Scary Horror 3 Walkthrough Guide

escape horror 3 walkthrough

Welcome to Scary Horror 3 Walkthrough Guide!

Are you a fan of horror games? To be exact, Scary Horror 3 is the game with element of cruelty and violence, as per developer’s disclaimer. It is a game for 18+! It means even Scary Horror 3 Walkthrough Guide is 18+… for walkthrough video.

You may also played the previous games from these horror adventure series games from Escape Adventure Games. This game is a 3 sequel of these series. It continues terrifying series about an unknown and mysterious society who are wearing spooky red masks.

Scary Horror 3 Escape Mystery Game Information

This new chapter of scary horror game is different from previous. The developer introduce two ways playing. Two victims, a policeman and a journalist, are trying to work together to find the way out. No fear, when we play together!

Let’s help Alex Marshall, police officer , and Anna Lee, journalist, to win the game called “The Culling” that is organized by people in red masks. Can it be a real time TV show by red masks society?

As of now, there is only Chapter 1 is available. I will add more chapters upon their release.

Scary Horror 3 Walkthrough Guide

Scary Horror 3 Walkthrough Chapter 1

Below is the solution for Anna’s puzzle: ” The sum of the numbers must be 13. Drag the frames to highlight the numbers.”

scary horror 3 walkthrough puzzle

To unlock the door for Alex’s cell, need to press pins in the following order: 4-3-1-2.

Alex’s puzzle: “Tap on the pipes to form a continuous pipe from the source to the outlet.” The solution of this puzzle can have many different ways.

scary horror 3 pipes puzzle

Anna’s puzzle for the aquarium: “Assemble the continuous tube from aquarium to drain. Press and pull the segment to move.” The green color cubs can’t be moved. Then press on the valve to drain the water.

scary horror 3 aquarium puzzle

Anna’s puzzle solution for the green wooden box (“Enter the code, according to the numbers on the cap.”): 4,2=36 is (4+2)x(4+2)=36 means that 1,6=49- (1+6)x(1+6)=49. A+A+A=39 – A=13. B+B-A=25 – B=6 ( I believe there is a mistake in the quotation. It should be B+B+A=25). 6+C+B=50 – C=38 then A+B+C=13+6+38=57. The code is 4957.

Anna’s flowers puzzle to get a house is BBRB (Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Right, Bottom Left).

Alex’s the bell tower solution (“Assemble the puzzle by dragging the pieces inside the bell tower”):

scary horror 3 bell tower puzzle

Below is Alex’s chalkboard puzzle solution (“Erase the matches to get equalities. The numbers around which matches remain – participate in the equality”). Also use these numbers as a code for the under rug code place – 598243.

scary horror 3 chalkboard puzzle

Below is Alex’s match portraits puzzle solution, according the clue on the right.

Scary 3 portraits puzzle

Anna’s solution for two screens game:

scary horror 3 two screens puzzle
scary horror 3 two screens game puzzle

For the oven switches solution is A=3, B=2, C=2 and D=1. Change the switches position accordingly. It is Alex’s puzzle.

Cables connection solution is below. It is Alex’s puzzle.

scary 3 cables puzzle

Alex’s symbols puzzle’s answer is below. The symbols can be found during the game.

scary horror 3 symbols puzzle

Anna’s puzzle with wood logs where the firewood should completely cover the bowl.

scary horror 3 firewood puzzle

Anna’s jars puzzle solution:

scary 3 jars puzzle

Alex’s lasers puzzle is very moves sensitive puzzle. It took a while to get it right.

scary horror 3 lasers puzzle

Anna’s puzzle to get coins to play the machine. The clue is 123456 (12=1, 34=2, 56=3); 561234 (56=3, 12=1, 34=2); 345612 (34=2, 56=3, 12=1). According this clue, the solution is 341256 (34=1, 12=2, 56=3); 125634 (12=2, 56=3, 34=1); 563412 (56=3, 34=1, 12=2). Isn’t confusing?!

Anna’s puzzle with the map and birds/animals locations also shows the order to press on the birds (two rounds).

scary 3 map puzzle

Alex needs to put color squares in order to get right amount of balls:

scary horror 3 color squares puzzle

Scary Horror 3 Walkthrough Chapter 1 Video

Scary Horror 3 WalkthroughConclusion

It is interesting approach by playing two victims at the same time. My puzzles’ concern is the puzzle description is not clear enough what actually needs to be done to solve it. In addition, sometimes, you can solve the puzzle with out finding all clues.

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