Full Dream Escape Room Escape Walkthrough [100%]


Welcome to Dream Escape Room Escape Walkthrough!

Dream Escape Room Escape Walkthrough here! Do you want to uncover the truth of dreams and taste the inherent fear of mankind, then you are at the right and the right time.

Dream Escape Room Escape is a first-person click-to-point interactive plot with rich and interesting puzzles game. You are a reporter who inherited all distant uncle’s inheritance and moved into his wooden house in the deep mountains and forests.

And since then, the weird and absurd dreams have been repeated every night, and the abominable monsters in the dreams are constantly approaching. Uncover the truth!

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Dream Escape Room Escape Information

Dream Escape Room Escape Walkthrough [CHAPTER 1]


The wooden house from your dreams, what is hidden inside. Doctor will help to the certain extent but mostly you are on your own. The puzzles solutions in the video below. The exact time for each puzzle in the list below:

  1. Code for the door box is 1932. Watch video at 1:19
  2. Colours fro the box on the porch – Yellow, Blue, Light Blue, Green and Red. Follow order to the hint on the window Watch video at 1:42.

Dream Escape CHAPTER 1 Walkthrough Video

Dream Escape Room Escape Walkthrough [CHAPTER 2]

The solution is for the code with cards symbols is below. There are few clues:
1. ♦︎ + 1 = ♡ + 5 which is 5+1=1+5 so ♦︎=5 & ♡=1
2. ♤ + ♤ = ♧ & ♤ ^ 2 = ♧ which is 2^2=4 so ♤=2 & ♧=4
3. (♦︎ – ♡) ^ ♤ x ♧ which is (5-1)^2=4^2×4=64

The code is 64.

Dream Escape CHAPTER 2 Walkthrough Video

Dream Escape Room Escape Walkthrough [CHAPTER 3]

“There is a big issue seems to be that on mobile devices (at least, that is what I am playing this on), this game can’t figure out how to display 1 correctly. So people are tapping the button twice and getting 2, which is why they seemingly can’t get the answer (if I somehow misinterpreted the problem, I apologize).

To fix this, just start at max state (where if you tap the button again the colour disappears) for all colours and then tap each button in this order: farthest-left or red – 2 next-left from farthest or pink – 3 middle or purple – leave it as it is since you hopefully followed my instructions and set it to the MAX STATE next-right from farthest or aqua – 2 farthest right or yellow- 1 Edit: I had realized I only said “farthest right” and forgot to include yellow.” Thank you to Hydrogen Peroxide (YouTube).

Dream Escape CHAPTER 3 Walkthrough Video

Dream Escape Room Escape Walkthrough [CHAPTER 4]

Dream Escape CHAPTER 4 Walkthrough Video

Dream Escape Room Escape Walkthrough [CHAPTER 5]

Dream Escape CHAPTER 5 Walkthrough Video

Dream Escape Room Escape Walkthrough [CHAPTER 6]

Dream Escape CHAPTER 6 Walkthrough Video

Dream Escape Room Escape Walkthrough [CHAPTER 7]

Dream Escape CHAPTER 7 Walkthrough Video

Dream Escape Room Escape Walkthrough [CHAPTER 8]

The bells puzzle solution is below.


Below is solution for the puzzle on the wall with symbols that need to choose depends on the dot location from the clue.


There are three clues with color numbers: II red (2), VIII yellow (8) and IV blue (4). Below is the final solution.


Domino puzzle is the sum that you need to get from placing dominoes. See the solution below.


This puzzle is to connect green dots in the right direction. See the solution below.


The batteries puzzle’s solution is below.


Below is the solution for three colors (yellow, blue and red) hexagon figures.


The code’s solution is to find right number by using clue on the box in the room with coffin. See the puzzle’s solution below.


The stars’ puzzle solution is below.



Use word ‘Mysterious’ as a clue (red letters only), see below.


To open the bottle, use clue on the plant which will give you positions of openers’ left and right arms, follow the order from top to bottom. After each position, press the top of the opener.

The planets puzzle’s solution is below.


To solve mixture of 4 colors’ puzzle, you need to know that the device’s full capacity is 13. By mixing red, blue, green and yellow tubes, you can get different numbers: 

  • Yellow + yellow = 1
  • green + blue = 2
  • green + yellow = 3
  • red + green = 3
  • red + blue = 4
  • green + blue = 5

The final order of tubes is red + green, green + blue, red + blue and yellow + yellow.

The puzzle’s solution of “WEWILL BEBACK” with “WEWILL BEBACK” is IX IV III IX. If you connect letters as below, you can see that it firms as IX IV III & IX.


The puzzle’s solution with blue and red numbers at the bottom of the statue is below


The hooks puzzle’s solution is the order that you need to follow: 1-8-5-4-6-3-2-7 or see below


The chains red rings is the clue for the code. Count the red rings as 06184736 or see below


To get the letters code, you need to use origami paper craft approach to solve it. See the solution below. It is similar to Japanese origami when you need to fold a paper in certain way.


Dream Escape CHAPTER 8 Walkthrough Video

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  1. There is another chapter that is missing at the end of this walkthrough..so not exactly a full and 100% complete walkthrough??

    • Hi Jenna. Yes, You are right, I probably mistakenly cut out this part in my video. The tweezers is at the book with recipe place, behind the bowl in the room with angel statue. Hope it helps.


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