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Word Cookies Sous Chef answers are included Greentea, Pistachio, Mint, Honeydew and Melon Word Cookies answers.
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You will find all Word Cookies Sous Chef special 5 & 10 levels answers!
Word Cookies Sous Chef Greentea Answers
1.Ail, Aim, Man, Nil, Lain, Mail, Maim, Main, Nail, Minimal
2. Per, Red, Deep, Deer, Peep, Peer, Reed, Pepper
3. Coy, Cry, Icy, Irk, Cork, Hock, Rich, Rock, Choir, Rocky, Hickory
4. All, Call, Coal, Cool, Hall, Halo, Local, Alcohol
5. Ant, Man, Mat, Nut, Tan, Aunt, Tuna, Autumn
Special Level: Men, Met, Amen, Mean, Meat, Menu, Name, Tame, Meant, Unmet
6. Aim, Axe, Man, Max, Men, Mix, Amen, Exam, Main, Mane, Mean, Mine, Name, Examine
7. Let, Rev, Rue, Rut, Vet, Lure, Lute, Rule, True, Vulture
8. Bin, Bio, Ill, Ion, Nil, Oil, Bill, Boil, Lion, Loin, Billion
9. Cur, Cut, Rut, Tic, Curt, Uric, Citric, Critic, Circuit
10. Fir, Fix, Ire, Per, Pie, Rip, Fire, Pier, Rife, Ripe, Fixer, Prefix
Special Level: Fee, Free, Peer, Reef, Expire
11. Egg, Ego, Gel, Leg, Log, Lye, Logo, Ogle, Geology
12. Ark, Rad, Raw, Wad, War, Dark, Draw, Ward, Award, Awkward
13. Flu, Fob, Lab, Oaf, Off, Buff, Foal, Foul, Loaf, Bluff, Offal, Buffalo
14. Row, Sow, Soy, Woo, Wry, Rosy, Rows, Sorry, Worry, Sorrow
15. Big, Bin, Gin, Nil, Sin, Bins, Gins, Glib, Sign, Sing, Sling, Sibling
16. Cog, Con, Gin, Ink, Ion, Kin, Coin, Cook, Icon, King, Nook, Cooking
17. Met, Rye, Set, Sty, Try, Yes, Yet, Rest, Stem, Term, Terms, Mystery
18. Bat, Bit, Hat, Hit, Tab, Tat, Bait, Bath, That, Habit, Habitat
19. Die, Ire, Led, Lid, Lie, Red, Rid, Dire, Idle, Lied, Ride, Rile, Riled, Drizzle
20. Gin, Sin, Gins, Miss, Sign, Sing, Sins, Signs, Missing
Word Cookies Sous Chef Greentea Answers – Walkthrough Videos
1.Any, Can, Cay, Con, Coy, Hay, Nay, Van, Navy, Nova, Havoc, Nacho, Anchovy
2. Bee, Eel, Eve, Lie, Vie, Bile, Evil, Live, Veil, Vile, Believe
3. Mom, Mop, Mum, Out, Pit, Pot, Put, Tip, Top, Omit, Pout, Opium, Optimum
4. Cog, Coy, Ego, Gel, Leg, Log, Lye, Clog, Cloy, Cool, Logo, Ogle, Ecology
5. Cop, Coy, Icy, Lip, Lop, Oil, Ply, Clip, Cloy, Coil, Copy, Oily, Ploy, Policy
Special Level: Mop, Limp, Imply, Comply, Olympic
6. Mob, Too, Tot, Bomb, Boom, Boot, Moot, Tomb, Toot, Motto, Bottom
7. Lip, Pig, Rig, Rim, Rip, Girl, Grim, Grip, Limp, Pilgrim
8. Far, Fry, Raw, Ray, War, Way, Wry, Afar, Away, Awry, Fray, Wary, Faraway
9. Age, Ale, Egg, Gag, Gel, Lag, Leg, Lug, Gale, Glue, Gauge, Gaggle, Luggage
10. Bee, Beg, Bug, Bun, Gun, Nub, Been, Gene, Begun, Bungee
Special Level: Age, Bag, Ban, Nag, Bane, Bang, Bean, Bung, Began
11. Can, Con, Van, Clan, Coal, Cool, Loan, Loon, Nova, Oval, Colon, Vocal, Volcano
12. Bee, Bet, Net, New, Tee, Ten, Web, Wet, Been, Beet, Bent, Newt, Teen, Went, Between
13. Ail, Aim, Lag, Calm, Clam, Gala, Mail, Claim, Magic, Magical
14. Ink, Kin, Nip, Pin, Pun, Pup, Mink, Pink, Pump, Punk, Pumpkin
15. All, Coy, Lay, Ally, Call, Clay, Coal, Oval, Local, Loyal, Vocal, Vocally
16. Elm, Low, Mow, Owe, Owl, Vow, Woe, Love, Mole, Move, Mule, Wove, Vowel, Volume
17. Rue, Rut, Tee, Text, Tree, True, Exert, Utter, Texture
18. Her, Set, She, The, Etch, Hers, Rest, Sect, Test, Chest, Crest, Retch, Stretch
19. Oar, Pad, Par, Pod, Pox, Pro, Rad, Rap, Rod, Drop, Prod, Road, Paradox
20. Eel, Elm, Let, Men, Met, Net, Tee, Ten, Lent, Meet, Melt, Mete, Teem, Teen, Element
Word Cookies Sous Chef Pistachio Answers – Walkthrough Videos
1.Aim, Gin, Man, Nag, Zag, Zig, Gain, Main, Again, Mania, Amazing
2. Cog, Eel, Ego, Gel, Leg, Log, Cell, Clog, Glee, Ogle, Cello, College
3. Ace, Ail, Ale, All, Axe, Ice, Ill, Lax, Lie, Axle, Call, Cell, Lace, Lice, Lilac, Lexical
4. Ail, Air, Via, Aria, Lair, Lava, Liar, Rail, Vial, Avail, Larva, Rival, Viral, Arrival
5. Ash, Has, His, Sin, Van, Via, Shin, Vain, Vans, Visa, Vanish
Special Level: Hang, Sang, Sing, Hangs, Having, Saving, Shaving
6. Cry, Icy, Pit, Pry, Rip, Tic, Tip, Try, City, Pity, Trip, Crypt, Cryptic
7. Ice, Net, Nit, Ten, Tic, Tie, Tin, Cent, Cine, Cite, Nice, Tine, Zinc, Citizen
8. Gin, Inn, Ion, Nor, Rig, Rim, Grim, Grin, Iron, Morn, Norm, Ring, Groin, Minor, Morning
9. Den, Dew, End, New, Wed, Keen, Knee, Knew, Need, Weed, Week, Weekend
10. Den, Die, Dig, Din, End, Gin, Inn, Dine, Nine, Ending
Special Level: Dim, Gem, Men, Mid, Mend, Mind, Mine, Deign, Denim, Mined, Mending
11. Ash, Fan, Fin, Has, His, Ion, Oaf, Sin, Son, Fish, Ions, Shin, Sofa, Fashion
12. Cow, Eel, Elm, Low, Mow, Owe, Owl, Woe, Come, Cowl, Mole, Welcome
13. Nor, Nun, Our, Pro, Pun, Run, Urn, Noon, Noun, Poor, Pour, Upon, Pronoun
14. Are, Ear, Era, Fan, Far, Ran, Afar, Area, Earn, Fare, Fear, Fern, Near, Arena, Fanfare
15. Ire, Tie, Wet, Wit, Rite, Tier, Tire, Weir, Wire, Writ, Trite, Write, Titter, Twitter
16. Bib, Bur, Bus, His, Hub, Rib, Rub, Sir, Sub, Bush, Ribs, Rubs, Rush, Brush, Shrub, Rubbish
17. Cry, Cue, Cur, Emu, Err, Rue, Rum, Rye, Cure, Curry, Mercy, Merry, Recur, Mercury
18. Con, Coy, Eon, Men, One, Come, Cone, Mono, Moon, Omen, Once, Money, Economy
19. Did, Dig, Din, Dip, Dud, Dug, Dun, Gin, Gun, Nip, Pig, Pin, Pug, Pun, Dung, Ping, Pudding
20. Flu, Fly, For, Fry, Fur, Our, You, Foul, Four, Fury, Your, Flour, Furry, Lorry, Floury, Flurry
Word Cookies Sous Chef Mint Answers – Walkthrough Videos
1.Ail, Ant, Lit, Nil, Nit, Tan, Tin, Lain, Lint, Nail, Tail, Initial
2. Cue, Ice, Sin, Sue, Sun, Use, Cine, Cues, Ices, Nice, Since, Cuisine
3. Bee, Bye, Err, Eye, Rye, Web, Wry, Yew, Beer, Brew, Were, Beery, Berry, Brewer, Brewery
4. Fee, Fur, Per, Rue, Rum, Free, Fume, Mere, Peer, Perm, Pure, Reef, Rump, Puree, Perfume
5. Err, Ore, Owe, Roe, Row, Woe, Woke, Wore, Work, Rower, Rework, Worker
Special Level: Cow, Coke, Core, Cork, Crew, Crow, Rock, Cower, Wreck, Rocker
6. Ant, Any, Fan, Fat, Nay, Sat, Say, Sty, Tan, Ants, Fans, Fast, Fats, Stay, Tans, Nasty, Fantasy
7. Hip, His, Icy, Shy, Sip, Spy, Chip, Hips, Hiss, Ship, Sips, Chips, Ships, Spicy, Physics
8. Ace, Ape, Cap, Cop, Oak, Pea, Cake, Cape, Coke, Cope, Pace, Pack, Peak, Peck, Poke, Peacock
9. Ace, Eve, Ice, Via, Vie, Ache, Cave, Each, Have, Hive, Vice, Heave, Achieve
10. Bed, Bee, Bid, Die, See, Beds, Bees, Bide, Bids, Dies, Seed, Side, Beside
Special Level: Did, Deed, Died, Deeds, Sided, Bedside
11. All, Lay, Lot, Oat, Toy, Ally, Alto, Tall, Toll, Allot, Alloy, Atoll, Loyal, Tally, Loyalty
12. Egg, Get, Gut, Set, Sue, Tug, Use, Eggs, Gust, Guts, Guess, Guest, Gusts, Guests, Suggest
13. Hen, Ice, Ink, Kin, Chic, Chin, Cine, Hike, Inch, Neck, Nice, Check, Chick, Niche, Chicken
14. Ail, Air, Bar, Bay, Bra, Lab, Lay, Ray, Rib, Ably, Airy, Bail, Lair, Liar, Rail, Library
15. Age, Ago, Axe, Ego, Eon, Hen, Hex, Hog, Nag, One, Gone, Hang, Hoax, Hone, Oxen, Hexagon
16. Con, Cot, Fin, Fit, Ion, Nit, Not, Tic, Tin, Ton, Coin, Font, Icon, Into, Tonic, Fiction
17. Con, His, Ion, Sin, Son, Sun, Chin, Coin, Icon, Inch, Ions, Onus, Shin, Shun, Such, Coins, Sonic, Cousin, Cushion
18. His, Hit, Its, Shy, Sir, Sit, Sty, Thy, Try, Hits, Stir, This, Shirt, Thirst, Thirty, Thirsty
19. Bed, Beg, Bog, Boy, Bye, Doe, Dog, Dye, Ego, God, Ode, Body, Edgy, Good, Obey, Oboe, Goodbye
20. Cue, Cur, Cut, Let, Rue, Rut, Clue, Cult, Cure, Curl, Curt, Cute, Lure, Rule, True, Cruel, Cruet, Cuter, Lucre, Truce, Ulcer, Culture
Word Cookies Sous Chef Honeydew Answers – Walkthrough Videos
1.Err, Mop, Ore, Per, Pro, Roe, Mere, Mope, More, Peer, Perm, Poem, Pore, Romp, Rope, Emperor
2. Elf, His, Lie, She, File, Fish, Hiss, Isle, Less, Life, Self, Flesh, Shelf, Selfish
3. Dig, Din, Gin, Rid, Rig, Gird, Grid, Grin, Rind, Ring, Grind, Rigid, Diving, Riding, Virgin, Driving
4. Any, Ape, Hay, Hen, Hey, Nap, Nay, Pan, Pay, Pea, Pen, Heap, Nape, Pane, Happy, Hyena, Nappy, Happen
5. Aim, Fan, Fin, Man, Men, Amen, Fame, Fine, Main, Mane, Mean, Mine, Name, Famine
Special Level: Are, Ire, Fare, Fire, Mare, Mire, Ream, Rein, Remain, Fireman
6. Elf, Flu, Hue, She, Sue, Use, Flue, Fuel, Fuse, Lush, Self, Flesh, Flues, Flush, Fuels, Shelf, Shuffle
7. Ace, Can, Fan, Fen, Fin, Ice, Inn, Acne, Cafe, Cane, Cine, Face, Fine, Nice, Nine, Canine, Fiance, Finance
8. And, Can, Cod, Con, Dam, Don, Mad, Man, Mom, Nod, Coda, Coma, Moan, Comma, Nomad, Command
9. Aim, Ant, Man, Mat, Nit, Tan, Tin, Van, Vat, Via, Main, Mint, Vain, Vitamin
10. Eel, Elm, Let, Met, Pet, Tee, Meet, Melt, Mete, Peel, Pelt, Teem, Temple
Special Level: Eye, Lye, Ply, Yet, Type, Yelp, Empty
11. Bee, Beg, Big, Ice, Ire, Rib, Rig, Beer, Bier, Brig, Crib, Rice, Beige, Iceberg
12. Air, Are, Bar, Bra, Ear, Era, Err, Ire, Rib, Bare, Bear, Bier, Rare, Rear, Barrier
13. Ail, Air, Art, Lit, Rat, Tar, Vat, Via, Lair, Liar, Rail, Tail, Vial, Rival, Trail, Trial, Viral, Vital, Trivia, Trivial
14. Eel, Eve, Ice, Lie, Vie, Evil, Heel, Hive, Lice, Live, Veil, Vice, Vile, Leech, Vehicle
15. Arc, Car, Cod, Had, Oar, Rad, Rod, Arch, Card, Char, Coda, Cord, Hard, Road, Roar, Chord, Hoard, Roach, Orchard
16. Her, His, Ice, Ire, She, Sir, Heir, Hers, Hire, Ices, Rice, Rich, Rise, Sire, Cries, Cherish
17. Age, Are, Ear, Era, Eve, Rag, Rev, Area, Aver, Ever, Gave, Gear, Rage, Rave, Veer, Agree, Eager, Grave, Verge, Average
18. Hot, Lot, Not, Thy, Ton, Toy, Holy, Hymn, Molt, Moth, Myth, Only, Hotly, Month, Monthly
19. Doe, Fad, Fed, Foe, Oaf, Ode, Sad, Sea, Deaf, Does, Dose, Fade, Food, Safe, Soda, Sofa, Seafood
20. Fee, Per, Pet, Tee, Feet, Fete, Free, Fret, Peer, Pert, Reef, Tree, Creep, Crepe, Crept, Erect, Perfect, Prefect
Word Cookies Sous Chef Melon Answers – Walkthrough Videos
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