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Word Cookies Star Chef answers are included Orange, Carrot, Papaya, Grapefruit and Pomegranate Word Cookies answers.
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Word Cookies Star Chef Orange Answers
1.Ant, Any, Ban, Bat, Bay, Boy, Nay, Not, Oat, Tab, Tan, Ton, Toy, Boat, Bony, Baton, Botany
2.Fig, Fit, His, Hit, Its, Sit, Figs, Fish, Fist, Fits, Gift, Gist, Hits, Sift, Sigh, This, Fight, Gifts, Shift, Sight, Fights
3.And, Dam, Don, Lad, Lam, Mad, Man, Nod, Old, Land, Load, Loam, Loan, Moan, Mold, Modal, Nomad, Almond
4.Air, Arc, Cap, Car, Cay, Cry, Icy, Par, Pay, Pry, Rap, Ray, Rip, Airy, Carp, Pair, Pray, Racy, Piracy
5.Ace, Arc, Are, Arm, Car, Ear, Era, Mar, Ram, Acme, Acre, Area, Came, Care, Cram, Mace, Mare, Race, Ream, Cream, Camera
Special level: Ale, Elm, Lam, Lea, Calm, Clam, Earl, Lace, Lame, Male, Meal, Real, Alarm, Camel, Clear, Realm, Calmer, Caramel
6.Art, Oar, Oat, Par, Pat, Pot, Pro, Rap, Rat, Rot, Tap, Tar, Top, Atop, Part, Port, Rapt, Roar, Trap, Parrot
7.Aim, Air, Arm, Art, Mar, Mat, Max, Mix, Ram, Rat, Rim, Tar, Tax, Taxi, Tram, Trim, Matrix
8.Jet, See, Set, Tee, Jeer, Jest, Jets, Rest, Seer, Tees, Tree, Ester, Jeers, Reset, Steer, Terse, Trees, Jester
9.Aid, Air, Day, Dry, Fad, Far, Fir, Fry, Rad, Ray, Rid, Airy, Arid, Dray, Fair, Fray, Raid, Yard, Dairy, Diary, Fairy, Friday
10.Ire, Net, Nit, Rev, Ten, Tie, Tin, Vet, Vie, Rein, Rent, Rite, Tern, Tier, Tine, Tire, Vein, Vent, Vine, Inert, Inter, Rivet, Trine, Invert
Special level: Fin, Fir, Fit, Fern, Fine, Fire, Five, Fret, Rife, Rift, Feint, Finer, Infer, Refit
11. Ego, Get, Got, Its, Set, Sit, Tie, Toe, Tog, Egos, Gets, Gist, Goes, Site, Ties, Toes, Togs, Egoist
12.Elm, Ore, Roe, Elms, Lore, Lose, Mole, More, Ores, Roes, Role, Rose, Sloe, Sole, Some, Sore, Loser, Moles, Mores, Roles, Morsel
13.Bit, Bum, Bus, But, Its, Sit, Sub, Sum, Tub, Bits, Bums, Bust, Mist, Must, Suit, Tubs, Submit
14.Ale, Lab, Lea, Sea, Able, Ales, Bale, Base, Labs, Laze, Sale, Seal, Slab, Zeal, Bales, Blaze, Sable, Blazes
15.Arm, Lam, Man, Mar, Nor, Oar, Ram, Ran, Loam, Loan, Moan, Morn, Norm, Oral, Roam, Roan, Manor, Molar, Moral, Roman, Normal
16.Arm, Far, For, Lam, Mar, Oaf, Oar, Ram, Farm, Foal, Foam, Form, From, Loaf, Loam, Oral, Roam, Flora, Molar, Moral, Formal
17.Ore, Rev, Roe, Core, Cove, Lore, Love, Over, Role, Rove, Vole, Clove, Cover, Lover, Clover
18.Its, Set, Sit, Sue, Tie, Use, Sets, Site, Sits, Sues, Suit, Ties, Uses, Issue, Sites, Suite, Suits, Suites, Tissue
19.Her, Hey, Hot, Ore, Roe, Rot, Rye, The, Thy, Toe, Toy, Try, Yet, Hero, Rote, They, Tore, Other, Theory
20.Inn, Ire, Net, Nit, Ten, Tie, Tin, Nine, Rein, Rent, Rite, Tier, Tine, Tire, Inert, Inner, Inter, Trine, Intern
Word Cookies Star Chef Orange Answers – Walkthrough Videos
1.Ego, Eon, Gel, Gun, Leg, Log, Lug, One, Glue, Gone, Lone, Long, Lune, Lung, Ogle, Lunge, Lounge
2.Are, Ban, Bar, Bra, Ear, Era, Err, Ran, Bane, Bare, Barn, Bean, Bear, Bran, Earn, Near, Rare, Rear, Barren
3.Eel, Led, Let, See, Set, Tee, Eels, Else, Lest, Lets, Seed, Sled, Teed, Tees, Sleet, Steed, Steel, Eldest
4.Con, Cot, Ion, Nit, Nor, Not, Rot, Tic, Tin, Ton, Coin, Corn, Icon, Into, Iron, Riot, Torn, Trio, Intro, Tonic, Citron
5.Act, Ant, Can, Cat, Con, Cot, Cut, Not, Nut, Oat, Out, Tan, Ton, Tun, Aunt, Auto, Cant, Coat, Taco, Tuna, Unto, Count, Toucan
Special level: Tic, Tin, Antic, Action, Cation, Auction, Caution
6.Air, Are, Ear, Era, Ire, Sea, See, Sir, Airs, Ears, Ease, Eras, Rise, Sear, Seer, Sire, Arise, Erase, Raise, Easier
7.Ail, Ale, Elf, Fan, Fen, Fin, Lea, Lie, Nil, Fail, File, Fine, Flea, Lain, Lane, Leaf, Lean, Lien, Life, Line, Nail, Alien, Elfin, Final, Finale
8.Cop, Cot, Pit, Pot, Pro, Rip, Rot, Tic, Tip, Top, Crop, Port, Riot, Trio, Trip, Optic, Topic, Tropic
9.Emu, Ire, Per, Pie, Rim, Rip, Rue, Rum, Mire, Perm, Pier, Prim, Pure, Rime, Ripe, Rump, Prime, Impure, Umpire
10.Elm, Emu, Sue, Sum, Use, Elms, Emus, Less, Mess, Mule, Muse, Slum, Sues, Sums, Uses, Mules, Muses, Slums, Mussel
Special level: Due, Led, Mud, Duel, Dues, Meld, Sled, Suds, Sued, Used, Mused, Sleds
11.Irk, Its, Kit, Sir, Sit, Ski, Irks, Kiss, Kits, Risk, Sirs, Sits, Skis, Skit, Stir, Risks, Skirt, Skits, Stirs, Skirts
12.Age, Ale, Bag, Beg, Elm, Gel, Gem, Lab, Lag, Lam, Lea, Leg, Able, Bale, Balm, Beam, Gale, Game, Lamb, Lame, Male, Meal, Amble, Blame, Gable, Gleam, Gamble
13.Aid, Aim, And, Dam, Dim, Din, Don, Ion, Mad, Man, Nod, Amid, Maid, Main, Mind, Moan, Nomad, Domain
14.Aid, Ail, Cap, Dip, Lad, Lap, Lid, Lip, Pad, Pal, Acid, Clad, Clap, Clip, Dial, Laid, Paid, Pail, Plaid, Placid
15.Ape, Are, Ear, Era, Pad, Par, Pea, Per, Rad, Rap, Red, Aped, Area, Dare, Dear, Pare, Pear, Read, Reap, Drape, Pared, Parade
16.Eel, Let, See, Set, Tee, Eels, Else, Lest, Lets, Sect, Tees, Elect, Sleet, Steel, Elects, Select
17.Nor, Not, Nut, Our, Out, Rot, Run, Rut, Ton, Tun, Urn, Rout, Runt, Torn, Tour, Turn, Unto, Outrun
18.Ale, Are, Ear, Eel, Era, Her, Lea, Earl, Hale, Hare, Heal, Hear, Heel, Here, Leer, Real, Reel, Healer
19.Dog, Don, Dug, Dun, Duo, God, Gun, Nod, Nor, Our, Rod, Rug, Run, Urn, Dour, Drug, Rung, Undo, Gourd, Round, Ground
20.Nip, Nit, Nut, Pin, Pit, Pun, Put, Rip, Run, Rut, Tin, Tip, Tun, Urn, Pint, Punt, Ruin, Trip, Turn, Unit, Input, Print, Turnip
Word Cookies Star Chef Carrot Answers – Walkthrough Video
1.Ego, Eon, Gin, Ion, Nip, One, Peg, Pen, Pie, Pig, Pin, Gone, Open, Peon, Pine, Ping, Opine, Pigeon
2.Dig, Din, Dug, Dun, Gin, Gun, Rid, Rig, Rug, Run, Urn, Drug, Dung, Gird, Grid, Grin, Rind, Ring, Ruin, Rung, Grind, During
3.Ire, Net, Nit, Tee, Ten, Tie, Tin, Rein, Rent, Rite, Teen, Tern, Tier, Tine, Tire, Tree, Enter, Inert, Inter, Trine, Entire
4.Ego, Eon, Get, Got, Gun, Gut, Net, Not, Nut, One, Out, Ten, Toe, Tog, Ton, Tug, Tun, Gone, Gout, Note, Tone, Tune, Unto, Tongue
5.Cot, Ore, Rev, Roe, Rot, Toe, Vet, Core, Cove, Over, Rote, Rove, Tore, Veto, Vote, Cover, Covet, Overt, Trove, Voter, Covert, Vector
Special level: Con, Eon, One, Ton, Cone, Once, Tone, Crone, Toner, Convert
6.Ale, Ant, Ate, Eat, Lea, Let, Net, Tan, Tat, Tea, Ten, Lane, Late, Lean, Lent, Neat, Tale, Teal, Tent, Leant, Latent, Talent
7.His, Hit, Its, Lit, Sit, Gilt, Gist, Hilt, Hits, List, Sigh, Silt, Slit, This, Gilts, Hilts, Light, Sight, Lights, Slight
8.Ace, Arc, Are, Can, Car, Ear, Era, Fan, Far, Fen, Ran, Acne, Acre, Cafe, Cane, Care, Earn, Face, Fare, Fear, Fern, Near, Race, Crane, Farce, France
9.Met, Ore, Roe, Rot, Tee, Toe, Meet, Mere, Mete, More, Rote, Teem, Term, Tome, Tore, Tree, Emote, Meter, Meteor, Remote
10.Err, Net, Nut, Rue, Run, Rut, Ten, Tun, Urn, Rent, Rune, Tern, True, Tune, Turn, Rerun, Truer, Tuner, Return
Special level: Cue, Cur, Cut, Cent, Cure, Curt, Cute, Cruet, Curer, Cuter, Recur, Truce, Current
11.Air, Any, Ban, Bar, Bay, Bin, Bra, Nay, Nib, Ran, Ray, Rib, Airy, Barn, Bran, Rain, Yarn, Brain, Briny, Rainy, Binary, Brainy
12.Ill, Let, Lie, Lit, Net, Nil, Nit, Ten, Tie, Tin, Lent, Lien, Lilt, Line, Lint, Lite, Tell, Tile, Till, Tine, Inlet, Lentil
13.Bed, Bid, Die, Ire, Led, Lid, Lie, Red, Rib, Rid, Bide, Bier, Bile, Bird, Bled, Bred, Dire, Idle, Lied, Ride, Rile, Bride, Riled, Bridle
14.Any, Nay, Nor, Now, Oar, Own, Ran, Raw, Ray, Row, War, Way, Won, Wry, Awry, Roan, Warn, Wary, Worn, Yarn, Yawn, Rayon, Norway
15.Air, Ash, Gas, Has, His, Rag, Rig, Sag, Sir, Airs, Hair, Rags, Rash, Rigs, Sigh, Hairs, Garish
16.Let, Lie, Lit, Lot, Oil, Tie, Toe, Vet, Vie, Evil, Lite, Live, Love, Tile, Toil, Veil, Veto, Vile, Viol, Vole, Volt, Vote, Olive, Voile, Violet
17.Elf, Few, Foe, For, Low, Ore, Owe, Owl, Roe, Row, Woe, Flew, Flow, Fore, Fowl, Lore, Role, Wolf, Wore, Lower, Flower
18.Ace, Act, Ale, Ate, Cat, Eat, Elk, Lea, Let, Tea, Cake, Kale, Lace, Lack, Lake, Late, Leak, Tack, Take, Talc, Tale, Talk, Teak, Teal, Cleat, Tackle
19.Emu, Men, Met, Net, Nit, Nut, Ten, Tie, Tin, Tun, Emit, Item, Menu, Mine, Mint, Mite, Mute, Time, Tine, Tune, Unit, Unite, Unmet, Untie, Minuet, Minute
20.Ire, Lie, Rev, Sir, Vie, Evil, Isle, Lies, Live, Revs, Rile, Rise, Sire, Veil, Vile, Evils, Liver, Lives, Riles, Veils, Livers, Silver, Sliver
Word Cookies Star Chef Papaya Answers – Walkthrough Video
Word Cookies Star Chef Grapefruit Answer
1.Arm, Mar, Rag, Ram, Gram, Gamma, Magma, Grammar
2.Con, Cop, Nor, Pop, Pro, Coop, Corn, Crop, Poor, Prop, Croon, Popcorn
3.Bee, Bet, Tee, Beer, Beet, Reek, Tree, Trek, Better
4.Ice, Ire, Ore, Roe, Core, Jeer, Rice, Rejoice
5.Key, Rue, Rut, Rye, Try, Yet, Trek, True, Turkey
Special level: Net, Nut, Run, Ten, Tun, Urn, Yen, Rent, Rune, Tern, Tune, Turn, Entry, Trunk, Tuner
6.Ail, Aim, Lam, Lax, Max, Mix, Calm, Clam, Mail, Mica, Claim, Climax
7.Air, Oar, Raw, Row, War, Roar, Arrow, Warrior
8.Fig, Fit, Gig, Wig, Wit, Gift, Twig, Twiggy
9.Aim, Ink, Inn, Kin, Man, Akin, Main, Mink, Manikin
10.Boy, Don, Nod, Body, Bond, Bony, Boon, Nobody
Special level: Bow, Now, Own, Won, Down, Wood, Downy, Woody
11.Ail, Aim, Lam, Calm, Clam, Mail, Mica, Claim, Acclaim
12.Dig, Dug, Lid, Lug, Gild, Guild, Liquid
13.All, Ban, Lab, Ball, Boon, Loan, Loon, Balloon
14.Fin, Fun, Ion, Nip, Off, Pin, Pun, Upon, Puffin
15.Ace, Age, Bag, Beg, Cab, Cage, Cabbage
16.Inn, Ion, Nip, Pin, Noon, Onion, Pinion, Opinion
17.Ace, Fee, Foe, Oaf, Off, Cafe, Face, Coffee
18.Cue, Cut, Eel, Let, Tee, Clue, Cult, Cute, Elect, Cutlet, Lettuce
19.Icy, Ilk, Lick, Luck, Lucky, Quick, Quickly
20.See, She, Seep, Spec, Cheep, Sheep, Cheese, Speech
Word Cookies Star Chef Grapefruit Answers – Walkthrough Video
Word Cookies Star Chef Pomegranate Answers
1.Moo, Oaf, Sum, Foam, Oafs, Sofa, Sumo, Foams, Famous
2.Ail, Lag, Lay, Lit, Tag, Gait, Gilt, Tail, Gaily, Agility
3.Bee, Bet, Fee, Tee, Beef, Beet, Feet, Fete, Effect
4.Ace, Can, Ice, Inn, Acne, Cane, Nice, Nine, Inane, Canine
5.Let, Rue, Rut, Lure, Lute, Rule, True, Utter, Turtle
Special level: Elf, Flu, Fur, Felt, Flue, Fret, Fuel, Left, Tuft, Turf, Flute, Flutter
6.Bus, Sew, Sub, Sue, Use, Web, Webs, Wise, Bisque
7.Sap, Sip, Spa, Zap, Zip, Asia, Zaps, Zips, Pizza, Pizzas
8.Its, Sit, Tic, Mist, Visit, Victim, Victims
9.Aim, Can, Man, Main, Mica, Mini, Mania, Manic, Maniac
10.Sea, See, Ease, Mass, Mess, Same, Seam, Seas, Seem, Sesame
Special level: Age, Gas, Gem, Sag, Game, Mage, Mega, Sage, Message
11.Boy, Job, Joy, Old, Body, Bold, Blood, Bloody
12.Hay, Wag, Way, Why, Wig, High, Highway
13.She, Bell, Hell, Less, Sell, Bells, Bless, Sells, Shell, Shells
14.Aim, Max, Mix, Mum, Maim, Maxim, Maximum
15.Mob, Moo, Zoo, Bomb, Boom, Zoom, Bamboo
16.How, Ill, Low, Oil, Owl, Who, Wow, Hill, Howl, Will, Willow
17.Nit, Nut, Tin, Tun, Mint, Tiny, Unit, Minty, Unity, Mutiny
18.Fen, Fig, Fin, Gin, Ice, Inn, Cine, Fine, Nice, Nine, Feign, Fencing
19.Ash, Has, Haul, Lash, Lush, Sash, Hauls, Quash, Slash, Slush, Squash
20.Air, Art, Hat, Hit, Rat, Tar, Vat, Via, Hair, Hart, Trivia
Word Cookies Star Chef Pomegranate Answers – Walkthrough Videos
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