Isoland 4 Walkthrough Guide Full Adventure

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Introducing comprehensive Isoland 4 Walkthrough guide. The gameplay of Isoland4: The Anchor of Memory covers and uncovers all puzzle, all endings and all achievements that can be tricky to find sometimes.

Cotton game developer surprises us again with new and beautifully build chapter of ISOLAND game. If you are the person who loves to solve interconnected puzzles and find all possible achievements within and beyond the game, then try Cotton game games.

Isoland4: The Anchor of Memory’s Game Information

The game is not free but it is not overpriced for quality game that you are getting.

Isoland 4 Walkthrough Guide

The game has two endings. After you finish playing first time to have another ending, you need to restart game and play it again. The game will have new features and puzzles. In addition, to get 100% of game achievements, you need to play the game twice.


Pick up a battery. Install the battery into a flashlight. The end. “Dedicated to… Of course it is dedicated yo my mother.”

Main game

  • Click on the astronaut. Receive “Smooth Landing” achievement. Click on the blue flower’s bulb. The astronaut says “… a little light.” Go to the right, twice. Pick up a flashlight and go back. Use the flashlight on the flower. Collect a white fruit.
  • Go to the right and then down. Click on the little navy and give him the white fruit. Collect a moon rune and receive “Time Travel” achievement. Go down and talk to the green hoodie person. Talk to him and he needs a flower.
  • Go back to the room with the Saturn. Install the moon rune and then go to the right. Click many times on the closed window to open it. Go inside to see a deer. Go back and to the right, to the room with a boy with fish.
  • Collect an iron bucket. Click on the green apple and collect an olive. Talk to the boy. Go down.
  • Collect a book. Go back and then up.
  • Talk to the ordinary person who likes to read. Give him a book. Pick up a pliers and go further up.
  • Pick up an a TV antenna on the top of green capsule, click many time on the cracked glass of the right capsule to collect an antler. Talk to the scientist and he asks for a controller.
  • Click on the map and go to the deer room. Install the antler and collect blue flowers.
  • Click on the map and go to the room with hoodie person. Give him blue flowers. Receive “The Memory of a Butterfly” achievement. Pick up a ticket.
  • Go to the left window. Talk to the boy and give him the iron bucket. Collect a shovel.
  • Go to the newly opened window, the musician room. Pick up a blue feather. Talk to the lady.
  • Use the map to go to TV room. Install antenna on TV. TV will show a clue where to dig. Use the pliers to cut off the lock from the jar. Collect a dung beetle.
  • Go to the newly opened window, the ancient lady room. Pick up a star rune. Talk to the lady and she will tell you that she needs a beetle, blue feather and olive. Put all ingredients in the bowl to get a bird.
  • Go to the newly opened window on the left, 4 people room. Pick up a piece of cheese from the floor. Talk to the guy with the prayer breads, he will mention a gold.
  • Go back to the ancient lady room and give the cheese to the bird to receive “Clear and bright” achievement.
  • Outside world. Click on the arrow. Go to the right twice, to the traveller. Talk to him. He will ask for a ticket, give it to him. Pick up a group photo. Click on the white bird to let the bird fly away and come back few times to receive “Perseverance” achievement.
  • Use the map to go to the musician room. Install the group photo in the frame. After she played music, remember the vase shape and how many flowers there. It is a clue for the green suitcase code. Receive “Make the most of one’s strengths” achievements.
  • Go inside the newly opened window, the magician room. Talk to the magician. On the wall drawings, you will four items that you need to collect.
  • Use the map to go to the hat room. Click on the green suitcase and enter amount of flowers according the shape of vase (2-1-3-1-4). Collect a ship photograph. Click on the suitcase until get 18 number and collect a time slip. Click on the case until number 50 to get an eye. Continue click on the case until 99 to receive “Time flies” achievement.
  • Go to the left twice and towards the house to receive “Gazing into the deep space” achievement.
  • Use the map to go to the boat room. Install the time slip on the right wall to receive “Edge of space time” achievement.
  • Use the map and got to the tree room. Go to the left. Pick up a hourglass stickers from the fence. Go to the left, then to the right. Pick up a starfish fossil and an Itchthyolite from the rock. Go back to the left.
  • Enter the rocket. To enter you need to play a mini game (the solution can be found at 10:52 time frame of the video below). Pick up a controller from the ground and a planet sticker from the wall. Go up and collect a small lighthouse.
  • Exit the rocket and go to the fence (to the right). Then go up to the top of the hill and install the small lighthouse on the top. The bird will fly away. Click on the lighthouse. Collect a sea story’s badge. Click on the projector and play a mini game (the solution is at 11:52 time frame of the video below). Receive “Guiding Beacon” achievement. Click on the white pearl shell. Collect a match. Click on the pearl shell and collect a red pearl. Exit. Click on the bottle. There is a clue how to get a gold coin, by burning the paper boat. Also the clue for a cube and reflection of a cube with stickers. Use the match to burn the paper boat and collect a gold coin.
  • Use the map to go to the room with man with a pipe. Give the coin to the man and collect the prayer beads.
  • Use the map to go to the room with TV. Click on the piece of paper on the table, …

Isoland 4 Walkthrough Achievements Guide

The below list of achievements are for your references. From number 1 to 17 are available in the first game. From number 18 to 22, you need to play the game second time.

  1. Smooth Landing (accompany the astronaut to the mysterious room) – It is at the beginning of the game, click on the astronaut and he will land at the first room with blue flower of the game.
  2. Time travel (enable the small navy to successfully reach the parallel world) – It is a pink room with a boy in the boat. Give him a white fruit to open the parallel world.
  3. The Memory of a Butterfly (release the hidden butterflies somewhere) – It is a room with the river and a person with green hoodie. Give him a blue flowers to have butterflies.
  4. Clear and Bright (entering the vast outdoor world) – Feed the bird from ancient lady room with a cheese from the room with four people at the table.
  5. Perseverance (attempting to call back a lost little bird) – Outdoor world, click few times on the white bird at the red bed with blue blanket.
  6. Make the Most of One’s Strengths (let the exceptionally talented musician play the cello) – Give the picture of the family to the lady musician with many pots for the flowers so she will play the cello.
  7. Time flies (What are you anticipating now?) – Outdoor world, click on the green suitcase 100 times.
  8. Gazing into the deep space (the deep space also is gazing on you) – Outdoor world, click on the green suitcase 50 times to get an eye, go back to the cabin to see many eyes.
  9. Edge of Spacetime (open the portal once again) – Outdoor world, click on the green suitcase 18 times and collect a time slip with symbol. Go to the pink room and use this paper on the right wall to open a portal to parallel world again.
  10. Guiding Beacon (illuminating the lighthouse) – Play the puzzle on the small lighhouse’s projector.
  11. Open Sesame! (unlocking the long – sealed chamber) – Outdoor world, solve the puzzle on the door of the chamber after opening the main door with a blue pearl.
  12. Autumn is In The Air (the ground is covered with the fallen leaves) – After bringing firewood, talk to the ordinary person who like sot read, until he says “Deep in the forest, deer and autumn leaves are the most beautiful scenery, aren’t they?”. Go to the deer’s room to see the autumn.
  13. Raiders of The Isoland (collect all four artifacts) – install all four artifacts in the magician room.
  14. Sleeping bird (revive the sleeping bird) – Outdoor world, install the tentacle on the stone octopus to revive the bird from the stone on the octopus’s hand.
  15. Round-the-World Travel (drive the car along Saturn’s rings) – solve the puzzle inside the car. Amount of green balls for each symbol is a number on each symbol like a flower in the room on the right to the Saturn’s room.
  16. Birds of A Father Flock Together (let four birds perch on big tree) – install scribble paper with an eye on the bird on the mountain, install it lchthyolite and starfish inside the bird to make the bird on the radio tower to fly to the tree. Other tree birds are from the lighthouse’s tower (black), from the rocket (white) and from the stone hand of octopus.
  17. Return to the Stars (complete the game) – white feather at the end of the first game.
  18. Everything in Its Place (discover the right location for the treasure) – play the film that can be found by the radio-station of outdoor world in the room with a little robot. It will give you a clue for the magician room’s artifacts’ positions.
  19. Seaside Sonata (play a song for the lonely person) – install a vinyl into the green case to play sonata.
  20. The Secret of The Cabin (uncover the secrets of the cabin experiment) – white feather at the end of the game.
  21. Listen attentively (listen the elder finish his story) – go to the setting of the game and click many times on the elder person to listen his story.

Isoland 4 Walkthrough Video

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