The Secret Of Hollywood Motel Walkthrough Guide [100%]

the secret of hollywood motel walkthrough

Welcome to The Secret Of Hollywood Motel Walkthrough Guide!

The Secret of Hollywood Motel is newly released point and click noir-styled adventure game. Help grandson to investigate the horrific murder spree of a cast of actors that took place at the Mystery Hotel. Solve the puzzle to have new inventory items that will help you to go through this foreboding, mysterious and inviting game.

We prepared the Secret of Hollywood Motel Walkthrough Guide to solve tough puzzles and progress through the game till the end with support of The Secret of Hollywood Motel Walkthrough video. Enjoy the game!

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The Secret of Hollywood Motel Game Information

The game is free with an option to purchase of hints.

The Secret of Hollywood Motel Walkthrough Guide

  1. First four screens will give you a picture of what is happening here.
  2. Then a van on the road. Click on the van to make your first entry in your notes about a traffic lights. Pay attention to flashing back lights order. You will need it to solve a puzzle with bells. Go forward.
  3. Click on the sign “Motel” on your left. Pick a screwdriver. Go forward.
  4. Click on the motel office door. Use the following order to press wooden buttons on the door to unlock it (see picture below)
  5. the secret of hollywood motel office door puzzle
  6. Go inside the office and click on the desk. Pick up a coaster, two dead flies and a paper with letters ENSW (new entry in your notes). 
  7. Click on the picture behind the desk. New entry will be made in your journal. To unlock safe, use positions combination of snake heads below. Take a wood dial and new entry of coins.
  8. the secret of hollywood motel snake heads puzzle
  9. Go right. Pick up a compass. Go forward and pick up a sponge. Go down to the basement. 
  10. Click on the right door and solve the puzzle. The clue is the picture of mountains in your journal. See picture below for solution. Go into the room. Click on the calendar to make a new entry in your journal. Pick up a bulb from the shelf. That all for now, you will need to come back later to open fragile box. Exit and go back to the office.
  11. the secret of hollywood motel basement door puzzle
  12. Go left from the desk. Solve coins puzzle bu using coins picture clue in your journal. See picture below for the solution.
  13. the secret of hollywood motel coins puzzle
  14. You are on the hallway. Click on the picture on your right side and solve this puzzle. The picture that you need to put together is below
  15. the secret of hollywood motel rainbow picture puzzle
  16. Enter the room. Pick up a chisel. Open the electrical box on the wall and solve puzzle to open the box. The connection picture is below. To solve the switches puzzle, you will need to come back. Exit the room.
  17. the secret of hollywood motel electrical box puzzle
  18. You are in the hallway. Click on the bells on your left and solve bells puzzle by using the following order: Red-Yellow-Green-Red-Yellow-Green (the clue is flashing back lights of the van). Enter the room (kitchen). Take a brass knob. Click on the sink and on any items in the sink to make new entry in your journal. Then use sponge to make another entry in your journal. Click on the cross to make one more entry in your journal. All of them are clues that you will be using later. Exit the room.
  20. Go back to the basement to open fragile box with the chisel. Solve picture puzzle by creating the picture below. Then take a picture (will make new entry in your journal), a blue gem and a shovel. Exit the room.
  21. the secret of hollywood motel fragile box puzzle
  22. Go back to the office, left and to the forest. Go forward and pick up a ladder. Go to the right and click on the birdhouse house on the right. New entry will be noted. Put dead flies on the spiderweb. Take a glyph and color wires from inside. Go back to the room with the electrical panel. Install found glyph there and solve switches puzzle (the clue is entry with the cross picture). See the solution below. New entry will be made. Exit the room.
  23. the secret of hollywood motel switches puzzle
  24. Go back to the forest. Click on three on your left to make an entry of caterpillars. Then proceed left. Click on the vegetables on the ground to make an entry in your journal. Proceed forward. Click on the monitor on the left and new entry will be made. Use code 2705 to unlock the gate. Go forward and left to the luggage area.
  26. Click on the piece of paper between the cases for new entry. Solve the luggage puzzle by moving them on the right side in the same order. See the solution below. Go forward.the secret of hollywood motel lugagge puzzle
  27. You are on the airport  field. Go straight to meet a pilot. Click on the concrete wall and on the small arrows to make new entry in your journal. Go one time back.
  28. Click on the brown box on the wooden post. Install wooden dial from your inventory and use the clue from the concrete wall that you just found to solve the puzzle. See the solution below. When the box is opened, take a fuse and solve another puzzle to connect color wires accordingly. See the solution below.the secret of hollywood motel airport box puzzlethe secret of hollywood motel wires connection puzzle
  29. Go to the airplane that is inside to make new entry in your journal. Go back.
  30. Go towards the airplane on the field, on the right. Click on three tulips and pick up a key, make new entry of the tulips positions. Step back and use a ladder for the doorway to jumbo jet. Go inside. Click on the panel on the right and leave your color wires from the inventory there. You will use them later. Leave the jumbo jet. Go back to the airport.
  32. Go straight to the car. You need to open glovebox by solving gear box puzzle. To solve it, you need to repeat the moves that you will get when you press power button. You need to do it three time: 1 – 135, 2 -36421 and 3 time is 3243615. Collect the disc from the glovebox. Go back to the office.
  33. Go tight and upstairs to the room with light bulbs. Install a bulb in empty socket and use vegetable picture in your journal as the solution for this puzzle. See the solution below. The door on your right will be opened. Go in and proceed forward.the secret of hollywood motel bulbs puzzle
  34. Click on the picture on the wall. Move tiles to create a picture as below. The door will be opened but no need to go in yet.the secret of hollywood motel second picture puzzle
  35. Go left to the pool area. Go inside the house. Collect a pink gem. Click on the radio and install a brass knob from your inventory. Click on the know to find a channel, so you can make new clue entry in your journal. Go back to office building.
  37. Go to the basement and solve the manholes puzzle in the blue room. Use tulips clue from your journal. See solution below. The wall will come down and open the passage. Go forward. Collect a car lamp. Click on the ship wheel and install a compass from your inventory. Use a photo clue from you your journal. See the solution below. Collect a small ship wheel. Go forward.the secret of hollywood motel manholes puzzle the secret of hollywood motel wheel puzzle
  38. Go forward to the lighthouse. Solve two door puzzles by bring a circle from start point to the end point. Go inside. New entry will be made in your journal. Go forward to the door inside. Install the small ship wheel and solve the puzzle by using boats clue from your journal. See the solution below. Go inside the room.the secret of hollywood motel anchors puzzle
  39. New entry will be made in your journal. Click on the lion’s head and install a pink gem into eye on your left and a blue gem into eye on your right. Collect a reel and a brush from the opening. Go back and use found reel on the player. New clue entry will be made. Exit the lighthouse. Collect weights on your way back. Go back to the office building.
  40. Go to the room on the second floor that was unlocked with the key. Use weight to open coverings. Install the disk and turn it to the right position. Two doors will be opened.
  42. Go to the left door. Click on the wall to solve puzzle with 10 knobs. Use calendar clue from your journal. See the solution below. Then solve the drawer puzzle. See solution below. Collect a vase and use brush to clean CARE word (new entry will be made). Leave this room.the secret of hollywood motel knobs puzzlethe secret of hollywood motel drawer puzzle
  43. Go to the door on your right. Solve flags puzzle. See solution below. Enter the door.the secret of hollywood motel flags puzzle
  44. Go forward. Click on the box to solve four switches puzzle. The order can be the following: 2-2-3-4-2-1-2-4-3-1-2-3. Then inside the box, solve butterflies puzzle with help of caterpillars clue from your journal. See solution below. The door is opened, go in…the secret of hollywood motel butterflies puzzle
  45.  Click on an abandoned ship to have new clue entry. Go forward. Pick up a blue flower. Proceed forward. Install the vase from your inventory to the left. Go forward. Click on a statue to collect new clue entry. Go back to the office building.
  46. Go to the third floor, to the room with light bulbs and then to the car yard. Install the car lamp into the empty spot. Click on the car and collect a wrench and have new clue entry. Proceed into the house. use the weight on the pulley. Solve the tires puzzle to open the glass door behind tires. See the solution below.the secret of hollywood motel tires puzzle
  47. Go inside the broken glass. Go forward and collect a mallet by the door. Solve the door puzzle with help of color balls from the journal. See the solution belowthe secret of hollywood motel glass door puzzle
  48. Go inside. New clue entry will be made. Proceed forward. Click on the left door. Move the disk to open the door. Go inside and solve mailboxes puzzle with help of the letters from your journal. See the solution below. Collect a skull. Leave the room.the secret of hollywood motel mailboxes puzzle
  49. Click on the door on the middle door. move the disk to open the door. Click on the skeleton, use the mallet to play notes from your journal in the following order: 3-4-1-2-4-2-3-1. Collect a poker chips. Leave the room.
  51. Click on the door on the right. Move the disk to open the door. Proceed forward. Use the wrench on the bars. Then use colors clue from your journal. See the solution below. Proceed forward.the secret of hollywood motel bars puzzle
  52. Place the skull inside the statue. Solve the blue lights puzzle with help flies clue from your journal. See the solution below. Proceed forward. Use the shovel to collect a blue flower from the tree. Proceed forward.the secret of hollywood motel blue lights puzzle
  53. Enter the house, place blue roses by the crosses. Go back to the office building.
  54. Go to the jumbo jet cabin and solve color wires puzzle. The solution is in front of you if you look at the wire box first before proceed. The door will be unlocked. Go inside. Click on the metal box on the wall and use the screwdriver to remove the cover. Place the fuse and solve this puzzle with help of WSNE letters on piece paper from your journal. See the solution below. Collect Heart box from the seat. Go back to the office building.the secret of hollywood motel plane cabin puzzle
  55. Go through the light bulbs room and cabin with tires to the castle. use right door to proceed to the house with two crosses. Place poker chips by the left one and heart box by the right one. Solve the puzzle on the wall with help of open cones from your journal. See the solution below. Solve the next puzzle with help of ladybugs clue from the journal. See the solution below. Then solve the puzzle with tickets. See the solution belowthe secret of hollywood motel production puzzlehe secret of hollywood motel movie wheels puzzlethe secret of hollywood motel ticket puzzleTHE END!


The Secret of Hollywood Motel Walkthrough Video

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