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You will find all special 5 & 10 levels answers and a lot of extra words for the cookie jar!
Word Cookies Lemon Answers
1.Bay, Bus, Buy, Saw, Say, Sub, Was, Way, Bays, Busy, Buys, Swab, Sway, Ways, Subway
Extra words: Abs, Aby, Ays, Sab, Suba, Yaw, Yaws
2. Got, Gut, Hog, Hot, Hug, Hut, Out, Tog, Tug, Goth, Gout, Thou, Thug, Ought, Tough, Though
Extra words: Huh, Tho, Ugh
3. Arc, Ban, Bar, Bra, Cab, Can, Car, Ran, Arch, Barn, Bran, Char, Crab, Ranch, Branch
Extra words: Arb, Bach, Bah, Brach, Carb, Carn, Nab, Nah, Narc, Rah
4. Men, Met, Net, Nit, Ten, Tie, Tin, Emit, Item, Mine, Mint, Mite, Tent, Time, Tine, Tint, Mitten
Extra words: Mien, Mitt, Nett, Nim, Nite, Tet, Titmen
5. Air, Art, Bar, Bat, Bib, Bit, Bra, Rat, Rib, Tab, Tar, Bait, Barb, Brat, Rabbit
Extra words: Abri, Arb, Brit, Rabbi, Rai, Ria
Special level: Air, Art, Bar, Bat, Bib, Bit, Bra, Hat, Hit, Rat, Rib, Tab, Tar, Bait, Barb, Bath, Brat, Hair, Hart, Birth, Habit, Rabbit
6. Bag, Ban, Big, Bin, Gin, Ink, Kin, Nag, Akin, Bang, Bank, Gain, King, Baking
Extra words: Agin, Ani, Bani, Bing, Gab, Gan, Gib, Gink, Kain, Kiang, Kina, Nab, Nib
7. Eel, Gel, Get, Leg, Let, Net, Tee, Ten, Gene, Glee, Lent, Teen, Gentle
Extra words: Eng, Gee, Gelt, Gen, Genet, Gent, Gleet, Glen, Lee, Leet, Nee, Teel, Teg, Tel, Tele, Tenge
8. Ace, Age, Can, Hen, Nag, Ache, Acne, Cage, Cane, Each, Hang, Change
Extra words: Chang, Eng, Gaen, Gan, Gane, Gen, Hae, Haen, Hag, Hance, Nae, Nah
9. Bet, Bit, Ire, Rib, Tie, Bier, Bite, Rite, Tier, Tire, Tribe, Trite, Bitter
Extra words: Biter, Bitt, Brie, Brit, Britt, Reb, Rei, Ret, Tet, Tetri, Titer, Titre, Tret
10. Ion, Nit, Not, Tin, Ton, Too, Into, Mint, Mono, Moon, Moot, Omit, Onto, Motion
Special level: Ion, Nit, Nor, Not, Tin, Ton, Too, Into, Mint, Mono, Moon, Moor, Moot, Norm, Omit, Onto, Torn, Minor, Motor, Monitor, Motion
11. His, Hit, Its, Sir, Sit, Hiss, Hits, Sirs, Sits, Stir, This, Shirt, Stirs, Shirts
Extra words: Hist, Hists, Shist, Sis, Sith, Sri, Sris, Thir, Tis
12. Die, Dip, Ice, Kid, Pie, Deck, Dice, Epic, Iced, Peck, Pick, Pied, Pike, Piked, Picked
Extra words: Cedi, Cep, Dike, Ick, Kep, Kepi, Kip, Pec, Ped, Pic, Pice
13. Hot, Moo, Too, Hoot, Host, Hots, Moot, Most, Moth, Shot, Soot, Hoots, Moths, Shoot, Smooth
Extra words: Mho, Mhos, Moos, Moots, Mos, Mosh, Mot, Mots, Ohm, Ohms, Oho, Ohs, Oms, Ooh, Oohs, Shmo, Shoo, Sooth, Sot, Tho, Tom, Toms, Toom, Tosh
14. Ant, Any, Ivy, Nay, Nit, Tan, Tin, Van, Vat, Via, Navy, Tiny, Vain, Vanity
Extra words: Ani, Anti, Tain, Tivy, Vina, Viny, Vita, Yin
15. Act, Arc, Art, Car, Cat, Cot, Oar, Oat, Rat, Rot, Tar, Cart, Coat, Roar, Taco, Actor, Carrot
Extra words: Arco, Carr, Cor, Oca, Ora, Orc, Orca, Orra, Ort, Rato, Roc, Rota, Tao, Taro, Taroc, Tor, Tora, Torc, Torr, Trocar
16. Did, Die, Dim, Elm, Led, Lid, Lie, Died, Dime, Idle, Lied, Lime, Meld, Mild, Mile, Idled, Middle
Extra words: Deil, Del, Deli, Diel, Eld, Idem, Lei, Limed, Med, Mel, Mid, Mil, Milded
17. Eve, Ire, Rev, Vie, Ever, Veer, View, Weir, Were, Wire, Review, Viewer
Extra words: Ere, Ewe, Ewer, Ree, Rei, Reive, Rive, Vee, Vier, Wee, Weer, Wive, Wiver
18. Bib, Bin, Bio, Ion, Nor, Orb, Rib, Rob, Born, Brio, Iron, Robin, Ribbon
Extra words: Biro, Bob, Brin, Bro, Inro, Nib, Nob, Noir, Nori, Obi, Robbin
19. Age, Aim, Amp, Ape, Gap, Gem, Map, Pea, Peg, Pie, Pig, Game, Gape, Mage, Mega, Page, Image, Magpie
Extra words: Ami, Amie, Gam, Gamp, Gie, Gimp, Gip, Imp, Mae, Mag, Magi, Meg, Mig, Pam, Peag, Pima
20. Due, Her, Hue, Led, Red, Rue, Duel, Held, Herd, Hurl, Lure, Rude, Rule, Lured, Ruled, Hurdle, Hurled
Extra words: Del, Dure, Edh, Eld, Herl, Hued, Lehr, Leu, Leud, Lud
Word Cookies Lemon Answers – Walkthrough Videos
Word Cookies Coconut Answers
1.Inn, Ion, Nun, Sin, Son, Sun, Inns, Ions, Noun, Nuns, Onus, Nouns, Union, Unions, Unison
Extra Words: Ins, Nos, Nous, Nus, Ons, Sou, Sunn
2. Air, Art, Gut, Rag, Rat, Rig, Rug, Rut, Tag, Tar, Tug, Gait, Girt, Grit, Guitar
Extra Words: Gar, Gat, Gaur, Grat, Guar, Ragi, Rai, Ria, Ruga, Tau, Tragi, Trig, Trug, Tui
3. Bid, Fir, For, Orb, Rib, Rid, Rob, Rod, Bird, Ford, Forbid
4. Him, Hip, His, Rim, Rip, Sip, Sir, Hips, Rims, Rips, Ship, Prism, Shrimp
Extra Words: Hims, Imp, Imps, Ism, Mips, Mir, Mirs, Mis, Phi, Phis, Pish, Prim, Prims, Psi, Shim, Sim, Simp, Sri
5. Bun, But, Not, Nub, Nut, Out, Ton, Tot, Tub, Tun, Bout, Butt, Tout, Unto, Button
Extra Words: Bot, Bott, Bunt, Nob, Tut
Special Level: Bum, Bun, But, Mob, Not, Nub, Nut, Out, Ton, Tot, Tub, Tun, Bout, Butt, Numb, Tomb, Tout, Unto, Mount, Button, Mutton
6. Are, Arm, Ear, Era, Err, Far, Mar, Ram, Fame, Fare, Farm, Fear, Mare, Rare, Ream, Rear, Frame, Farmer
Extra Words: Arf, Armer, Farer, Fem, Fer, Frae, Framer, Mae, Rearm, Ref, Rem
7. Ice, Lie, Lip, Nil, Nip, Pen, Pie, Pin, Cine, Clip, Epic, Lice, Lien, Line, Nice, Pile, Pine, Pencil
Extra Words: Ceil, Cel, Cep, Cline, Lei, Lin, Lipe, Pec, Pein, Pic, Pice, Plie
8. Doe, Ode, Demo, Desk, Does, Dome, Dose, Mode, Odes, Some, Demos, Domes, Modes, Smoke, Smoked
Extra Words: Dom, Doms, Dos, Ems, Med, Meds, Mod, Mods, Moke, Mokes, Mos, Mosk, Oke, Okes, Oms, Ose, Sod, Soke
9. Ash, Has, Lap, Pal, Sap, Spa, Hasp, Laps, Lash, Lass, Pals, Pass, Saps, Sash, Slap, Slaps, Slash, Splash
Extra Words: Alp, Alps, Als, Asp, Asps, Hap, Haps, Hasps, Pah, Pas, Pash, Plash, Sal, Salp, Salps, Sals, Spas
10. Air, Bag, Bar, Big, Bra, Rag, Rib, Rig, Aria, Brag, Brig, Garb, Grab, Airbag
Extra Words: Aba, Abri, Agar, Agria, Arb, Baa, Gab, Gar, Gib, Raga, Ragi, Rai, Raia, Ria
Special Level: Air, Bag, Bar, Big, Bra, Gap, Par, Pig, Rag, Rap, Rib, Rig, Rip, Aria, Brag, Brig, Garb, Grab, Grip, Pair, Prig, Airbag
11. Air, Fan, Far, Fin, Fir, Fun, Fur, Ran, Run, Urn, Fair, Iran, Rain, Ruin, Unfair
Extra Words: Ani, Arf, Fain, Faun, Fiar, Firn, Furan, Infra, Naif, Nairu, Rai, Rani, Ria, Rif, Unai
12. Ace, Ale, Cab, Lab, Lea, Able, Ache, Bale, Each, Hale, Heal, Lace, Beach, Belch, Cable, Leach, Bleach
Extra Words: Alb, Bach, Bah, Bal, Bel, Blae, Blah, Cel, Chela, Hae, Lac, Lech
13. Bay, Cab, Cay, Lab, Lam, Lay, May, Yam, Ably, Balm, Calm, Clam, Clay, Lacy, Lamb, Cymbal
Extra Words: Aby, Acyl, Alb, Amyl, Bal, Balmy, Bam, Blam, Cam, Cyma, Lac, Lamby, Mac
14. Met, Per, Pet, Tee, Meet, Mere, Mete, Peer, Perm, Term, Tree, Meter, Temper
Extra Words: Ere, Metre, Pere, Pert, Peter, Pree, Ree, Rem, Remet, Rep, Ret, Rete, Retem, Teem, Temp
15. Doe, Ode, Pod, Desk, Does, Dope, Dose, Odes, Pods, Poke, Pose, Sped, Dopes, Poked, Pokes, Posed, Spoke, Spoked
Extra Words: Dos, Epos, Kep, Kop, Kops, Oke, Okes, Ope, Oped, Opes, Ops, Ose, Ped, Peds, Pes, Peso, Skep, Sod, Soke, Sop, Spode
16. Bee, Eel, Elf, Fee, Lie, Beef, Bile, Feel, File, Flee, Life, Belief
Extra Words: Bel, Belie, Feeb, Fib, Fie, Fil, Lee, Lei, Lib, Lief
17. Ale, Eel, Elf, Elm, Fee, Lam, Lea, Fame, Feel, Flea, Flee, Lame, Leaf, Male, Meal, Flame, Female
Extra Words: Alee, Feal, Fem, Feme, Flam, Fleam, Lee, Mae, Mel
18. Nor, Now, Oar, Own, Ran, Raw, Row, War, Won, Roan, Roar, Warn, Worn, Arrow, Narrow
Extra Words: Awn, Naw, Ora, Orra, Rowan, Wan
19. Den, End, Red, Deer, Edge, Gene, Need, Nerd, Reed, Rend, Genre, Greed, Green, Gender
Extra Words: Dee, Dene, Dree, Dreg, Edger, Eger, Ender, Eng, Ere, Erg, Ern, Erne, Ged, Gee, Geed, Gen, Gree, Nee, Rede, Ree, Reg
20. Cot, Cut, Out, Sum, Cost, Cots, Cuts, Most, Must, Oust, Outs, Scum, Scout, Custom
Extra Words: Cos, Moc, Mocs, Mos, Mot, Mots, Mus, Mut, Muts, Oms, Scot, Scut, Sot, Sou, Stum, Sumo, Tom, Toms, Tum
Word Cookies Coconut Answers – Walkthrough Videos
1. Cop, Ice, Lie, Lip, Lop, Oil, Pie, Clip, Coil, Cope, Epic, Lice, Lope, Pile, Pole, Police
Extra words: Ceil, Cel, Cep, Clop, Col, Cole, Lei, Lipe, Loci, Ole, Oleic, Ope, Pec, Pic, Pice, Plie, Poi, Pol
2. Bee, Eel, See, Beep, Bees, Eels, Else, Peel, Seep, Beeps, Bleep, Peels, Sleep, Bleeps
Extra words: Bel, Bels, Els, Lee, Lees, Pele, Peles, Pes, Pleb, Plebe, Plebes, Plebs, Seel, Sel, Speel
3. Aid, Ail, Cay, Day, Icy, Lad, Lay, Lid, Acid, Clad, Clay, Dial, Idly, Lacy, Lady, Laid, Daily, Acidly
Extra words: Acidy, Acyl, Alcid, Cad, Cadi, Caid, Dal, Idyl, Lac, Laic, Yald, Yclad
4. Ice, Ire, Men, Rim, Cine, Mice, Mine, Mire, Nice, Rein, Rice, Rime, Crime, Mince, Miner, Nicer, Mincer
Extra words: Cire, Emic, Emir, Ern, Merc, Mic, Mien, Mir, Nim, Rec, Rei, Rem
5. Ion, Nip, Nit, Not, Pin, Pit, Pot, Tin, Tip, Ton, Too, Top, Into, Onto, Pint, Point, Option, Potion
Extra words: Noo, Opt, Pinot, Pinto, Pion, Piton, Poi, Poo, Toon, Topi, Topo, Topoi
Special level: Ion, Nip, Nit, Nor, Not, Pin, Pit, Pot, Pro, Rip, Rot, Tin, Tip, Ton, Too, Top, Into, Iron, Onto, Pint, Poor, Port, Riot, Root, Torn, Trio, Trip, Intro, Point, Print, Troop, Option, Potion, Proton, Portion
6. Ice, Ire, Per, Pie, Rip, Epic, Peer, Pier, Rice, Ripe, Creep, Crepe, Piece, Price, Pierce, Recipe
Extra words: Cee, Cep, Cepe, Cere, Cire, Cripe, Ere, Pec, Pere, Peri, Pic, Pice, Piecer, Pree, Rec, Ree, Rei, Rep
7. Her, Hit, Ire, Tee, The, Tie, Heir, Here, Hire, Rite, Thee, Tier, Tire, Tree, Their, There, Three, Either
Extra words: Ere, Eth, Ether, Het, Hie, Hiree, Ither, Ree, Rei, Ret, Rete, Retie, Thir
8. Elf, Few, Foe, Low, Owe, Owl, Woe, Fell, Flew, Flow, Fowl, Well, Wolf, Fellow
Extra words: Ell, Floe, Lowe, Ole
9. Den, Die, Din, End, Inn, Ire, Red, Rid, Dine, Dire, Nerd, Nine, Rein, Rend, Ride, Rind, Diner, Inner, Dinner
Extra words: Deni, Endrin, Ern, Inned, Ired, Nide, Rei, Renin
10. Inn, Net, Nit, Ten, Tie, Tin, Vet, Vie, Nine, Tine, Vein, Vent, Vine, Invent
Extra words: Nevi, Nite, Venin
Special level: Get, Gin, Inn, Net, Nit, Ten, Tie, Tin, Vet, Vie, Give, Nine, Tine, Vein, Vent, Vine, Given, Tinge, Invent, Venting
11. Ion, Nip, Pin, Sin, Sip, Son, Ions, Nips, Oops, Pins, Snip, Soon, Spin, Spoon, Poison
Extra words: Ins, Noo, Nos, Ons, Ops, Opsin, Pion, Pions, Piso, Poi, Pois, Pons, Poo, Poos, Psi, Snoop, Sop
12. Are, Arm, Ear, Era, Ham, Hem, Her, Mar, Ram, Hare, Harm, Hear, Mare, Ream, Hammer
Extra words: Ahem, Hae, Haem, Hame, Harem, Herm, Herma, Hmm, Mae, Mem, Rah, Rem, Rhea
13. Eon, Nor, One, Orb, Ore, Rob, Roe, Bone, Bore, Born, Robe, Zero, Zone, Borne, Bronze
Extra words: Ben, Bonze, Bonzer, Bren, Bro, Ebon, Ern, Neb, Nob, Obe, Reb, Zoner
14. Ace, Age, Ale, Cay, Gal, Gel, Lag, Lay, Lea, Leg, Lye, Cage, Clay, Gale, Lace, Lacy, Legacy
Extra words: Acyl, Aye, Cagey, Cagy, Cel, Clag, Egal, Gay, Glace, Gley, Lac, Lacey, Ley, Lycea, Yag, Yea
15. Con, Eon, Ice, Ion, Men, One, Cine, Coin, Come, Cone, Icon, Mice, Mine, Nice, Omen, Once, Mince, Income
Extra words: Cion, Coni, Emic, Meno, Mic, Mien, Moc, Mon, Monie, Nim, Nom, Nome
16. Are, Arm, Ear, Era, Man, Mar, Men, Ram, Ran, Amen, Earn, Mane, Mare, Mean, Name, Near, Ream, Ramen, Manner
Extra words: Ern, Mae, Nae, Nam, Namer, Nan, Nema, Rem, Reman
17. Dew, Die, Dig, Get, Tie, Wed, Wet, Wig, Wit, Diet, Edit, Tide, Tied, Twig, Wide, Widget
Extra words: Dit, Dite, Ged, Gid, Gie, Gied, Gite, Ted, Teg, Wite, Wited
18. Lam, Man, Son, Also, Loam, Loan, Moan, Slam, Loans, Mason, Moans, Salon, Salmon
Extra words: Alms, Als, Lams, Loams, Mano, Manos, Mans, Mas, Moa, Moas, Mol, Mola, Molas, Mols, Mon, Monas, Mons, Mos, Nam, Naos, Nom, Noma, Nomas, Noms, Nos, Oms, Ons, Sal, Sol, Sola, Solan, Soma, Soman
19. Awl, Law, Lay, Saw, Say, Sly, Was, Way, Away, Awls, Laws, Lays, Slay, Sway, Ways, Always
Extra words: Aal, Aals, Aas, Ala, Alas, Als, Alway, Ays, Sal, Slaw, Waly, Yaw, Yawl, Yawls, Yaws
20. Con, Eon, Ice, Ion, One, Vie, Cine, Coin, Cone, Cove, Icon, Nice, Once, Oven, Vein, Vice, Vine, Voice, Novice
Extra words: Cion, Coni, Coven, Covin, Envoi, Nevi, Ovine, Vino
Word Cookies Lime Answers – Walkthrough Videos
1.Cot, Met, Set, Toe, Come, Cost, Cots, Most, Sect, Some, Stem, Toes, Tome, Comes, Comet, Smote, Tomes, Comets
Extra words: Comte, Comtes, Cos, Coset, Cote, Cotes, Ems, Escot, Moc, Mocs, Mos, Moste, Mot, Mote, Motes, Mots, Oms, Ose, Scot, Sec, Sot, Tom, Toms
2. Ale, Are, Ear, Era, Lay, Lea, Lye, Ray, Rye, Earl, Real, Rely, Year, Early, Layer, Relay, Yearly
Extra words: Aery, Aryl, Aye, Eyra, Eyry, Lar, Lear, Leary, Ley, Lyre, Rale, Rya, Yare, Yarely, Yay, Yea
3. Bed, Bud, Doe, Dub, Due, Duo, Led, Ode, Old, Bled, Blue, Bold, Duel, Lobe, Lode, Loud, Double
Extra words: Bedu, Bel, Blued, Bod, Bode, Bole, Boule, Deb, Del, Dol, Dole, Eld, Leu, Leud, Lob, Lobed, Lube, Lubed, Lude, Ludo, Obe, Ole, Oud
4. Ail, Aim, Lam, Man, Nil, Lain, Mail, Main, Nail, Mania, Animal, Manila
Extra words: Aal, Ala, Alma, Amain, Ami, Amia, Amnia, Ana, Ani, Anil, Anima, Lama, Lamia, Lamina, Lanai, Liana, Lima, Liman, Limn, Lin, Mana, Mil, Mina, Nala, Nam, Nim
5. Arc, Can, Car, Con, Hon, Nor, Oar, Ran, Arch, Char, Corn, Horn, Roan, Acorn, Nacho, Ranch, Roach, Anchor
Extra words: Arco, Archon, Carn, Chao, Chon, Cor, Hora, Nah, Narc, Narco, Noh, Oca, Ora, Orach, Orc, Orca, Racon, Rah, Rancho, Rho, Roc
Special level: Arc, Arm, Can, Car, Con, Ham, Hon, Man, Mar, Nor, Oar, Ram, Ran, Arch, Char, Coma, Corn, Cram, Harm, Horn, Moan, Morn, Norm, Roam, Roan, Acorn, Charm, Macho, Macro, Manor, March, Nacho, Ranch, Roach, Roman, Anchor, Chroma, Monarch
6. Eel, Elm, Let, Lot, Met, Tee, Toe, Meet, Melt, Mete, Mole, Molt, Tome, Emote, Motel, Omelet
Extra words: Lee, Leet, Mel, Metol, Mol, Mot, Mote, Ole, Teel, Teem, Tel, Tele, Telome, Tole, Tom
7. Due, Dug, Gem, Gum, Mud, Mug, Sue, Sum, Use, Dues, Dugs, Gems, Gums, Muds, Mugs, Muse, Smug, Sued, Used, Smudge
Extra words: Degum, Degums, Ems, Emu, Emus, Ged, Geds, Geum, Geums, Gude, Gudes, Med, Meds, Meg, Megs, Mus, Mused, Sedum, Seg
8. Age, Ate, Bag, Bat, Beg, Bet, Eat, Get, Tab, Tag, Tea, Abet, Bate, Beat, Beta, Gate, Teabag
Extra words: Aba, Abate, Agate, Baa, Begat, Eta, Gab, Gat, Geta, Tae, Teg
9. Ail, Air, Arc, Car, Gal, Lag, Rag, Rig, Crag, Girl, Lair, Liar, Rail, Cigar, Grail, Garlic
Extra words: Argil, Aril, Carl, Cig, Clag, Gar, Glair, Glia, Lac, Laic, Lar, Lari, Lira, Ragi, Rai, Ria, Rial
10. Met, Tie, Toe, Vet, Vie, Emit, Item, Mite, Move, Omit, Time, Tome, Veto, Vote, Movie, Vomit, Motive
Extra words: Mot, Mote, Tom, Vim, Voe
Special level: Eve, Met, Tee, Tie, Toe, Vet, Vie, Emit, Item, Meet, Mete, Mite, Move, Omit, Teem, Time, Tome, Veto, Vote, Emote, Movie, Vomit, Motive, Emotive
11. Let, Lie, Lit, Lot, Oil, Tie, Toe, Tot, Lite, Tile, Tilt, Toil, Tote, Title, Toilet
Extra words: Lei, Loti, Lotte, Ole, Tel, Teloi, Tet, Toile, Toit, Tole
12. Age, Dam, Gem, Mad, Aged, Game, Made, Mage, Mead, Mega, Adage, Damage
Extra words: Agma, Dag, Dame, Egad, Gad, Gae, Gaed, Gam, Gama, Gamed, Ged, Mae, Mag, Med, Meg
13. Elk, Ice, Ilk, Lie, Lip, Pie, Clip, Epic, Kelp, Lice, Lick, Like, Peck, Pick, Pike, Pile, Pickle
Extra words: Ceil, Cel, Cep, Ick, Kep, Kepi, Kip, Lei, Lek, Lipe, Pec, Pic, Pice, Plie
14. Arc, Car, Cod, Cow, Oar, Rad, Raw, Rod, Row, Wad, War, Card, Coda, Cord, Crow, Draw, Road, Ward, Woad, Word, Crowd, Coward
Extra words: Ado, Arco, Cad, Caw, Cor, Craw, Daw, Doc, Dor, Dow, Oca, Oda, Ora, Orad, Orc, Orca, Roc
15. Ant, Ash, Ask, Has, Hat, Sat, Tan, Ants, Hats, Sank, Tank, Tans, Task, Than, Shank, Stank, Tanks, Thank, Thanks
Extra words: Ankh, Ankhs, Hank, Hanks, Hast, Kas, Khan, Khans, Khat, Khats, Nah, Nth, Ska, Skat, Snath, Tsk
16. Fig, Fin, Fir, Gin, Ire, Rig, Fern, Fine, Fire, Grin, Rein, Rife, Ring, Feign, Finer, Grief, Infer, Reign, Finger, Fringe
Extra words: Eng, Erg, Ern, Fen, Fer, Fie, Firn, Frig, Gen, Gie, Gien, Girn, Neif, Ref, Reg, Rei, Reif, Renig, Rif
17. Its, Pit, Rip, Sip, Sir, Sit, Tip, Iris, Pits, Rips, Spit, Stir, Tips, Trip, Strip, Trips, Spirit
Extra words: Psi, Spirt, Sprit, Sri, Stirp, Tipi, Tipis, Tis
18. Act, Bat, Cab, Cat, Cot, Mat, Mob, Oat, Tab, Atom, Boat, Coat, Coma, Comb, Moat, Tomb, Combat
Extra words: Ambo, Bam, Boa, Bot, Bota, Cam, Camo, Cob, Mac, Moa, Moc, Mot, Oca, Taco, Tam, Tao, Tom, Tombac
19. Ale, Ate, Eat, Hat, Lea, Let, Tea, The, Hale, Halt, Hate, Heal, Heat, Late, Lath, Tale, Teal, Heath, Lathe, Health
Extra words: Alt, Eath, Eta, Eth, Hae, Haet, Hah, Hath, Het, Heth, Lat, Tae, Tael, Tel, Tela, Thae
20. Net, New, See, Set, Sew, Tee, Ten, Wet, Nest, Nets, News, Newt, Seen, Sent, Sewn, Stew, Teen, Tees, Tens, Went, West, Wets, Sweet, Teens, Tense, Newest
Extra words: Ens, Esne, Ewe, Ewes, Nee, Newts, Sen, Sene, Sente, Twee, Tween, Tweens, Wee, Ween, Weens, Wees, Weest, Weet, Weets, Wen, Wens
Word Cookies Yogurt Answers – Walkthrough Videos
1.Bed, Bid, Bin, Den, Die, Din, End, Hen, Hid, Nib, Bend, Bide, Bind, Dine, Hide, Hind, Behind
Cookie Jar: Ben, Bine, Deb, Deni, Dib, Edh, Hie, Hied, Neb, Nide
2. Are, Ark, Arm, Ear, Era, Err, Mar, Ram, Make, Mare, Mark, Rake, Rare, Ream, Rear, Maker, Marker, Remark
Cookie Jar: Armer, Kame, Kea, Mae, Merk, Raker, Rearm, Rem
3. Die, Dip, Ire, Per, Pie, Red, Rid, Rip, Zip, Dire, Drip, Pier, Ride, Ripe, Pride, Pried, Prize, Prized
Cookie Jar: Ired, Ped, Peri, Pied, Prez, Redip, Rei, Rep, Riped, Zed
4. Eon, Inn, Ion, Lie, Nil, Oil, One, Lien, Line, Lion, Loin, Lone, Neon, Nine, None, Linen, Online
Cookie Jar: Eloin, Enol, Lei, Leno, Lin, Linn, Lino, Noel, Noil, Ole, Olein
5. Emu, Rue, Rum, See, Sue, Sum, Use, Emus, Mere, Muse, Rues, Ruse, Seem, Seer, Sure, User, Reuse, Serum, Resume
Cookie Jar: Emeu, Emeus, Ems, Ere, Ers, Meres, Mure, Mures, Mus, Muser, Ree, Rees, Rem, Rems, Res, Rums, Seme, Ser, Sere, Suer
Special level: Emu, Per, Pus, Rue, Rum, See, Sue, Sum, Use, Emus, Mere, Muse, Peer, Perm, Pure, Rues, Rump, Ruse, Seem, Seep, Seer, Spur, Sure, User, Peers, Perms, Puree, Purse, Reuse, Rumps, Serum, Spree, Super, Peruse, Resume, Presume, Supreme
6. Den, Dud, Due, Dun, End, Sue, Sun, Use, Dens, Dues, Dune, Ends, Nude, Send, Sued, Used, Dudes, Dunes, Nudes, Sudden
Cookie Jar: Dude, Duds, Duns, Ens, Nus, Sen, Sned, Sudd, Unde
7. Not, Now, Nut, Out, Own, Pot, Pun, Put, Ton, Top, Tow, Tun, Two, Won, Pout, Punt, Town, Unto, Upon, Uptown
Cookie Jar: Nowt, Opt, Pow, Punto, Puton, Tup, Wont, Wot
8. Ace, Act, Ant, Ate, Can, Cat, Eat, Net, Tan, Tea, Ten, Acne, Cane, Cant, Cent, Neat, Enact, Accent
Cookie Jar: Ante, Cate, Ceca, Eta, Etna, Nae, Tace, Tae
9. Her, Hip, Ice, Ire, Per, Pie, Rip, Chip, Epic, Heir, Hire, Pier, Rice, Rich, Ripe, Chirp, Perch, Price, Cipher
Cookie Jar: Cep, Ceriph, Chi, Cire, Cripe, Hep, Hic, Hie, Ich, Pec, Pech, Peri, Phi, Pic, Pice, Rec, Rei, Rep
10. Ace, Aid, Die, Ice, Via, Vie, Aced, Acid, Aide, Avid, Cave, Dice, Diva, Dive, Iced, Idea, Vice, Vied, Caved, Advice
Cookie Jar: Ave, Cad, Cade, Cadi, Caid, Cavie, Cedi, Dace, Deva, Vac, Viced, Vid, Vide
Special level: Ace, Aid, Cod, Die, Doe, Ice, Ode, Via, Vie, Aced, Acid, Aide, Avid, Cave, Coda, Code, Coed, Cove, Dice, Diva, Dive, Dove, Iced, Idea, Vice, Vied, Void, Avoid, Caved, Video, Voice, Advice, Voiced
11. Are, Bar, Bee, Bra, Ear, Era, Eve, Rev, Aver, Bare, Bear, Beer, Ever, Rave, Veer, Verb, Brave, Beaver
Cookie Jar: Arb, Ave, Brae, Bree, Breve, Eave, Ere, Reave, Reb, Ree, Var, Vee, Vera
12. Arm, Man, Mar, Moo, Nor, Oar, Ram, Ran, Moan, Moon, Moor, Morn, Norm, Roam, Roan, Room, Manor, Roman, Maroon
Cookie Jar: Mano, Moa, Mon, Mono, Mor, Mora, Moron, Nam, Nom, Noma, Noo, Ora, Rom, Romano
13. Cue, Elm, Emu, Sue, Sum, Use, Clue, Cues, Elms, Emus, Mule, Muse, Scum, Slum, Clues, Mules, Muscle
Cookie Jar: Cel, Cels, Culm, Culms, Ecu, Ecus, Els, Ems, Leu, Luce, Luces, Lues, Lum, Lums, Mel, Mels, Mus, Sec, Sel, Slue
14. Den, Die, Din, Dye, End, Ink, Key, Kid, Kin, Yen, Deny, Dine, Inky, Kind, Dinky, Inked, Kidney
Cookie Jar: Deni, Dike, Dikey, Dinkey, Dyne, Ken, Kine, Nide, Yin
15. Arc, Bar, Bra, Cab, Car, Hob, Oar, Orb, Rob, Arch, Boar, Char, Crab, Abhor, Cobra, Roach, Broach
Cookie Jar: Arb, Arco, Bach, Bah, Boa, Bora, Brach, Bro, Carb, Carbo, Carob, Chao, Cob, Cor, Hoar, Hora, Oca, Ora, Orach, Orc, Orca, Rah, Rho, Roc
16. Lip, Ply, Sip, Sly, Spy, Limp, Lips, Lisp, Slim, Slip, Imply, Limps, Slimy, Simply
Cookie Jar: Imp, Imps, Ism, Limpsy, Lis, Mil, Mils, Mips, Mis, Pily, Psi, Sim, Simp, Syli, Yip, Yips
17. Fir, Fit, For, Pit, Pot, Pro, Rip, Rot, Tip, Top, Fort, Port, Rift, Riot, Trio, Trip, Profit
Cookie Jar: Fop, Frit, Fro, Oft, Opt, Ort, Poi, Prof, Rif, Roti, Tiro, Topi, Tor, Tori, Trop
18. Fen, Fin, Fit, Ice, Net, Nit, Ten, Tic, Tie, Tin, Cent, Cine, Cite, Fine, Nice, Tine, Feint, Infect
Cookie Jar: Eft, Etic, Fet, Fice, Fie, Neif, Nite
19. Bum, Bun, Bur, Emu, Men, Nub, Rub, Rue, Rum, Run, Urn, Burn, Menu, Numb, Number
Cookie Jar: Ben, Berm, Bren, Brume, Ern, Mun, Mure, Neb, Neum, Reb, Rem, Rube, Rumen, Rune, Umber, Unbe, Urb
20. Art, Hat, Hot, Oar, Oat, Rat, Rot, Tar, Tat, Tot, Hart, Oath, Tart, That, Tort, Trot, Tarot, Throat
Cookie Jar: Hoar, Hora, Ora, Ort, Ottar, Rah, Rath, Rato, Rho, Rota, Tahr, Tao, Taro, Tho, Thro, Tor, Tora, Torah, Torta, Troth
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