Full The House of Da Vinci 2 Walkthrough (100%)

the house of da vinci 2 walkthrough

Welcome to The House of Da Vinci 2 Walkthrough!

Here you can find the House of Da Vinci 2 walkthrough guide with pictures of some solved puzzles and tips how to solve others. If you have something to add to it, please leave your comments. Any input is appreciated!

Little bit about the game

The release date: December 4, 2019
Developer: Blue Brain Games
Genre: Puzzle video game
Publisher: Blue Brain Games
Mode: Single-player video game
Android and Microsoft Windows, Macintosh operating systems are coming soon.

Game’s control information

The camera can be tricky and too fast. The screen is sensitive in some puzzles. There will be a lot of swiping up, down, left, right and around with your finger. Often, you will have to use a key and other items that need to be turned around by making circle with your finger. It took some time for me to used it. To zoom in, tap twice on the object and zoom out is use your two fingers on the screen to make it smaller. Sometimes, you will need to use two hands at the same time.

The House of Da Vinci 2 Chapter 1

Chapter 1 is mostly about to the game’s environment and control introduction.

  • sphere picture. By turning two disk in the middle restore the drawing (see pictures below).

The House of Da Vinci 2 chapter 1 sphere

The House of Da Vinci 2 Walkthrough Chapter 1 Video

The House of Da Vinci 2 Chapter 2

Most of chapter 2’s puzzles are in the gazebo. Even though, it talks about the labyrinth. Below, you may find only puzzles’s solution but to walktrough you may watch video of chapter 2 because it’s hard to describe each step.

  • to match 3 shapes with their description below. The picture shows only two, the third is easy to figure out. Just put its in place to solve the puzzle (see video for more details).

the house of da vinci 2 puzzle 1

  • to match dots in the frame with the tree on the wall of gazebo. You will need to turn the frame bu using wheels on the side and the button – right and upside down before matching (see video for more details).

the house of da vinci 2 chapter 2 puzzle 2

  • this puzzle (in the past) need to be solved with help of the drawings from notebook (done in the present) (see video for more details)

the house of da vinci 2 chapter 2 puzzle 3

  • go back to the present and use the disk with roman numbers. Need to have the exact sum of two numbers on the side with the number in the middle (I + II = III) (see video for more details).

the house of da vinci 2 chapter 2 puzzle 4

  • see the picture below to solve the puzzle with zodiac signs or watch video below.

the house of da vinci 2 chapter 2 puzzle 5

    • this puzzle is required to make all wheels moving by swiping handles below them. It will work if you manage to put all handles in the middle. (see video below for more details).
    • the puzzle about zodiac signs that you wrote down in your notebook. Use it to solve this puzzle. The order is Aries – Leo – Libra – Sagittarius – Gemini – Pieces (see video for more details).

  • the next couple puzzles that are with the doors please refer to the video below. You will need to go to the past. The first door is the gazebo door. Use the disk that you collected and by turning disks match the dots on the door. The second door is on your left in the path. Pay attention to the symbols on the bench around the tree. Close and lock the door by matching arrows with symbols to symbols on the door screen. Then you will need to follow symbols on the bench to put the same order on the door to unlock it (see picture below).

the house of da vinci 2 chapter 2 puzzle 7

  • next puzzle on the cage. It’s simple but time consuming. Just match the colors to the pattern on the side by moving them around (see video below for more details).
  • after turning the gazebo, to open the tube on the table, you will need to recreate the picture on the top as same as the picture on the bottom by turning sides.

The House of Da Vinci 2 Walkthrough Chapter 2 Video

The House of Da Vinci 2 Chapter 3

In this chapter you will work on mysterious machine that was given as gift? to Da Vinci. There are not many puzzles, just need to figure out right place for right piece of the machine. The walkthrough video below will have all details.

  • the first puzzle on the machine that you need to solve is to put four colorful dick in proper order. The order is dictated by pins that can be out by pressing middle button (see picture below). Remember the symbols that are related to each animal, you will need them to solve next puzzle (it will be in the book, see below video for more details).

the house of da vinci 2 chapter 3 puzzle 1

  • another puzzle is to light up all holes of the Sagittarius disk by turning wheels on each side. When you remove the disk and open the door, try to memorize map location. You will need to the next puzzle.

the house of da vinci 2 chapter 3 puzzle 2

  • another puzzle is to turn all bricks and make yellow color from BOTTOM to top

the house of da vinci 2 chapter 3 puzzle 3

The House of Da Vinci 2 Walkthrough Chapter 3 Video

The House of Da Vinci 2 Chapter 4

  • The first puzzle is about to bring two wood panels on each side to the top by spinning wheels in the middle by using handles on each side (see picture below)

the house of da vinci 2 chapter 4 puzzle 1

  • next puzzle is to match signs on the wheels with the signs on the towers of small house (see picture below)

the house of da vinci 2 chapter 4 puzzle 2

  • this puzzle is to connect letters on each side of each box. It is time consuming puzzle (see picture below)

the house of da vinci 2 chapter 4 puzzle 3

  • the answer for the cylinder is 4063.
  • this puzzle is about to put circles in the order of top line and use bottom line’s numbers to move circles in this order (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

the house of da vinci 2 chapter 4 puzzle 5

The House of Da Vinci 2 Walkthrough Chapter 4 Video

The House of Da Vinci 2 Chapter 5

This chapter is in the church’s library and you are looking for a secret book. It is hard to describe everything, please refer to below walkthrough video for the most of gameplay of chapter 5.

  • how to take out blue gem from the boxes. Use switches on the top to move locking mechanism on both sides (see pictures below)

the house of da vinci 2 chapter 5 puzzle 1

  • When insert blue gem, you need to turn it in the following order: righ-left-left-right-left-right
  • After using shield to solve the puzzle use combination of symbols below

the house of da vinci 2 chapter 5 puzzle 2

  • the door puzzle with left and right sides. See below pictures for right symbol for each side

the house of da vinci 2 chapter 6 puzzle 3

the house of da vinci 2 chapter 5 puzzle 4

  • to solve puzzle on the barrel for the elevator, move plates with arrows in the following order for the top three elements to be on the same level

the house of da vinci 2 chapter 5 puzzle 6

  • DO NOT forget to hook the barrel!
  • three right words to solve the puzzle on the side of the table – Custodias Hic Hostium

the house of da vinci 2 chapter 5 puzzle 7

  • to unlock the stairs you need to put switches in the right positions

the house of da vinci 2 chapter 5 puzzle 8

The House of Da Vinci 2 Walkthrough Chapter 5 Video

The House of Da Vinci 2 Chapter 6

You are still in the church’s library looking for a secret book. This chapter was more difficult for me personally, especially mirrors part. Complete walkthrough video of this chapter is below.

  • use two hands to get the part behind wood corner.
  • below picture of first door puzzle

the house of da vinci 2 chapter 6 puzzle 1

  • fourth door puzzle picture

the house of da vinci 2 chapter 6 puzzle 2

  • combination of colors

the house of da vinci 2 chapter 6 puzzle 4

The House of Da Vinci 2 Walkthrough Chapter 6 Video

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