New York Mysteries 5 Walkthrough Guide [100%]

new york mysteries 5 walkthrough

Welcome to New York Mysteries 5 Walkthrough Guide!

Looking for help to play New York Mysteries Power of Art or New York Mysteries 5?! Check out this New York Mysteries 5 Walkthrough Guide! Enjoy the game.

Help journalist Laura to complete her mission of discover the history of the mysterious fantasy-world paintings. She won’t be able to handle such a difficult mission alone!

New York Mysteries Power of Art is another great game from Five-BN Studio LTD. The game is awesome adventure game in the genre of Hidden Objects. Solve dozens of puzzles and test your skills by playing of plenty of mini-games that will drive you nuts!

What can be wrong behind the missing paintings? As a creator who creates an art for his or her benefit and benefits of others. But can it becomes an evil… It is easy case when actual painting is missing and police investigates the crime. What about the painting’s image missing? Sounds like a mystical crime. And here Bishop, leader of the White Stone Order, comes to investigate this unusual case.

It is not a surprise that our world is full of secrets or should we say mystical secrets. Who doesn’t believe that there are could be other worlds besides our world?! Therefore, there will be twice or triple as many secrets! Let’s discover them all.

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New York Mysteries: Power of Art Game Information

New York Mysteries 5 Achievements

  1. Lightning – complete a mini-game in less than  a minute.
  2. Clever – complete three mini-games in a row without using a Skip.
  3. Puzzle Lover – complete all chapters without skipping any mini-games.
  4. Master of Detail – find all Morphing Objects.
  5. Strong Will – complete all chapters without using Hints in the Hidden Object scenes.
  6. Player – complete Billiard Balls collection.
  7. Incognito – complete Hats collection.
  8. Detective – complete Cassettes collection.
  9. Fan – complete Baseball Cards collection
  10. Handyman – finish The Safe mini-game in the artist’s apartment in less than 70 moves.
  11. Specialist – finish the Slot Machine mini-game in the park in less than  3 to 5 minutes.
  12. Brilliant – finish the Gate mini-game in front of the lighthouse in less than 30 turns.
  13. Erudite – finish the mini-game in the hiding place in the backyard of the artist’s house in less than 1 minute.
  14. History Buff – complete all chapters without skipping dialogues or videos.
  15. Messiah of Light – complete all chapters without using Hints.
  16. Supersonic – complete the Hidden Objects scene in less than 2 minutes.
  17. Skillful – complete the mini-game on the floor in the library of the Black Stone Order in less than 2 minutes.
  18. Virtuoso – complete the Piano mini-game on the roof of the abandoned house on the first attempt.
  19. Puzzle Fan – complete all additional puzzles in the EXTRAS section.
  20. Unstoppable – complete all levels of the Bonus game in the EXTRAS section.

New York Mysteries 5 Chapter 1 Walkthrough

“And here is the art gallery. I need to find its director Michael.”

New task – Find Michael

  • Click on the car and use the car key to unlock the door. Pick up a hairpin from the car’s mat.
  • Click on the phone and collect a mosaic pieces (1/4).
  • Click on the power box and use hairpin to unlock the padlock. Collect mosaic pieces (2/4). Solve the power box puzzle. The solution of my puzzle is below (yours can be different). Go inside the opened door.


  • Pick up metal flower from the middle of the floor (cracked area). Pick up a flashlight from the counter. Click on the damaged wall on the left and collect mosaic pieces (3/4).
  • Click on your right and use flashlight. Click on the box and collect utility knife. Go back.
  • Click on the red curtains and use utility knife to cut it. Collect mosaic pieces (4/4).
  • Click on the panel beside the door behind the counter and use collected mosaic pieces to solve the puzzle. The solution is at 1:53 time of the video below. Collect key from the opened drawer. Use the key to unlock the door. Go inside the security room.
  • Click on the blue jacket and collect metal star from the pocket. Collect fire extinguisher. Click on the power box above the monitoring panel and turn the switch down. Collect ladder. Click on the key panel under the shelf and use utility knife to open the door. Collect keycard. Go back on the street.
  • Go down to the basement door and use keycard to unlock it. Go inside. You found Michael.

New task – Check the authencity of the painting

  • Collect the cart. Click on the table and collect the piece of paper with number 3681. Click on the locker and use the code 3681 to unlock it. Collect wrench, petal (1/3) and metal star. Go back inside the building.
  • Go to the security room. Click on the cabinet with stars and place stars from the inventory into its. Collect flower and picture. Exit.
  • Go to the stairwells to the basement. Use the picture to solve the puzzle on the door’s lock. The solution is at 6:34 time of the video below. Go inside the boiler room.
  • Click on the green box on the shelf, use the wrench ot open it. Collect insulating tape and lubricant aerosol. Open the door on the floor and use ladder to go down. Solve the puzzle to find 15 items. The solution is at 8:39 time of the video below. Receive UV lamp. Go back.
  • Use the cart to carry painting from the wall on the right. Go back to Michael.
  • Click on the table and put painting on the top. Install UV lamp inisde the light fixture on the right. Go back to the car.
  • Use lubricant on the seat anc click on the seat. Collect purse and glove box handle from underneath. Put the seat back into the position. Use glove box handle and collect wire cutters.
  • Click on the purse and collect notebook. Open it and collect Bishop’s business card. Go back to the boiler room.
  • Click on the red valve and cut the wire around it. Use fire extinguisher on it then click on it to close the steam.
  • Click on the door and collect petal (2/3). Click on the bathtub and collect a handle under the boxes. Go back to Michael.
  • Install handle on the fridge and collect bottle of developer. Click on the table with painting and put the developer on the table. Use a tool from the table beside the bottle. Receive petal (3/3). The task is completed.
  • Click on the wooden box on the left and use petals. Solve the puzzle. The solution is at 12:18 time of the video below. Collect a spool. Go back to the security room.
  • Click on the power box and use the tape to fix wiring. Turn switch back on. Click on the monitor and install the spool. Click on the green button. Go back to Michael and talk to him. Receive a token. Go outside.
  • Click on the phone, use token and business card to call Bishop.

New task – Follow the monster.

  • Collect flower. Go to the boiler room and use flowers on the door. Solve the puzzle. The solution at 14:38 time of video below. Go outside at the back of the building.
  • Click on the garbage bags and use utility knife to cut it. Collect a wire and a hose.
  • Click on the red typing machine on the left and collect lever arm.
  • Click on the wires on the fence and use wire cutters to clean the path. Go there, to sewer well.
  • Click on the light poll on the ground and collect a pipe.
  • Click on the pile of leaves and collect a slingshot. Go back to the back of the building.
  • Use slingshot on the left balcony and collect a medallion. Click on the bicycle and install medallion on the bag. Collect a clue with code BY4AE15. Click on the red typing machine and use clue to type it. Collect a magnet. Go back to sewer well.
  • Click on the excavator and use wire to unlock the door. Collect matches and install lever arm. Click on the arm so the excavator will remove the light poll from the top of sewer well. Collect a skate board by the excavator. Go back to the back of the building.
  • Use skateboard for wooden boards by the garbage. Collect them. Go back to the sewer well.
  • Use the wooden boards on the water on the left. Go there.
  • Click on the metal door and collect knife. Click on the tires area and collect a metal clamp. Use knife to cut the tire and collect socket utility key. Remove the bricks and collect second socket utility key. Click on the big metal box and use two handles to open it. Collect a screwdriver. Remove nails and collect yellow key. Collect blue and red wiring. use key to unlock the metal door and collect a pump. Click on the leaking pipe and use rubber, clamp and screwdriver to fix it. Collect a hose. Click on the machine and install pump, hose and wires to pump the water out. Collect ladder. Go back.
  • Click on the sewer well and use ladder to go down. Click on the opening on the left and use pipe to reach and collect lever arm. Install it and open the metal door. Collect boards. Use the boards to have a path to other side. Use flashlight to go further. Go forward, right and collect a key from the top of the barrel on the right. Go back on outside.
  • Use the key on the green door on the right. Collect a kerosene lamp from the second shelf on the left. Go back inside the sewer well.
  • Click on the flammable barrel and put the kerosene lamp beside. Open the barrel and connect the hose. Remove the hose. Collect the lamp with fuel. Open the lamp, remove the top and use matches. Collect burning lamp. Use it to go back to sewer paths.
  • Go to the right, to the right and pick up a lever from the top of the barrel on the right. Install it to the left. Go straight, to the right, to the left top, straight, straight to the top, straight and get the task to collect 10 ladder rungs. Go back to the starting point.
  • Go to the sewer path and in front collect ladder rung (1/10). Go to the right, go to the left down and collect ladder rung (2/10) on the right. Go back once. Go to the centre path, to the right and turn the lever to the left. Go to the left, turn off the valve and collect ladder rung (3/10) on the left. Go back once. Turn the lever arm back to the right. Go to the right and collect ladder rung (4/10) on the left. Go back once. Turn the lever arm in the centre position. Go straight, go straight and pick up ladder rung (5/10) on the right. Go back once and then to the right. Go to the left bottom and pick ladder rung (6/10) in front of you. Go back once and then to the left top and to the right and pick up ladder rung (7/10) on the right. Go back once and then straight, to the left and pick up ladder rung (8/10) on the top right. Go back once and then to the right and pick up ladder rung (9/10) on the floor on the left. Go back seven times and then to the left, turn off the valve and pick up ladder rung (10/10). Go back and to the right, to the right, turn lever arm to the centre position and go straight, to the right, to the top left, straight, to the top straight and straight. Use ladder rungs.
  • Click on the garbage bin, collect a ticket on the ground and yellow blades (1/4) beside the bin, and reach extender beside the bench.
  • Click on the machine and use ticket. Solve the puzzle of color tubes. The solution is at 29:41 time of the video below. Receive a token.
  • Pick up a fishing rod bu the binoculars. Combine fishing rod with a magnet. Use token and click on the binoculars.

New task – Get on the ship

  • Go back to the sewer and use fishing rod to get a star. Go back to the bench area. Click on the sitting area on the top left and collect blades (2/4). Click on the shore and use reach extender to pick up blades (3/4). Click on the catamaran and collect blades (4/4). Install these blades on the catamaran and click on it.
  • Click on the bags and use utility knife to cut it and get fishnet. Use knife one more time and get wind rose (1/3) from other bag.
  • Click on the safe ring in the water and use fishnet to pick it up. Use knife to cut the rop to get the key.
  • Click on the shade cover of the building, use knife to get another key and collect wind rose (2/3) on the right.
  • Use both keys on the blue door and enter the building.
  • Click on the metal fish on the wall and collect the pike pole. Open the suitcase and collect a notebook. Click on the middle of the room and use pike pole to pick up a ships wheel. Click on the broken wall and collect metal fin. Install this fin on the metal fish on the wall and collect an anchor from the fish’s mouth. Click on the metal post on the left and collect a brush from the top. Click on the wall with broken glass and use brush to clean it, collect wind-up key. Click on the bulletin board, use wind-up key to open it. Click on all papers to clean the board to see the symbol. Collect a round piece of glass. Use notebook to write this symbol down. Click on the door on the right, install glass instead of broken one, use notebook and make this symbols by using glasses (see below). Click on the handle to open the door. Go inside.


  • Install ships wheel and the anchor on the cabinet’s drawer and collect keycard. Exit.
  • Click on the metal post and use keycard to open the gate. Go on the ship.
  • Click on the board on the right and use knife to get the eagle figurine. Go back to the bench area.
  • Click on the sitting area and the top of it. Install the star and the eagle figurine. Collect hex key set. Go back on the ship.
  • Click on the blue metal doors and use hex key set to unlock it. Pick up wind rose (3/3). Click on the suitcase on the floor and install wind roses. Read the note about a tranquilizer. Collect tranquilizer gun and a clue with colours stripes. Click on the machine with buttons, use clue and press buttons accordingly: the order is from top to bottom, the number is how many times to press the button. Then play the mini games. The solutions are at 40:36 time frame of the video below. The door to upper door is unlocked. Go up.
  • Click on the homeless man.

New task – Find Noah’s apartment.

  • Click on the car, open the door and collect umbrella. Click on the metal building stairs and use umbrella to bring it down. Go up.
  • Pick up a stool. Click on the piano, open the cover and collect can opener. Click on the hanging clothes area and find 15 items. The solution is at 42:43 time frame of the video below. Receive latex gloves. Click on the door and use latex gloves to remove wiring. Go back down.
  • Click on the wending machine. Click on it to get a bottle of soda. Open it with can opener and give it to the homeless man. Receive the key. Go back up and use the key to unlock the door. Go inside.
  • Go to the kitchen on the left. Use the stool to reach kitchen knife and colander from the shelf. Click on the curtain on the top left and use utility knife to cut it and collect a metal flower and metal sponge. Click on the wall area with tiles, use metal sponge to clean it to see the timing – 17:45. Go back on the roof.
  • Use the kitchen knife to cut the rope with clothes. Pick up the rope. Go back inside.
  • Click on the hole on the floor and install the rope to go down and collect insecticide container on the top of the box. Click on the sewing machine and install the metal flower. Collect a picklock. Go back on the roof.
  • Use picklock on the suitcase and collect buttons (1/5). Go back inside.
  • Go to the kitchen, click on the fridge and use insecticide on the bugs inside. Collect canned food. Open canned food with can opener in the inventory. Go back on the roof.
  • Use insecticide on the wasp nest. Use kitchen knife to collect item in wax. Go back down to the street.
  • Give open can food to rats, beside the street light. Collect a harp. Click on the fire from the barrel. Use colander to melt the wax and get a handle. Go back to the apartment.
  • Click on the container on the shelf in the room and install harp. Solve the puzzle with three figures. The solution is below. Collect buttons (2/5).


  • Click on the doors above the bed and install the handle. Open it and collect buttons (3/5). Collect a clue. Go to the roof.
  • Click on the piano and use clue to play according to the clue: Hot dog – Car racing flag – Casino disk – Violin – Glove – Camera – American flag – Casino disk – Violin – Camera – Hot dog – Glove – American Flag – Car racing flag. Collect clock hands and buttons (4/5). Go back to the apartment.
  • Click on the wall clock and install clock hands. Set up time to 17:45. Collect buttons (5/5). Click on the hole in the floor, go down, install buttons on the box and solve the puzzle. The solution is at 51:18 timing of the video below. Collect the artist’s diary.

New York Mysteries 5 Chapter 1 Walkthrough is completed.

Collection items:

  • A cassette
    • on the street – below the street light on the right.
    • security room – on the floor on the left by the ladder
    • boat dock – on the steps on the bottom right
    • roof – on the rubble on the left of the roof
  • A billiard ball
    • at the foot of the statue on the right.
    • alley – on a rubbish bag on the lower right
    • sewer – in the brick arch on the far left
    • apartment – on the bed on the right
  • A baseball card
    • basement – on the top shelf on the left
    • side street – on a small fence on the far left
    • outside – on the ground by the puzzle with the paper boat
    • kitchen – card on a chair on the bottom left

Morphing Objects:

  • security room – thread/bell on the right, next to the plant
  • alley – scissors/brush on the top of the green bin on the left
  • side street – changing neon sign on the right
  • sewer – bottle/cup by the railing on the far right
  • outside – bag/jug on the cub to the left of the same puddle
  • boat dock – toy duck on the net bottom left
  • roof – snake/pipe/pizza on the roof near the centre
  • apartment – gloves/letters on the table on the bottom right

New York Mysteries 5 Chapter 1 Walkthrough Video

New York Mysteries 5 Chapter 2 Walkthrough

“I’ve been sorting through my mail this morning. There are only bills and notifications. My debts accumulate and multiply, but my money doesn’t increase”

New task – Get into the house

  • Go to the backyard. Click on the table and read the note. Click on the firewood and collect a firewood basket. Click on the table by the house. Collect a screwdriver. Make a bird feeder from the planks on the table.
  • Go to the front door and use the screwdriver to open mailbox. Read the letter, collect a key and numbers (1/4).
  • Go to the backyard. Use the key to open cabin’s door. Go inside. Collect a screwdriver on the right wall panel. Use the screwdriver to remove the handle’s panel from the box and collect a hammer and a metal piece. Collect a dial. Collect another metal piece beside the blue cabinet. Click on the ladder and collect a metal piece. Click on the clock and install metal pieces. Take a piece of paper with numbers 3054 from the clock’s bird. Click on the map on the wall to uncover a safe. Install the dial, click on the piece of paper with the code and dial the code. Open the safe and collect a key. Click on the table’s drawer and use the key to unlock it. Collect nails and hinge. Click on the ladder, install the hinge, use the nails and the hammer to assemble it. Collect a ladder.
  • Go to the front of the house. Use the ladder on the light post. Click on the lights box and collect legs and a detail.
  • Go to the backyard, to the table beside the house. Install the detail on the chest, open it and collect a plunger and a garden shapes.
  • Go to the front of the house. Click on the bush beside the statue and use the garden shapes. Collect a metal flower. Click on the bottom of the statue and install the flower. Collect numbers (2/4).
  • Go to the backyard. Click on the fuses box and collect numbers (3/4). Click on the rug at the entrance and collect numbers (4/4). Click on the door and install all numbers. Play the mini game. See below the solution. Go inside the house. Talk to the grandfather.

New york Mysteries 5 backyard door puzzle

New task – Help grandpa to get warm

  • Click on the left far door and collect a pattern. Click on the blue coat and collect matches.
  • Go to the right door, to the kitchen. Click on the bathtub and use the plunger to clear it. Collect a detail (1/3) from the drain. Click on the stove and use matches to light it up under the kettle. Collect the kettle with boiling water. Collect a piece of meat on the plate. Click on the table and put the kettle on the table. Use tea pot to pour into the cup and add hot water from the kettle. Collect a cup of tea. Go back to the living room.
  • Put the cup of tea on the table for grandpa.
  • Go outside to the front. Click on the tree with the owl. Install the bird feeder and put the meat inside. Collect a vinyl record from the tree’s hole.
  • Go back inside the house. Click on the gramophone, put the vinyl record and play it. Install the pattern. Collect a paperclip and a head. Click on the drawer and use the paperclip to unlock the middle drawer. Collect a fuse set.
  • Go outside. Click on the fuse box, use the fuse set to replace the burn fuse.
  • Go inside. Click on the left door and turn on the light switch.
  • Go inside the bedroom. Collect the red book from the bed. Look at the ballerina’s picture and remember her position. Click on the wooden doll and recreate ballerina’s position. Collect a detail (2/3). Click on the fireplace and collect a palette. Use the firewood basket and matches to get the fire.
  • Go to the living room and talk to grandpa.

New task – Finish the picture

  • Received a detail from the grandpa. Click on the bookshelf and put the book back. Collect brushes. Click on the clock and install details. Play the mini game. See the solution below. Collect a key.

new york mysteries chapter 2 clock puzzle

  • Go to the kitchen. Use the key to unlock the door to the basement.
  • Go to the basement. Collect an oil can.
  • Go to the kitchen. Use the oil can on the stove’s handle. Open it and collect a antler.
  • Go to the bedroom. Install the antler on the wall. Collect a key.
  • Go to the basement and use the key on the big cabinet. Open it and play the mini game, to find jars of paint for the picture. The solution is at 10:42 time frame of the video below. Collect paints. Click on the painter’s stand, install the palette, the brushes and the paints. The picture will be finished.
  • Go to the grandpa.

New task – Deal with the light

  • Go to the backyard. Replace the burn fuse in the fuse box.
  • Go inside. You are inside the finish painting. Collect a stick from the ground.

New Task – Find Grandpa

  • Click on the metal gate and use the stick to get the bottle of solvent. Click on the fountain and collect a gem (1/3). Collect a red fabric from the wall and a gem (2/3). Click on the wheel on the left. Click on the wall where the sun points and use the solvent then the fabric. Collect a gem (3/3). Click on the big round disk and install all gems to play mini game. The solution is below. Turn the wheel again. Click on the handle to open the gate.

new york mysteries chapter 2 painting puzzle

  • Go to the left to the lighthouse, the tree. Pick up a bung from the ground on the right.
  • Go to the fountain. Use the bung to close the drain. Collect a metal sun from the mouth of the monster.
  • Go to the beach and towards to the lighthouse outside wall’s door. Install the sun. Play the mini game. The solution is at 15:02 time frame of the video below.
  • Go inside and play another mini game, to find 15 octopuses. The solution is at 15:51 time frame of the video below.

Numbers locations:

  1. In the mailbox at the front door of the house.
  2. The front of the house, at the bottom of the statue.
  3. The backyard, in the fuses box.
  4. The backyard, under the entrance rug.

Details locations:

  1. In house’s kitchen, in the bathtub’s drain.
  2. In the bedroom, the night table, under the wooden doll.
  3. Grandpa will give it to you.

Gems locations:

  1. In the fountain
  2. Behind the red fabric on the wall
  3. On the wall where the sun points

Collection items:

  • a hat
    • house entrance – on the ground by the statue
    • backyard – in the flower bed on the right of the back door
    • main room – beside the table
    • kitchen – on the floor by the stove
    • bedroom – on the bed
    • basement – the bottom step on the left
    • outside – in the middle of the ground
    • shore – on the sand by the boat
    • on the left (tree area) – on the log on the lower right
    • in the lighthouse – at the floor by the stairs
    • under the tree – on the ground on the left
    • house attic – on the middle shelve on the left

Morphing Objects:

  • backyard – a fruit on the chair on the bottom left
  • main room – a vase/candle on the table
  • basement – a phone/camera on the floor on the right
  • outside – a flower on the left of the archway
  • shore – a tower silhouette on the wall on the left by the tree
  • on the left (tree area) – a log on the ground on the left

New York Mysteries 5 Chapter 2 Walkthrough Video

New York Mysteries 5 Chapter 3 Walkthrough

Collection items:

  • a cassette
    • bridge area – on the ground by the crashed car
    • village – on the leaves on the right
    • office – on the desk on the right
    • underground – on the right by flammable barrel
  • a billiard ball
    • garage – on the roof of the red van
    • the hall on the left – on the pot on the right
    • in front of the house – in the tree stump on the left
    • kitchen – on a dome in the centre
    • dock arear – on the red barrels on the right
  • a baseball card
    • courtyard – on a box on the left
    • bedroom – on the table on the right
    • hallway – on the floor to the left of the trolley
    • elevator – on the fire extinguisher top left
    • basement – on the floor on the right by the cupboard

Morphing Objects:

  • village – a house number plaque on the building on the left
  • garage – a star/gear on the tires on the far left
  • hallway – a symbol on the wall on the top right
  • in the hall on the left – crescent shape hanging on the left of the chandelier
  • office – a blotter on the desk on the right
  • underground – a round yellow warning sign on the left wall by the big door
  • kitchen – a slingshot/spring on the floor near the radio on the right
  • basement – a sunglasses/pipe on a black and a white cushion bottom centre of the scene
  • dock area – a magnet/binoculars by the downed guard in the centre

New York Mysteries 5 Chapter 3 Walkthrough Video

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