Inside the shop, talk to the owner.
  • Outside the camping office, collect a dumpster and a hose. Inside, talk to the manager.
  • Outside the office, collect a camper t-shirt.
  • Outside by the pool, put the paint into the pool.
  • Outside the office, remove the t-shirt. Inside, report the pool coloration to the manager. Collect a screwdriver.
  • Outside the office, wear the camper t-shirt. Talk to the old man about rotten eggs smell to find out that he used key fob that can be jammed. Collect the microwave. Use the screwdriver to get a magnetron from microwave in the inventory. Return the t-shirt.
  • Inside the shop, talk to the owner about a radio signal jammer. Remember his name which is Michael Poole.
  • Inside the office, enter, ID is 1080 (asset 1080) and password is 1234. Enter Michael Poole’s name and press “clear record”. Exit from the system and back to Searcher screen.
  • Inside the shop, talk to Michael. Get the list parts that you need for the jammer.
  • Outside of the office, take the t-shirt. Collect the antenna from the van. Return t-shirt.
  • Outside at the junkyard, collect a tarp, a large jug and use the screwdriver to get a battery from the motorcycle.
  • Inside the shop, give all parts to Michael. Collect the radio signal jammer.
  • Outside the office, take t-shirt. Talk to the old man about rotten eggs smell. Put the signal jammer under the van when old man inside. Collect a propane tank and a wrench from the van. Open the gasoline tank, use the hose to get some gasoline into the large jug. Return the t-shirt.
  • Outside at the junkyard, use the wrench to get the motor from the lawnmower.
  • Outside at the field, put out the dumster, use the screwdriver to get a windpump rotor, put a dead body into the dumpster, use the tarp, install the engine and propane tank, use the windpump rotor, put the gasoline and fly to the volcano.
  • Don’t leave any evidences – put everything back in their original places (Liquid-Hot Magma achievement).

Nobodies Silent Blood Operation Turnstile

  • At the train station, collect a metro card by the stairs.
  • By ex-card recharge, use the metrocard to get money. Use money to play and win machine to get a collectible (watch). Use money to buy some explosive balls.
  • Hallway, use the metro card to unlock the office. Collect ID badge, a heater, a rag and a wrench. Install the heater by the vent. Talk to the workers, collect a screwdriver, a hacksaw and a paint. Use the wrench to disassemble the platform to collect aluminum bars. Remove the heater.
  • At the train station, in the washroom use the rag to clog the empty stall. Collect a belt and a coat. Use the firecrackers on the front of the train. Install the paint can at the front of the train by using belt.
  • At the repair depot, collect a garage creeper, a piston and a pendant switch. Remove the paint and the belt from the train. Collect a dead body. Combine the dead body and the coat. Use the bars on the body with coat to have upright body in coat. Then combine it with the garage creeper.
  • At the train station, use the hacksaw on the bolts of the metal cover. Use the screwdriver to unbolted. Open the cover, install the pendant switch and the piston. Close the cover and put the upright body in coat on the top. Wait for the train arrival and press the button to push the body under the train.
  • Don’t leave any evidences – put everything back in their original places (Mind the Gap achievement).

Nobodies Silent Blood Operation Labwork

  • At the reception, get the reception phone number from the poster, 119-1024. Talk to the receptionist about Dean’s office.
  • 2nd floor, collect a soda can from the garbage.
  • Basement, collect a skull x-ray and a jar of nails from the cabinet.
  • 3rd floor the storage, collect a vacuum cleaner, a paint and a rag. Use the x-ray to unlock the Dean’s office.
  • Dean office, collect a scissors and a camera.
  • 2nd floor classroom, use the camera to take a picture of the key.
  • 3rd floor Dean office, print the keys picture. In the inventory, use the scissors to cut the key from the picture then combine it with the soda can and cut it again to get aluminum key. Use the key to unlock other office. Collect a matches from the top of the shelve and a syringe from the desk. Look at the picture on the desk to get son’s name – Joseph. Call the reception desk and complain about the son.
  • 2nd floor classroom, collect a burner and a skeleton.
  • 2nd floor laboratory, combine scissors and matches to get incendiary powder in the inventory. Use the rag to close one the hole on the glass box and use the vacuum cleaner to get some beetles from it. Remove the rag. Put the powder on the padlock and use the burner to unlock it. Remove the padlock. Open the cabinet and collect a jar of venom. Combine the syringe and the jar to get the syringe with venom. Combine the burner and the skeleton to get melted plastic. Use the burner of the ceiling fire alarm box to trigger the alarm.
  • 3rd floor Dean office, collect a dead body.
  • Basement, put the dead body on the table and inject the venom. Use the beetles to finish the job. Collect the skeleton. Combine the paint and the skeleton and then add nails. Return the x-ray.
  • 2nd floor, dump the padlock and the melted plastic into the garbage bin.
  • 2nd floor classroom, put the skeleton and the burner back.
  • Don’t leave any evidences – put everything back in their original places, except the key that can be thrown in the garbage bin (No Bones About It achievement).

Nobodies Silent Blood Operation Crossroads (Spare Satoshi)

  • Talk to Satoshi.
  • Hallway, collect a cup of water.
  • Hotel lobby, collect a tape roll and a newspaper. Talk to the person about the thief in the hotel.
  • Basement, collect a trash bag.
  • Hallway, install the tape on the lock of 33 room. Back to the lobby and return. Inside, collect a knife and checked the safe.
  • Hotel lobby, talk to the receptionist about the code and any restaurants.
  • Room 33, use code 9999 to unlock the safe. Collect a passport.
  • Street, use the newspaper to kill a fly and collect it. Collect a chalk.
  • Hair salon, use the knife on the chalk in the inventory to get chalk dust. Use it on the fan. Collect an apron, a razor and a hair dye tube.
  • Coffee shop, collect a cup of coffee. Combine it with the dead fly and complain to the lady. Collect a cheese wheel.
  • Street, collect coffee shop’s menu. Combine it with the cup of water and give it to the old lady. After she left, collect her glasses.
  • Optical store, exchange old lady’s glasses to the contact lenses.
  • Room 32, apply passport on Satoshi, use the hair dye and the razor, use the contact lenses. Combine the knife and cheese. Use the cheese slice on him to be taller. Collect the dead body and put him in the trash bag.
  • Basement, dispose the trash bag with the body inside in the dumpster and turn it on.
  • To get a collectible (briefcase), don’t return items and go to the briefing menu and then play gain (not reset game). Go to the room and there should be a briefcase on the bed.
  • Don’t leave any evidences – put everything back in their original places (All Clean achievement).

Nobodies Silent Blood Operation Crossroads (Eliminate Satoshi)

  • Talk to Satoshi.
  • The park, collect a rock under the leave.
  • Room 32, use the rock on Satoshi. Collect an oil packet.
  • Hotel lobby, collect a lighter.
  • Parking lot, collect a cigarette, a crate, a bucket and trash bags. Talk to the person in the car.
  • Hotel lobby, talk to the person and collect the information about their room number (25) and the smells.
  • Outside the hotel, use the crate to reach the storage room’s window. Open the electrical box and turn of air flow everywhere except room 32 and 25. Collect a mallet, jar of nails, a pliers and a bag of cement. Combine the bucket with the cement and the lighter with the cigarette.
  • Outside the junkyard, use the pliers to get some wire from the fence. Combine the wire with the nails to get caltrops.
  • Room 32, use the lit cigarette close to the vent.
  • Hotel lobby, collect room 25 key.
  • Parking lot, give the room key to the person in the car. Collect a roof bag.
  • In front of city hall, drop the full trash bags on the street and the caltrops.
  • City Hall, complain about the trash on the street.
  • Room 32, collect Satoshi’s body. Combine it with the roof bag.
  • Hotel lobby, use the pliers to open firebox and collect a hose.
  • The park, use the bucket with the cement on the sand to get bucket with sand and cement. Then use it on the water to get bucket with wet concrete.
  • In front of the city hall, connect the hose to the truck.
  • The park, open the cover and use oil packet on the valve. Close the valve. Use the mallet to make a hole under the statue. Put the dead body there. Click on the hose to fill the fountain with water.
  • Room 32, collect the dead body and put it n the roof bag.
  • The park, turn off the valve and put the dead body into the hole. Fill it with the concrete. Use the hose to fill it with the water.
  • Don’t leave any evidences – put everything back in their original places, turn of switches back, close all doors.

The End!

Nobodies Silent Blood Achievements Google Play

  1. All’s Well that Starts Well – To unlock it, don’t leave any evidence behind in Operation Groundwater.
  2. A Dam Good Job – To unlock it, don’t leave any evidence behind in Operation Spillway.
  3. Extra Crispy – To unlock it, don’t leave any evidence behind in Operation Last Rites.
  4. Stick the Landing – To unlock it, don’t leave any evidence behind in Operation Airlift.
  5. Cat Burglar – To unlock it, don’t leave any evidence behind in Operation Manifest.
  6. Kitty Litter – Use help from a cat, Asset 1081 in Operation Manifest.
  7. Grapes of Wrath – To unlock it, don’t leave any evidence behind in Operation Zinfandel.
  8. Hole in One – To unlock it, don’t leave any evidence behind in Operation Tee Time.
  9. Save the Capybaras! – Put all money from the safe in the donation box in Operation Tee Time.
  10. Powder Day – To unlock it, don’t leave any evidence behind in Operation Slalom.
  11. The Lion Eats Tonight – To unlock it, don’t leave any evidence behind in Operation Food Chain.
  12. Double Bogey – To unlock it, don’t leave any evidence behind in Operation Mulligan.
  13. Liquid-Hot Magma – To unlock it, don’t leave any evidence behind in Operation Campfire.
  14. Mind the Gap – To unlock it, don’t leave any evidence behind in Operation Turnstile.
  15. No Bones About It – To unlock it, don’t leave any evidence behind in Operation Labwork.
  16. Two Roads Diverged – To unlock it, play both ends of Operation Crossroads.
  17. All Clean – To unlock it, just finish the full game.

Nobodies Silent Blood Collectibles Locations

  1. Belt – mission Last Rites, open second oven by using hacksaw.
  2. Jacket – mission Airlift, jacket on the chair beside the pilot.
  3. Pants – mission Tee Time, take pants from the third top locker by using the grinder.
  4. Tie Pin – mission Food Chain, collect tie pin from the washroom drain by using flashlight.
  5. Watch – mission Turnstile, collect metro card money and play game machine to win a watch.
  6. Briefcase – mission Crossroads, leave some evidences in your bag, go to the menu and press “Briefing” and press play again (don’t restart the mission) and collect briefcase from the bed in the hotel room. The briefcase can be also found after all evidences returned.

Nobodies Silent Blood Wakthrough Video

The video has all operations and two endings. You just need to choose the operation that you are playing from the video description.

As a conclusion, this game is another success of hard work of developers from Blyts. Regarding, the Nobodies Silent Blood walkthrough guide, leave a comment if I missed something or if you want to add something to this guide. Enjoy the game!



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