On Thin Ice Walkthrough Guide [100%]


Welcome to On Thin Ice Walkthrough Guide!

Detective Kate is back in new escape mystery ON THIN ICE from Adventure Escape Mysteries! A challenging escape game where you will search for clues and solve the riddles to find a co-worker who betrays the police station.

A ransomware gang turns to murder. And a blizzard locks down the city! How can Kate possibly solve it all without you?

Play the entire Adventure Escapes Mysteries On Thin Ice escape game for FREE!

The game has four chapters. Each chapter offers unique locations to explore and different puzzle to solve. We created On Thin Ice Walkthrough Guide to give a hand if you have difficult time within the game.

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Ae Mysteries On Thin Ice Game Information

The game is FREE with an option to purchase of hints.

Ae Mysteries On Thin Ice Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Pick up a wheel and a gas can. In the middle of the snow, pick up a nozzle. Combine all items and have snowblower. Clean the snow in front of the cabin.

Pick up the metal numbers and use wooden board to install the numbers in the following order, according the holes on a number:doorcodeonthinicewalkthrough

Use this address number to unlock the front door and enter the cabin.

Remove the dumbbells and the rug. You will need to remove these wooden plates with hacksaw upon finding it. Take a curtain. Open the window and remove the mattress.

Pick up a piece of paper beside the body with a code clue. You need to count how many arrows, skulls, waves and hearts as a tattoos on the body and the legs.

Open right cabinets and find a hacksaw there. Use it on the floor. Go outside and make a curtain wet in the water puddle. Clean the box with wet curtain. Enter the code 9416 as below


Collect a lockpick gun, (10) triangles and a piece of chart. Use lockpick gun to unlock back door and go outside.

Remove the cover from the stove and collect a cleaning oil can and a fire extinguisher. Clean the snow in the middle and find green box. Click on the ice blocks and play the minigame (at 03:54 time of the video).

Use fire extinguisher on the car. Click on the body on your right and collect a wrench. Click on the body on your left and collect a crowbar.

Use crowbar on the car and collect a phone cord. Go back to the cabin.

Use wrench on the wheelchair and collect a small key. Go back outside. Use cleaning oil on the green box and use small key to unlock it. Collect screwdriver from the box and (10) triangles. Go back inside the cabin.

Use screwdriver on the metal leg with skull and collect a dead phone. Plug in phone cord and put dead phone on top of the charger. Take phone from the charger. Use phone on the dead body face to unlock it. Go through the phone messages and find a clue to get a parcel from the mailbox outside. You need to use the phone to unlock it! Go outside.

Use phone to unlock the mailbox and collect (10) more triangles and another piece of chart. Go back in.

Use all (31) triangles to play minigame from the left cabinet (at 06:47 time of the video). Collect a photo. Click on the bulletin board and place all chart pieces and a photo there. You got a message “Murph – If you’re reading this, I’m dead. She’s the boss. Go get her. – Hacksaw”. Collect the hard drive.

Chapter 1 is completed!

Ae Mysteries On Thin Ice Chapter 1 Walkthrough Video

Ae Mysteries On Thin Ice Chapter 2 Walkthrough

On Thin Ice Walkthrough continues…

A dead witness, a hard drive full of secrets, and a femme fatale. Who is Sticks? Who did she corrupt at the police station?

Talk to Kate and show her a picture of Sticks.

Talk to Lobby Bot and ask the questions and the answers will give you a clue for the box’s code and the order.

  • What does Stickowski’s company do? – Our FIRST purpose is to shield our clients from danger.
  • Who are Stikowski’s customers? – The LAST thing I can do is break our oath of silence.
  • What happened here today? – Time management is now our CENTRAL issue.

Click on the metal box and enter the code to unlock it (see picture below). Collect copper wire.


Click on the plant in the corner and click on the switch panel on the wall. Collect a sculpture shard. Remove the plant from the glass table and the table. Use the shard to open the door panel. Collect foldable ladder and and a screwdriver from the toolbox.

Use screwdriver on the switch and collect a light switch. Put the ladder in the corner and use screwdriver on the corner camera to collect flash capacitor.

Use copper wires on the lobby bot. Click on lobby bot and install light switch on the your right wire then flash capacitor to the your left wire. Turn on the switch. Collect computer chips  from burnt out lobby bot. Click on lobby bot and play minigame with computer chips (at 03:39 time of the chapter 2’s video).


The elevator doors will open. Use screwdriver to remove the panel from the elevator buttons. It is a clue for the elevator buttons. Enter 4365.


Talk to Sticks.

  • Penny and I are wildly underpaid.
  • I have Hacksaw’s evidence.

Put the hard drive on the table. Talk to Sticks – (think about dinner).

In the fog pick up the fan. Click on the chair and plug in the fan. Collect bookcase ornaments from the floor, the fan, a doll, and a hard drive. Collect a curtain rope and use it on the chandelier to collect the key. Use the key to unlock the safe and collect polaroids pictures. Click on the box on your left by the window and collect a duct tape. Use duct tape on the broken light lamp on the floor to fix it. Remove the clamp from polaroids pictures. Use clamp on the plague under the bookcase.

Click on the bookcase and use polaroids picture to put bookcase ornaments in the right order.


Play elevator minigame (11:52 time of the video or see picture below).


Click on the Lobby Bot and On Thin Ice Walkthrough Chapter 2 is completed!

Ae Mysteries On Thin Ice Chapter 2 Walkthrough Video

Ae Mysteries On Thin Ice Chapter 3 Walkthrough

On Thin Ice Walkthrough continues…

As a blizzard locks down the city, Kate and Murphy search the police station for clues. Will the traitor kill them off, one by one?

Click on Murphy and use the sticker to fix the wire.

Click on the hard drive and remember the color dots which are clues on which pictures you should click on Murphy’s board to get the code for the hard drive. Go back to Murphy.

Click on picture of Dimebag who represent red dot on the hard drive. “Dimebag. Drug dealer to the rich. Started by selling $10 bags of pot.”

Click on the picture of Nooner who represents green dot on the hard drive. “Nooner: She’s their con artist. She never rises before noon.”

Click on the picture of Blackjack who represents blue dot on the hard drive. “He loved playing “Twenty-One“, blackjack.”

Click on the hard drive and enter found numbers accordingly to unlock it: 21(blue)10(red)12(green).

In the computer room, collect a grabber, remote control under the table, a fan bay from the top of the bookshelf, another fan bay from the table after removing the garbage and the handle from the table with carbon box on top.

Use the handle on the cabinet of the table with the computer on top and collect plastic tubes. Open the table cabinet with the picture on top and collect a coolant. Use grabber and collect zap cola can from the top of metal cabinet. Give Zap Cola to Dan. Remove sleeping bag and collect graphics card and microfiber cloth from the floor.

Use fan bays, graphics card, plastic tubes and coolant to assemble a computer. Click on the computer monitor and remember symbols which are clues for the computer password.

Click on picture frame and use cloth to clean it. Use remote control to see all pictures: red time – 5, sushi (fish) – 9, green wheel – 7 and snowflake (skiing) – 3.


Enter 5397 to unlock computer and play minigame (honestly I skipped it, it was too much time for me to solve it, sorry).

In the jail room, get the hand sanitizer gel. Click on the instructions board on the wall and collect bent wire. Use bent wire to collect Jacob’s key ring.  Click on the instructions board which has a code clue (see picture below).jailpuzzleUse the keys to unlock the door. Open the right top locker and collect police tape. Click on the right bottom locker’s door and clean it with hand sanitizer gel. Enter 40242 to unlock it. Collect Dan’s belongings.

Give Dan’s belongings to Keiko. Collect arrest papers from the wall folder and give it to Jacob. Use bent wire and collect Dan’s glasses from the floor. Give police tape to Murphy.

Use bent wire to collect tin mug. Use mug to collect dripping water. Use mug with water on Dan. Give glasses to Dan. Collect Dan’s belt.

In computer room, take mysterious key from Dan’s belt. Use this key on metal cabinet and collect battery pack and antenna from the cabinet. Assemble the computer with battery pack and antenna. Play minigame (at 13:57 time of the chapter 3’s video or see picture below).


On Thin Ice Walkthrough Chapter 3 is completed!

Ae Mysteries On Thin Ice Chapter 3 Walkthrough Video

Ae Mysteries On Thin Ice Chapter 4 Walkthrough

It’s a race against time as Kate and Murphy brave the blizzard to save Dan’s daughter. Who lives, who dies? Who ends up clinging for their life from a fireplace?

Collect the ice spikes. Clean the snow and the snow on your left and collect vodka bottle. Use vodka bottle on the metal box to unlock a gate lock. The clue is a hole in the plate. It gives you idea of order numbers. Clean on plates on the gate and check the holes. (1) hole plate with “Penal Code 99“, (2) holes panel with “Questions will be answered in 12 gauge.” and (3) holes panel with “24 hour video surveillance”. The code is 991224. Enter the code to open the gate.

Go in and play minigame (at 01:42 time of the chapter 4 ‘s video). Go inside the house.

Collect two beams by the door. Open curtains and collect a hammer. Use hammer to collect planks from the window. Go outside and collect all planks outside by using hammer. Under the plank on your left top is the clue for puzzle with turning wheels. Go inside.

Built the ladder with all beams and planks using hammer and spikes to safe Murphy. Collect skylight rod and collect second ring from the floor. Use skylight rod to collect third ring. Use three rings on the plate to solve the puzzle with the clue outside (see picture below).


Remember numbers 7427. Go down. Follow Kate’s plan: “The only things in reach are this red button… maybe that yellow generator… and maybe the duffle bag. Maybe”.

Pres the red button. Use skylight rod to unzip the bag with money. Click on the red button to close the gate door. Click on the bag on yellow generator and collect chisel. Go up and use chisel on the globe with help of hammer. Collect broken bottle and syrup bottle. Go down.

Click on yellow generator and enter code 7427. Use syrup bottle on the generator. Click on backpack and collect fight manual and taser. Use taser on the man and collect handcuff key from him. Use this key on a kid.

Fight manual has clues how to fight with Sticks (at 08:36 time of the video or see pictures below).

First round


Second round


Round three


On Thin Ice Walkthrough Chapter 4 is completed!

Ae Mysteries On Thin Ice Chapter 4 Walkthrough Video

Let us know if anything missing in On Thin Ice Walkthrough and/or can be done differently in the comments below. Thank you for playing!

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