Full Artifact Seekers Walkthrough Guide [All Episodes]

Artifact Seekers Walkthrough

Welcome to Artifact Seekers Walkthrough Guide!

For all fans of hidden-object games with puzzles and adventures at the same time, FIVE-BN Games just released another awesome game “Artifact Seekers”. And we are to help you to enjoy the game experience in full and non-stuck environment with our Artifact Seekers Walkthrough Guide below.

Artifact Seekers’ Game Information

You will be a part of a TV show at different and beautiful locations that full of challenging puzzles. Not just that, in this game and in the first time the developer offers us to choose pairs of characters to work and complete missions together.

First time, the developer offers best score table that will show the players who performs to the best their abilities. Each episode has 10 stars to collect. 7 stars can be achieved through the episode and 3 additional stars will be given by completing additional mini-games. Be ready to spend your time!

Let’s dive in Artifact Seekers Walkthrough Guide. We will add new chapters upon their release.

Artifact Seekers Walkthrough Guide

Artifact Seekers Tropical Island Walkthrough

Morphing objects locations list:

  1. on the beach beside the chest
  2. fishermen area, a tree in the forest above the boat
  3. jungle area, tall flowers on the right
  4. crocodile area, top of the arc of the house in the middle of the river
  5. the village area, in front of the door the house on the right
  6. a forge house in the village, a rose flowers
  7. a house in the village, on the red rug on the ground
  8. a temple in the village, on the wall on the right side of the metal cage
  9. a bridge area, on the plate beside wooden faces
  10. the entrance to the temple, under the left lion statue
  11. a cave area, leaves vine on the left
  12. cow room, on the colourful glasses

Collect the star in the jungle, with three moneys.

Collection items locations list (a bull figurine). To return place to get a star is a bridge area.

  1. in the ship wrecks, between wooden boxes
  2. jungle area, on the right side of the stone with a lid
  3. crocodile area, in front of the house by the river
  4. forge house, on the top shelf, on the can
  5. water area in the village, on the top of the green plant
  6. cow room, inside the water

Collection items locations list (a flute player figure). To return place to get a star is in a temple of the village.

  1. fishermen area, on the paper from the chest on the boat
  2. a house in the village, on top of the cabinet
  3. a temple in the village, on the top between third and fourth column
  4. a bridge area, under the sticks in the bushes on the left
  5. the entrance of the temple, on the ground stone’s right side
  6. a cave, on the stone that need to be cleaned with solvent and the brush

Collection items locations list (a pungi for additional star’s puzzles). To return place to get play puzzles and get a star is the temple on the water on the ceiling.

  1. fisherman area, in the cabin in the corner
  2. jungle area, in the tree trunk
  3. in the village house, beside the bed
  4. a bridge area, by the tree trunk
  5. the entrance of the temple, a trunk of the tree on the right of the door

Collection items locations list (a dolphin figurine for additional star’s puzzles). To return place to get play puzzles and get a star is the fisherman village.

  1. on the top of the house in the fisherman’s village
  2. crocodile area, in the rock pile on the left
  3. in the village house’s room, behind the stone at the edge where is the red rug
  4. in the temple on the water, inside the red cone which is hanging from the ceiling
  5. cow room, on the top of the column behind the curtain

Collection items locations list (a worm for additional star’s puzzles). To return place to get play puzzles and get a star is the pond by the fountain.

  1. on the beach, inside the opening above the skeleton
  2. a forge in the village, on the ground under the grass below the box with spices
  3. a bridge area, on the ground beside the wooden faces on the left
  4. the entrance of the temple, by the chest on the right side inside the wall
  5. a cave, on the ground on the left

The secret room location is behind the animals colors painting’ wall in the cave.

Artifact Seekers Walkthrough – Tropical Island Video

Artifact Seekers Wild West Walkthrough

Morphing objects locations list:

  1. sheriff’s office building, second floor window
  2. inside the saloon, on the right side of the fireplace
  3. Pots office area, by the rail trucks on the right side of it
  4. Train area, on the ground beside the red coach
  5. Native village area, on the top of the smallest tent
  6. Inside the native village’s tent, on the rope on the left side
  7. The farm area, by the house entrance a barrel
  8. The river area, on the top of the stone in the middle on the river
  9. Inside the cave, at the bottom of the left side rocky hill
  10. Inside the farm house, the tree in the window
  11. In the sheriff’s office, the hat on the rack
  12. Shaman area, on the tent at the bottom

To collect the star location for morphing objects is inside the tent by the river.

Collection items locations list (wanted flyer):

  1. The saloon area, on the bulletin board
  2. Inside the saloon, at the left corner of the picture on the wall
  3. The farm area, on the left side on the top of the wooden box
  4. In the sheriff’s office, the newspaper on the desk
  5. Post office area, inside the opened box the paper
  6. Shaman area, in the stone behind the tent

To collect the star location for morphing objects is the board between the windows in the sheriff’s office.

Collection items locations’ list (snake figure)

  1. Train area, on the wooden board by the wooden boxes
  2. Native village, on the the local’s amulet
  3. Inside the native village’s tent, on the vase beside the axe’s place
  4. The river area, on the other side’s stone
  5. Inside the cave, on the wall at the top of the mushrooms area
  6. Inside the farm’s house, on the jar which is on the top of the left cabinet

To collect the star location for snakes figurines is at the train area.

Collection items locations’ list (mugs for additional puzzles)

  1. In the saloon, in the cabinet on the right side of the cashier machine
  2. In the sheriff’s office, on the desk
  3. Post office area, under the cracked wooden floor board’s piece
  4. The farm area, beside the big basket by the barn
  5. Inside the native village’s tent, on the top of the left side cabinet

To solve additional puzzles and to collect a star is in the saloon.

Collection items locations’ list (coins for additional puzzles)

  1. Saloon area, in grass beside the box with moving parts
  2. Sheriff’s office, under the window blinds
  3. The farm area, under the hat on the figure
  4. Farm’s house, under the green blanket on the chair
  5. Train area, by the wooden box under the stones

To solve additional puzzles and to collect a star is in the post office area.

Collection items locations’ list (feathers for additional puzzles)

  1. River area, on the side of the boat
  2. River area, beside the box under the tree
  3. In the cave, third from the top on the right side of the column by emerald
  4. Shaman area, under the stones beside the bull head
  5. Shaman’s tent, inside the basket

To solve additional puzzles and to collect a star is in the shaman area.

The secret room location is the red train coach, will be opened after solving eagles puzzle.

Artifact Seekers Walkthrough – Wild West Video

Artifact Seekers Viking Village Walkthrough

Morphing objects locations’ list:

  1. Entrance gate, at the top right corner
  2. Monster lake area, on the left house fence
  3. The forge house, on the wheel on the right wall
  4. The camp, on the tent’s left side
  5. Center of the village area, by the left side of the house on the left
  6. The dining house, on the top of the right column
  7. The village’s head house, on the shield on the right after opening window
  8. The ship area, the object between the ship and the house far away
  9. The tannery house, on the top in the middle of the room
  10. The shaman house, on the table beside the bird cage
  11. The archive house, on the map hanging from the table
  12. The tree house, in the statue room behind it on the left top edge of the arc
  13. The tree house, in the tree room above the green wall, on the rock

To collect the star location for the objectives is at the tree house by the statue.

Collection items locations’ list (dragon head)

  1. Entrance gate, on the left top
  2. Monster lake area, on the top of the right house
  3. Center of the village, on the top of the right house
  4. The tannery house, on the cloth on the top left
  5. The shaman house, on the table with the skull
  6. The tree house, in the statue room on the left column by entrance to the tree room

To collect the star location for the dragon heads is at the archive house, on the table.

Collection items locations’ list (goat figure)

  1. The forge house, between the stove and the wheel on the ground
  2. The village head house, on the ground between two columns
  3. The camp, on the table
  4. The dinning house, on the left table
  5. The archive house, on the second shelf on the left
  6. The tree house, in the tree room on the ground under the green wall

To collect the star location for goat figurines is at the tannery house.

Collection items locations’ list (lighthouse for additional puzzles)

  1. At the entrance, under the broken wooden coach, under the stone
  2. The village head house, on his right side inside the drum
  3. The dinning room, on the right table
  4. The tanning room, on the top shelf on the left cabinet
  5. The shaman house, on the table with the skull

To solve additional puzzles and to collect a star is on the table on the village street.

Collection items locations’ list (token for additional puzzles)

  1. The lake, inside the wooden stand by the barrel
  2. The forge house, in the stand
  3. In middle village street, beside the baskets with honey under the leaves on the ground
  4. The tanning roam, beside the goat figurine star collection place
  5. The tree house, statue’s axe

To solve additional puzzles and to collect a star is in the archive house, attic area.

Collection items locations’ list (powder bag for additional puzzles)

  1. The archive room, on the top of the puzzle cabinet
  2. The tanning room, on the top on the right side of the red skin
  3. The camp, inside the tree hole
  4. The broken ship, by the head under the wooden shell
  5. The tree house, in the tree room within the tree’s roots

To solve additional puzzles and to collect a star is in the shaman house.

The secret room location is the room with a tree, will be opened after solving doors puzzle (dark stone at the column in the tree room + the lake area to turn the wooden arrow on the street + the head village house to turn the moose mount + the forge house’s dark brick of the chimney).

Artifact Seekers Walkthrough – Viking Village Video

Artifact Seekers Doll Factory Walkthrough

Morphing objects locations list:

  1. The entrance area, above the house entrance on the second floor
  2. The hall of the house, on the second floor’s railing on the left
  3. The kitchen, hanging spatula
  4. The office, the half moon on the picture
  5. The courtyard, on the ground beside the lion
  6. Fisherman area, the tree beside the house on the other side of the lake
  7. The workshop area, the hook on the chain above the machine
  8. The warehouse, on the wooden box on the left
  9. The cemetery, on the grave stone on the left of the candles area
  10. The greenhouse, the green flower on the top of the plant on the left side
  11. The library, on the shelf beside the clock tower
  12. The sarcophagus area, beside the stairs on the right

To collect the star location for the all objects is at the lake area.

Collection items locations’ list (glasses)

  1. The entrance area, on the statue
  2. The office, on the desk beside the lamp
  3. The courtyard, on the drawing
  4. The warehouse, on the picture
  5. The greenhouse, on the table beside the plants
  6. The library, on the desk

To collect the star location for the glasses is in the courtyard’s covered bench area.

Collection items locations’ list (pocket watch)

  1. The kitchen, on the table below the cabinet
  2. Fisherman area, the fisherman pocket
  3. The workshop are, on the ground by the green capsule
  4. The cemetery, in the hand
  5. The house hall, in the puzzled cabinet on the top shelf
  6. The sarcophagus area, on the left doll

To collect the star location for the pocket watches is in the office.

Collection items locations’ list (music records for additional puzzles)

  1. The entrance area, beside the phone boost
  2. The kitchen, under the fridge
  3. The library, under the floor
  4. The green house, on the ground between flower pots
  5. The sarcophagus area, on the left table

To solve additional puzzles and to collect a star is on the hall of house, the player.

Collection items locations’ list (masks for additional puzzles)

  1. Fisherman area, underneath of the wooden plank
  2. The cemetery, on the gravestone with clown mask
  3. The hall of the house, on the stairs
  4. The office, in the wooden column on the left
  5. The warehouse, on the desk between doll’s parts

To solve additional puzzles and to collect a star is in the warehouse, the cabinet.

Collection items locations’ list (phone numbers for additional puzzles)

  1. The hall of the house, in the cabinet on the book
  2. The kitchen, on the gas valve by the fridge
  3. The courtyard, on the drawing
  4. The workshop, on the top of the machine
  5. The cemetery, on the top of the house of sarcophagus

To solve additional puzzles and to collect a star is in the phone boost.

The secret room location is at the courtyard, the area with Latin numbers. To open the stairs to the secret room, choose the right color of the numbers: the camel – yellow three, the greenhouse – green five, the fisherman are – red one, on the top of the house – greenish four, the gravestone with the clown – reddish six, in the sarcophagus area – yellow two, the hall of house stairs area – purple eight, on the kitchen window – blue six, the office under the doll – red ten, the workshop area above the entrance to warehouse – red nine, the warehouse wooden box – blue seven, the library above the curtains – blueish twelve

Artifact Seekers Walkthrough – Doll Factory Video

Artifact Seekers Ancient Coast Walkthrough

Morphing objects locations list:

  1. Kate area, on the right side of the statue far back above the ship
  2. The archive, beside the lady’s statue on the wall rug
  3. The dock, the anchor above the red tent cover
  4. The island entrance area, on the small bridge
  5. The garden, red flower on the right
  6. The labyrinth exit, the sea star by the stone
  7. The river, on the top of the stones by the statue
  8. The Hades kingdom, on the path up
  9. The cache, on the top of the right column
  10. The three heads dog area, by the green door on the left
  11. The Hades throne, on the wall between two columns on the left
  12. The Well of Souls, the left column by the cave

To collect the star location for the objects is at the river.

Collection items locations’ list (lighting)

  1. The cabin, above Kate’s head in the bushes
  2. The island entrance area, by the music instrument on the top of the column
  3. The river, inside the the ground hole
  4. The Hades kingdom, on the right side of the skeleton’s stone
  5. The three heads dog area, above the column on the right
  6. The Hades throne, at the bottom of two columns

To collect the star location for the lighting is at the labyrinth exit.

Collection items locations’ list (sea fork)

  1. The archive, inside the wall opening hole
  2. The dock, on the column on the left
  3. The garden, on the left between the gardening tools
  4. The labyrinth exit, at the bottom of the opening
  5. The cache, on the metal leg of the metal table
  6. The Well of Souls, by the chest in the cave

To collect the star location for the sea forks is at the dock.

Collection items locations’ list (horseshoes for additional puzzles)

  1. by Kate, above the house’s entrance
  2. The archive, on the left side of the oven
  3. The ship dock, inside the brown jar
  4. The island entrance area, under the stairs rocks
  5. The garden, beside the golden tree under the red curtain

To solve additional puzzles and to collect a star is in the archive room.

Collection items locations’ list (coins for additional puzzles)

  1. The ship dock, beside the basket with the fish and scallops on the ground under the rock
  2. The garden, by the door in the wall’s inside stone first from the bottom
  3. The labyrinth exit, the nest area beside the feather on the left
  4. The Hades kingdom, in the skull’s mouth
  5. The Hades throne, by the stone’s cabinet under the paper on the ground

To solve additional puzzles and to collect a star is in the three heads dog area.

Collection items locations’ list (hourglasses for additional puzzles)

  1. The river, in the hole of the big stone in front
  2. The three heads dog area, at the bottom of the statue on the left
  3. The Well of Souls, on the ground by the railings
  4. The cache, on the ground beside the jars on the left
  5. The cache, in the cabinet by the jars on the right

To solve additional puzzles and to collect a star is in the Well of Souls.

The secret room location is in the Well of Souls. The access to the room after solving puzzle with columns symbols.

Artifact Seekers Walkthrough – Ancient Coast Video

The game is no over yet. The developer is working hard on the next episode. Stay tuned! Don’t forget to leave a comment if we missed anything in our Artifact Seekers Walkthrough guide and/or you want to add a missing piece of the puzzle.

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