Full Hospital Escape Room Escape Game Walkthrough [100%]


Welcome to Hospital Escape Room Escape Game Walkthrough!

Reality of Hospital Escape Room Escape Walkthrough here! You, Ye Xiu, are a psychologist, a scavenger who drifts between reality and consciousness… What is true or false, Reality and Consciousness?

Hospital Escape Room Escape is a first-person click-to-point interactive plot with rich and interesting puzzles game. As a psychologist, you are searching for the body of consciousness in the patient’s subconscious. Sounds completed?

You need to collect clues to understand the incentives of the patient’s illness, and finally do your best to help and restore the patient’s consciousness. Are you ready?

Do not forget to participate in your schedule activities (reading, playing…) to improve your various abilities! You have to score more 80 to pass the level.

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Hospital Escape Room Escape Game Information

Hospital Escape Room Escape Game Walkthrough [CHAPTER 1]


Your first patient is Jun Hao. It is also a chapter when you learn how to play the game.

Click on the recorder to get the key. Use the key on the glass cabinet then drag the pill box inside to get a part of door handle.

Click on the monitor, remember the number 473. Click on the box on the side of the monitor and enter the number 473 to open it. Get another part of the door handle. Combine the two parts of door handles and use it the red door. Enter the diagnostic room.

First you need to find clues that will help you to talk in the right way to the patient. Click on the post on your left and collect doctor’s badge (deformation object). Then pick up a photo from the ground and read a newspaper from the desk.  Now click on the patient and enter the dialogue. The dialogue choices are Tell, About Photos, Appease and Pragmatic.

Jun Hao has been cured!

Hospital Escape Room Escape Game [CHAPTER 1]Walkthrough Video




Hospital Escape Room Escape Game Walkthrough [CHAPTER 2]


Your second patient is Tong Wei. The deformation object is a medical mask, the total of 11.

In the bedroom, pick up the drawing fragment from the bed. Open the window blinds and take another drawing fragments. Click on the drawing above the bed and use found fragments to it. Remember the appeared number 3257. Use this number on the box on the floor and take a rotating valve. Use this valve on the metal door and open it. Enter the corridor.

Click on the box on the bench and play mini-game. Take a screwdriver handle from the box. Click on the radiator and take a red button. Move to the right and click on the garbage bin. Pick up a wooden board and a scrap of paper from the bin (the clue for the clock’s arrows). Use the board on the chandelier to grab the key. Go back  to the bedroom.

Use found key on the door and enter to the washroom. Remember the shower curtain’s symbols (the clue for the code lock). Click on the sink and pick up a copper fragment. Click on the toilet’s water tank and take a screwdriver bit. Combine screwdriver handle and bit in your inventory. Click on the mirror and brake it, take a glass shard. Leave the bathroom and go to the corridor.

Click on the portrait on the wall and use glass shards on it. Take another copper fragment. Combine two copper fragments in your inventory to get a copper mask. Go back to the bedroom.

Use copper mask on the ward’s drawer. Take a blue pointer for the clock in the corridor. Go there.

Install blue pointer on the clock and red button the box. Use scrap paper’s clue to move pointers in the right positions (use buttons to move the pointers). Take a battery. Move to the right and click on the code lock. Use screwdriver on it to remove left panel and install battery. Use symbols on the shower’s curtains to unlock it. Enter the treatment room.

Pick a wrench from the floor. Click on the electrical box and use the wrench to open it. Pick up a star block and turn off the power. Pick up a faucet from the electric chair. Remember letters on the chair LJRY (the clue for the ward’s drawer in the bedroom). Leave the room and go back to the bedroom.

Enter letter on the ward’s drawer and take a chisel. Go back to the corridor.

Use chisel on the cracked floor tile. Take a tie rod and metal decoration piece. Move to the right and use star block on the table. Take a handle. Go back to the washroom.

Open shower curtains and click on the metal box. Use wrench to remove the cover. Connect the water pipes (watch Hospital Escape Room Escape Game walkthrough video at 09:44). Click on the sink and install faucet. Turn on the faucet. Leave the washroom and go back to the treatment room.

Click on the rug to move it. Install handle by using screws on the metal cover and open it. Take a giant syringe and sheep head decoration from the box. Leave the room and go back to the washroom.

Click on the sink and fill in giant syringe with the green water. Place sheep head decoration on the undersink drawer. Take a brush. Leave the washroom and go back to the treatment room.

Click on the fireplace and use water from syringe to extinguish it. Pick up a pink liquid bottle and a coal. Turn on the power, install tie rod on the machine, push it down and place coal inside to get coal ash. Leave the room and go back to the washroom.

Use fuchsia liquid on the bath drain and take an energy block from the hand. Combine brush and coal ash in your inventory to get brush with soot. Leave the room and go back to the corridor.

Install energy block into the elevator lock and use brush to get the combination, use it and get inside.

In the library, click on the shelf’s drawing and take clue for this chapter – photo.


Hospital Escape Room Escape Game [CHAPTER 2]Walkthrough Video




Hospital Escape Room Escape Game Walkthrough [CHAPTER 3]


Your third patient is Wang Mingzhe, 14 years old boy. The deformation object is a game consoles boxes, the total of 10.

The answers to choose to get 100% success: Doubt – About power of attorney – Guess – About paper – Murderer status – Tell a lie.

Hospital Escape Room Escape Game [CHAPTER 3]Walkthrough Video




Hospital Escape Room Escape Game Walkthrough [CHAPTER 4]


Your fourth patient is Bai Kaian, 35 years age HitTok operations manager. He has complete self-awareness, but behaves strangely.

The deformation object is a craft mask, the total of 11.

The answers to choose to get 100% success: Concern – Negative – Photos on Wall – Question – SMS – The Truth.

Hospital Escape Room Escape Game [CHAPTER 4]Walkthrough Video




Hospital Escape Room Escape Game Walkthrough [CHAPTER 5]


Your fifth patient is Lim Wanmeng, 11 years old girl. She is a primary school student in Wuyoulu and suffers from various diseases such as asthma, diabetes, and rickets…

The deformation object is a mirror, the total of 11.

The answers to choose to get 100% success: Doubt – Question – Appease – Negative – Doubt.

Hospital Escape Room Escape Game [CHAPTER 5]Walkthrough Video




Hospital Escape Room Escape Game Walkthrough [CHAPTER 6]


Your six patient is Zhang Wanning, 15 years old girl. She is a school student in Ling’an Middle School and she suddenly fell into a come to excessive stress…

The deformation object is a silver mask, the total of 10.

The answers to choose to get 100% success: Guess – Speculate – Question – Negative – Admonish.

Hospital Escape Room Escape Game [CHAPTER 6]Walkthrough Video




Hospital Escape Room Escape Game Walkthrough [CHAPTER 7]


Your seven patient is Mike, 42 years old man. The physically weak man is ostracized by the religious followers of the whole neighbourhood because he suffers from purple mass disease…

The deformation object is a cross, the total of 11.

The answers to choose to get 100% success: Inquiry – Negative – Sympathy – Questioning – Denial – Extrapolating – Discipline.

Hospital Escape Room Escape Game [CHAPTER 7]Walkthrough Video




Hospital Escape Room Escape Game Walkthrough [CHAPTER 8]


Your eight patient is Han, 25 years old woman. The detective who is working in the police station. She was sent by a mysterious woman for a treatment. The specific circumstances and the cause of the come are still unknown.

The deformation object is a watch, the total of 13.

The answers to choose to get 100% success: Guard Against – Speculate – Reasoning – Grateful – Understand.

Math puzzle solution in the church is 6128+9091 = 1606 (9091 upside down, mirrored) + 8219 (6128 upside down mirrored) = 9825. So whatever numbers you got just mirrored and do the sum. Mine numbers were 6099+1951 which are 1561+6609=8170. Hope it helps!

Letters puzzle is most confusion and guessing type. Below picture of my letters and what they mean, on the top is the order you need to follow.


You found 6 digit code clue for the prison in the top drawer of the wooden cabinet in the fish tank room. Below is how I decoded this clue to get the code.


Here is the match solution, thank you to Ipek AG  from Youtube: 8+1=9 1+4+1=6 (you move match over 7 on minus sign) So the answer is 419168.

Hospital Escape Room Escape Game [CHAPTER 8]Walkthrough Video




Hospital Escape Room Escape Game Walkthrough [CHAPTER 9]


Your eight patient is Zhao, 25 years old woman. Zhao is known to be good at manipulating spells and other circumstances. The organization is unknown.

The deformation object is an airplane, the total of 6.

The answers to choose to get 100% success: Hain Qiuyu – Question – Speculate – Grateful – Reasoning.

The math puzzle solution on the playground is the following:

  • 315 => 853 as 8-5=3 & 5×3=15
  • 154 => 769 as 7-6=1 & 6×9=54
  • ? => 325 as 3-2=1 & 2×5=10 => ?=110

Hospital Escape Room Escape Game [CHAPTER 9]Walkthrough Video



Hospital Escape Room Escape Game Achievements

  • Rejuvenation – The first treatment was successful. This achievement can be obtained as long as the patient who has completed the game tutorial is treated.
  • First drop of blood – Failure of the first treatment. This achievement can get this achievement as long as the patient who completes the game tutorial is treated for the first time and must fail.
  • Game master – Complete all the mini-games in a patient’s consciousness without using the skip button.
  • Rich and wayward – Use the skip button to complete all the mini-games.
  • Independent – Complete the treatment of a certain patient without checking the prompts.
  • Helper – Tips for the first use when you use it as hint.
  • Hua Tuo reborn – A patient’s consciousness value returned to 100. To get it, use Jun Hao chapter (chapter 1) replay to complete this achievement.
  • Connoisseur – Find interesting games on the “Bai Kaian” mobile phone. After unlocking Bai Kaian’s mobile phone, drag the screen to the right to see the games on Bai Kaian’s mobile phone, all of which are the game series before Pinyou. For details on how to access Bai Kaian’s mobile phone, please check Bai Kaian’s clue [[SMS]] for obtaining information.
  • Myopia – After finishing the treatment of a certain patient, no clue was found. This title can be obtained by re-treatment (re-treatment is just below the treatment plot, which is equivalent of deleting files).
  • Presbyopia – After finishing the treatment of a certain patient, none of the deformities objects were found.
  • Plumber – Enter the pipe on the right side of the “garden” in the consciousness of “Wang Mingzhe” 10 times (just in and out like crazy).
  • Ins and outs – Unlock all conversations with a certain patient.
  • Trainee doctor – The consciousness value of Jun Hao (chapter 1)reaches 100 and unlocks all its clues, deformations and dialogues.
  • Intern – Tong Wei has a consciousness value of 100 and unlocks all its clues, deformations objects and dialogues.
  • General doctor – Wang Mingzhe needs to be reached a consciousness value of 100, and unlocked all its clues, deformations and dialogue.
  • Resident – Bai Kaian needs to be reached 100 consciousness and unlocked all its clues, deformations and dialogues.
  • Buddhism Youth – Three times free in the schedule. Just choose to tick off one day without arranging anything in the schedule, instead of continuous.
  • Again – Re-complete the treatment of a certain patient. You can do it with Jun Hao, it is the shortest chapter. 
  • Small scale chopper – Complete the treatment of two patients .
  • Protection expert – Find all medical masks in chapter 2, Tong Wei.
  • Hardcore player – Find all “game consoles”. These deformation objects belonging to Wang Mingzhe’s chapter.
  • Collector – Find all the crafts. The crafts belongs to Bai Kai’an chapter.
  • Bronze Detective – Find the clues in the consciousness of Tong Wei’s chapter (chapter 2).
  • Silver Detective – Find the clues in the consciousness of Wang Mingzhe’s chapter (chapter 3).
  • Gold detective – Find the clues in the consciousness of Bai Kaian’s chapter.

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  1. I cannot figure out patient 8 I’m stuck in the formula I try everything so if you could please help me out thank you

  2. My drawer has diffrent code that Im having trouble fighting out. All my puzzles have been diffrent from answers give and tho Ive figured them out this one I cant.

    • Yes, in this game, almost each puzzle is unique for each player. It is why so hard to help. In the drawer, you need to draw a number. If there is a fat line than you can’t draw on that side. I hope I am talking about the puzzle that you need to solve. Let me know if I am wrong.

  3. Hi. I also can’t figure out the digits on my drawer in chapter 8. Kindly explain how to get it? I’ve tried what I can see, but it’s not correct. Thank you.

    • Hi. You need to get a number by drawing a line. You can’t draw a line on the side where the small square connected to the big square. Hope it helps.

  4. Hi. I’m also having hard time with the digits on my drawer. Can you explain it more? I kept trying what I can see but it’s still wrong.

    • Hi Phoebe. Try to draw a line but keep in mind that you can’t draw a line on the side where the small square connected to the big square. Hope it helps.

    • Hi Deborah. I agree, even hints are sometimes like puzzles. Plus, some puzzles the game gives every time different so it is no way to help to solve it. I did my best to put my game experience here.Thank you very much for your comment! 🙂

  5. The letters on the bridge do not work at all, I have followed your instructions to the letter and yet the statue still refuses any input given. The letters reversed are very clearly EUAK, and yet despite trying literally every combination of these letters, also swapping out U for V in case there was the off chance that it could be different. 48 different combinations, and yet none of them worked. I would like to send an image file containing the letters to show what I am talking about


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