Full Truberbrook Walkthrough [100%]

truberbrook walkthrough

Welcome to Truberbrook Walkthrough Guide!

Truberbook game is just released for iOS and Android devices. This point-and-click adventure game Trüberbrook took gamers hearts on PC since March 2019. Now it is on mobile as of August 26th 2020.

You as Hans Tannhauser, an American student of quantum mechanics. You are the lucky one  who has won a vacation to a remote German village. Now it is in your hands to save the World.

Let us help you to go through the game experience smoothly and more enjoyable. Truberbrook Walkthrough Guide will help to go through your game’s hard times or answer your questions you may have during the game. Truberbrook walkthrough videos will show exactly how to use tools and conversations to complete game tasks.

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Truberbrook Walkthrough Guide

Truberbrook Pretitle Walkthrough

truberbrook pretitle walkthrough

Pretitle chapter is about to get some gas and cool the engine of the bike to continue your journey. You stopped at the gas station at Terra Incognita Scenic Highway. 

  1. Go and kick the pipe to get a hidden replacement key key for the gas station’s door.
  2. Go to a table and check red tool box. Take a pliers.
  3. Unlock the gas station’s door and go inside.
  4. Check the picture on the right of the door. Click again on the picture to discovery a switch. Turn the switch ON. Take a cup and a postcard and you may wonder around.
  5. Click on the electrical cable by the switch. She will cut it. Go outside.
  6. Fill the gas and use a cup to take some leaking cold water from the freezer to cool the engine. And continue biking.

Truberbrook Pretitle Walkthrough Video

Truberbrook Prologue Walkthrough

truberbrook prologue walkthrough

You have arrived. You are Dr. Hans Tannhauser, quantum physics,  at the bus stop. You are a winner of the lottery for your best vacation ever in somewhere in Germany in 1967. Proceed to the right, forward to the town, Truberbrook.

  1. Enter your hotel. Wonder around and talk to the lady. Ring the bell again.
  2. You are in your room. Go out and follow the steps. Talk to the lady, Gretchen, the anthropologist.

After many conversations, you will be looking for the theft with Gretchen who offers you her help. This is the beginning of the end!

Truberbrook Prologue Walkthrough Video

Truberbrook Chapter 1 Walkthrough

truberbrook chapter 1 walkthrough

Truberbrook Chapter 1 is all about to get cable car working. You will walk around the town to find a master key and also to find how you can override the broken mains.

Below all steps fro Truberbrook Chapter 1 Walkthrough guide:

  1. Pick up a box beside yellow phonebox. Go down to the town.
  2. Enter to your hotel and go to your room. Look under the bed and pick up a massage rod. Open window and get cloth hanger. Open the dresser and and get another cloth hanger. Take a blanket from small dresser beside the coat. Go down.
  3. Give the massage rod to Trude, the reception, in exchange for a fishing rod. Talk to Trude and ask her to report the theft to the police. Talk to her about her brother and her daughter.
  4. Ask Trude for a beer. Pick up fallen coaster. Go read newspaper and take another coaster from the table.
  5. Go to the living room and get a cheese skewer from the breakfast table. Pick up a can of tune from the floor by the table.
  6. Go and try to turn off the TV and start your conversation with the girl. Use your recorder as a starlog and get girl’s trust, so she will tell you about a hidden place in your room.
  7. Go back to your room and kick the rug in the middle of the room. Take the schnapps from the hidden place. Go back to the living room of the hotel.
  8. Pick up a maggot from the breakfast table. Go outside.
  9. Talk to the old man on the wheelchair. Use two coasters on the wobbly table. Continue to talk to the old man Get information about his cat, Klaus and the cable car. Go to the lake.
  10. Go and get piece of reed. Go fishing and pick up a can opener as a result of fishing and your fishing rod. Put the red blanket in the boat. Click on the cat and get the cat down by using the reed, skewer and schnapps. Try to catch a cat. Go back to the town.
  11. Use can of tuna to catch a cat with the box. Go up after the cat and try to catch him again. Pick up passed out cat. Go down.
  12. Give the cat to the old man. Ask for a master key for the cable car. Take a key and go up. Use the key on the cable car. Go down.
  13. Use the can opener on the statue. Go back up and connect the main power cable.
  14. Leave the statue as it is and go up. Use the cloth hangers on the cable car.

Truberbrook Chapter 1 is completed! See you in Truberbrook Chapter 2.

Truberbrook Chapter 1 Walkthrough Video

Truberbrook Chapter 2 Walkthrough

Truberbrook Chapter 2 Walkthrough Video

Truberbrook Chapter 3 Walkthrough

Truberbrook Chapter 3 Walkthrough Video

Truberbrook Chapter 4 Walkthrough

Truberbrook Chapter 4 Walkthrough Video

Truberbrook Chapter 5 Walkthrough

Truberbrook Chapter 5 Walkthrough Video


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