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Word Cookies Talented Chef answers are included Strawberry, Peach, Red Velvet, Rose and Cherry Word Cookies answers.
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Word Cookies Talented Chef Strawberry Answers
1.Bat, Bit, Hat, Hit, Tab, Bait, Bath, Habit
2. Ice, Ire, Rim, Mice, Mire, Rice, Rime, Crime
3. Hon, Hot, Nor, Not, Rot, Ton, Horn, Torn, North, Thorn
4. For, Nor, Not, Rot, Ton, Font, Fort, Torn, Front
5. Dig, Din, Gin, Rid, Rig, Gird, Grid, Grin, Rind, Ring, Grind
Special level – Dig, Din, Dug, Dun, Gin, Rid, Rig, Dung, Gird, Grid, Grin, Rind, Ring, Grind, During
Extra word – Durn
6. Ads, And, Ant, Sad, Sat, Tad, Tan, Ants, Sand, Stand
7. Net, Nit, Nut, Ten, Tie, Tin, Tun, Tine, Tune, Unit, Unite, Untie
8. Bed, Bee, Red, Beer, Bred, Deer, Reed, Breed
9. Ads, Aid, Day, Sad, Say, Aids, Dais, Days, Said, Daisy
10. Hew, Hit, The, Tie, Wet, Wit, Whet, Whit, With, White
Special level – Get, Hew, Hit, The, Tie, Wet, Wig, Wit, Twig, Whet, Whit, With, Eight, Weigh, White, Weight
11. Hit, Ink, Kin, Kit, Nit, Tin, Hint, Knit, Thin, Think
12. Fen, Fin, Ink, Kin, Fine, Knife
13. Man, Maw, Mow, Now, Own, Won, Moan, Mown, Woman
14. Hot, How, Rot, Row, Tow, Two, Who, Throw, Worth
15. Are, Bar, Bra, Ear, Era, Bare, Bear, Raze, Braze, Zebra
16. Cod, Duo, Old, Clod, Cold, Loud, Cloud, Could
17. Elf, Flu, Let, Felt, Flue, Fuel, Left, Lute, Flute
18. Act, Cat, Hat, Chat, Thaw, What, Watch
19. Bug, Bur, Buy, Guy, Rub, Rug, Bury, Grub, Ruby, Rugby
20. Cop, Cot, Opt, Pit, Pot, Tic, Tip, Top, Optic, Topic
Word Cookies Talented Chef – Strawberry Pack Walkthrough Video
Word Cookies Talented Chef Peach Answers
1.Gin, Sin, Wig, Win, Gins, Sign, Sing, Wigs, Wing, Wins, Swing, Wings
2. Ace, Cue, Sea, Sue, Use, Aces, Case, Cues, Cause, Sauce
3. Arm, Jam, Jar, Mar, Oar, Ram, Roam, Major
4. Den, End, Net, Red, Ten, Dent, Nerd, Rend, Rent, Tend, Tern, Trend
5. Ice, Ire, Per, Pie, Rip, Epic, Pier, Rice, Ripe, Price
Extra Words – Ted, Pein, Pincer
Special level – Ice, Ire, Per, Pie, Pin, Rip, Cine, Epic, Pier, Pine, Rein, Rice, Ripe, Price, Prince
6. Its, Kit, Sit, Ski, Tic, Kits, Sick, Tick, Stick, Ticks
7. Lie, Oil, Vie, Evil, Live, Love, Veil, Vile, Vole, Olive
8. Ail, Nil, Sin, Ails, Lain, Nail, Sail, Nails, Slain, Snail
9. Beg, Big, Bin, Gin, Nib, Begin, Being
10. Arc, Can, Car, Con, Nor, Oar, Ran, Corn, Roan, Acorn
Special level – Any, Arc, Can, Car, Cay, Con, Coy, Cry, Nay, Nor, Oar, Ran, Ray, Corn, Roan, Yarn, Acorn, Crony, Rayon, Crayon
11. Ale, Ape, Lap, Lea, Pal, Pea, Leap, Pale, Peal, Plea, Apple
12. Bow, Nor, Now, Orb, Own, Rob, Row, Won, Born, Brow, Worn, Brown
13. Bed, Den, End, Led, Bend, Bled, Lend, Blend
14. Din, Ink, Irk, Kid, Kin, Rid, Kind, Rind, Drink
15. Aid, Air, Oar, Rad, Rid, Rod, Arid, Raid, Road, Radio
16. Bed, Bet, Bud, But, Dub, Due, Tub, Debt, Duet, Tube, Debut
17. Ace, Ape, Cap, Pea, Ache, Cape, Each, Heap, Pace, Cheap, Peach
18. Ate, Eat, Mat, May, Met, Tea, Yam, Yet, Mate, Meat, Tame, Team, Meaty
19. Ore, Per, Pro, Rev, Roe, Over, Pore, Rope, Rove, Prove
20. Con, Cow, Nor, Now, Own, Row, Won, Corn, Crow, Worn, Crown
Word Cookies Talented Chef – Peach Answers Walkthrough Video
Word Cookies Talented Chef Red Velvet Answers
1.Aid, Ail, Day, Lad, Lay, Lid, Dial, Idly, Lady, Laid, Daily
2. Bed, Bid, Die, Ire, Red, Rib, Rid, Bide, Bier, Bird, Bred, Dire, Ride, Bride
3. Nap, Pan, Par, Paw, Ran, Rap, Raw, War, Pawn, Warn, Warp, Wrap, Prawn
4. Ale, Elf, Lea, Fake, Flak, Flea, Kale, Lake, Leaf, Leak, Flake
5. Hew, How, Low, Owe, Owl, Who, Woe, Hole, Howl, Whole
Extra words – Mol, Holm, Helo, Mohel, Hoe, Ohm, Ole, Howe, Lek
Special Level – Elm, Hem, Hew, How, Low, Mew, Mow, Owe, Owl, Who, Woe, Helm, Hole, Home, Howl, Mole, Whom, Whelm
6. Air, Gin, Nag, Rag, Ran, Rig, Gain, Grin, Rain, Rang, Ring, Grain
7. Set, Toe, Vet, Toes, Vest, Veto, Vets, Vote, Stove, Votes
8. Bur, Bus, Hub, Rub, Sub, Burs, Bush, Hubs, Rubs, Rush, Brush, Shrub
9. Our, Out, Rot, Rut, Tot, Rout, Tort, Tour, Tout, Trot, Trout, Tutor
10. Elm, Eon, Men, One, Lone, Mole, Omen, Lemon, Melon
Special level – Elm, Eon, Let, Lot, Men, Met, Net, Not, One, Ten, Toe, Ton, Lent, Lone, Melt, Mole, Molt, Note, Omen, Tome, Tone, Lemon, Melon, Motel, Molten
11. Den, Die, Dim, Din, End, Men, Dine, Mend, Mind, Mine, Denim, Mined
12. Ail, Air, Art, Lit, Rat, Tar, Lair, Liar, Rail, Tail, Trail, Trial
13. Amp, Map, Maw, Paw, Sap, Saw, Spa, Was, Amps, Maps, Paws, Swam, Swap, Wasp, Swamp
14. Die, Ire, Red, Rev, Rid, Vie, Dire, Dive, Ride, Vied, Diver, Drive
Extra word – Vier
15. Den, Doe, Don, End, Eon, Nod, Ode, One, Done, Doze, Node, Zone, Dozen, Zoned
16. Arc, Arm, Car, Ham, Mar, Ram, Arch, Char, Cram, Harm, Charm, March
17. And, Bad, Ban, Bar, Bra, Dab, Rad, Ran, Band, Bard, Barn, Bran, Darn, Drab, Brand
18. Ail, Air, Lap, Lip, Pal, Par, Rap, Rip, Lair, Liar, Pair, Rail, April
19. Ant, Ban, Bat, Bot, Not, Oat, Tab, Tan, Ton, Boat, Baton
20. Ore, Owe, Per, Pew, Pro, Roe, Row, Woe, Pore, Rope, Wore, Power
Word Cookies Talented Chef – Red Velvet Pack Walkthrough Video
Word Cookies Talented Chef Rose Answers
Word Cookies Rose Pack Walkthrough Video
Word Cookies Talented Chef Cherry Answers
1.Inn, Ion, Sin, Son, Inns, Ions, Noon, Soon, Onion, Onions
2. Low, Owl, Woo, Flow, Fool, Fowl, Wolf, Wool, Follow
3. Gun, Guy, Hug, Rug, Run, Urn, Hung, Rung, Hungry
4. Bet, Bot, Cot, Jet, Job, Jot, Toe, Object
5. Ace, Can, Hen, Ache, Acne, Cane, Each, Cache, Chance
Extra Words – Hae, Nah, Clach
Special Level – Ace, Ale, Can, Hen, Lea, Ache, Acne, Cane, Clan, Each, Hale, Heal, Lace, Lane, Lean, Cache, Clean, Lance, Leach, Cancel, Chance, Clench, Chancel
6. Met, Set, Sty, Yes, Yet, Mess, Sets, Stem, Messy, Stems, System
7. Bee, Bet, Eel, Let, Tee, Beet, Belt, Beetle
8. Bid, Dry, Hid, Rib, Rid, Bird, Hybrid
9. Inn, Net, Nit, Ten, Tie, Tin, Nine, Tent, Tine, Tint, Intent
10. Ion, Nil, Oil, Lion, Loin, Viol, Violin
Special level – Gin, Ion, Log, Nil, Oil, Lion, Loin, Long, Viol, Lingo, Vigil, Living, Loving, Oiling, Violin
11. Die, Dim, Due, Mud, Mum, Dime, Mime, Medium
12. Dig, Fig, Fir, Rid, Rig, Gird, Grid, Rigid, Frigid
13. Oat, Opt, Pat, Pot, Tap, Tat, Too, Top, Tot, Atop, Potato
14. Gel, Gun, Jug, Leg, Lug, Glue, June, Lune, Lung, Lunge, Jungle
15. Cub, Cup, Lip, Pub, Blip, Clip, Club, Pubic, Public
16. Ads, Jut, Sad, Sat, Tad, Dust, Just, Juts, Stud, Adjust
17. Fog, For, Got, Rot, Tog, Too, Foot, Fort, Frog, Roof, Root, Forgot
18. Elf, Flu, Sue, Use, Flue, Fuel, Fuse, Self, Flues, Fuels, Useful
19. Moo, Moor, Room, Smog, Groom, Moors, Rooms, Grooms
20. Err, Ore, Roe, Rot, Toe, Rote, Tore, Error, Retro, Terror
Word Cookies Cherry Pack Walkthrough Video
- Word cookies Cherry Answers
- Word Cookies Rose Answers
- Word Cookies Red Velvet Answers
- Word Cookies Peach Answers
- Word Cookies Strawberry Answers
- Cheats For Word Cookies