Alice Beyond Wonderland Walkthrough [100%]

alice beyond wonderland walkthrough

Welcome to Alice Beyond Wonderland Walkthrough!

Alice Beyond Wonderland walkthrough guide is a way to go through the game smoothly and more enjoyable. We all don’t like to be frustrated and stuck in the middle of game excitement.

Alice Beyond Wonderland Story Behind

The story begins in London’s little apartment. A strange dream woke you up. You could not help your friends, despite all your efforts from the evil red queen… By opening your eyes, you realized that it was just a bad dream. Until…

You looked at your desk and found a letter on your desk that caught your attention. The letter says:

“Dear Alice,

You were very close to rescuing your friends in Wonderland, but The Red Queen anticipated your plans by banishing them to the mysterious forest of the seasons on the outskirts of her Kingdom, but you still have me! Only you have the skills to help them in that dangerous place. Hurry Up!

-The Time.”

You understood that it was not just a bad dream. Many questions: who wrote this letter, why should you trust? Decision made, have to go and only the time will prove you if you are right or wrong. By solving multiple puzzles to rescue your friends and get them back to their homes in The Wonderful Wonderland!

Alice Beyond Wonderland Information

Release Date: May 2nd 2020

Alice Beyond Wonderland Walkthrough – Apartment & Market

Let’s game begun…

  • Click on the scroll on the desk and read it. Open the door and go through. Click on the book shelf and arrange the books on the shelf in order to make an image (see picture below) and then take the medium key for the door on the second floor.

alice beyond wonderland walkthrough guide

  • Open the door and go on the third floor. Use the medium key to unlock the room’s door. Go in. Tap on and read the scroll with a clue for lock’s code. Click on the number “1” to make a note of it. Leave the room.
  • Go down to the main floor and leave the house. Click on the newspapers pile on the right and tap on the number “5” to make a note of it. Go inside the store and tap on the number “6” to make a note of it. Leave the store and proceed to the market. Click on the wagon with a bag and tap on the number “2” to make a note of it. Leave market and go back to the house.
  • Go on the rooftop. Tap on the cage and enter code 1526 to unlock it. Read the scroll and take a small key for the drawer. Go back to the room with a bookshelf puzzle picture. Unlock top drawer by using small key and take coins. Leave the house.
  • Go to the market. Put coins in the jar and take plate with bird seeds. Go back to the house.
  • Go on the rooftop. Put seed on the bird’s feeder on the right of the cage. Take a golden key for the metal hatch on the roof. Go to the metal hatch and unlock it. Tap to go in.

Alice Beyond Wonderland Walkthrough – Beyond Wonderland

  • Enter to Winter Realm, Zone 5 Frozen Castle and Winter cave (blue door). Go into the winter cave on your left, pick up a knife. Go back and exit winter realm.
  • Enter to the yellow door,  Sun Fortress and Camping site (Zone 4). Tap on the left, to the camping site. Pick up a grappling hook from the bag. Go back and tap on the right, green ladder, tap on the tree and collect orange resin by using knife. Go back and go to the camping sit to place orange resin into the pot. Go back and you may go straight forward to look around only but you have nothing to use there. Exit.
  • Enter to the blue door. Click on the castle and use a grappling hook on the castle’s wall.  Climb up and pick up a tong by the right lion. Go back and exit winter.
  • Enter to the red door, Water Mill, Spring Palace and Vine Yard (Zone 3). Tap on the tree and use knife to grab blue resin. Go straight forward to Vine Yard. Enter the door on your left. Open table’s drawer and take a cylindrical piece then tap on the watch and make note of the time (3:30PM) to use on the Tower of Time for Vine Yard. Go back and exit.
  • Enter the brown door, Wonderland express, Train Station (Zone 2) and Tower of Time (Zone 6). Tap on the tree and collect red resin by using knife. Go back and left to the train station. Enter the station and tap on the watch on the right to note the time (5:15). Go back and tap on the train machinist’s cabin. Tap on the train’s oven and read instruction that to open it you need adjust the temperature to unlock it.  It has to be in the safe range (green color – between 4 and 6). Use the following order to adjust the temperature by turning the red valves on the left and the right: right – left – left – right – left. Use tong to take incandescent key out. It will be used to unlock the water mill’s door. Go back and exit.
  • Enter the yellow door. Go left to the camping site and place all resins inside the pot. Go back and straight forward to Sun Fortress and tap on the left, put incandescent key inside the water to cool it. Take it back as a rusted key. Go back and exit.
  • Go in the red door. Go left and use rusted key to unlock Water Mill’s door. Take shears on the right and go back. Go to the right, to Spring Palace. Install cylindrical piece in the middle of the gate’s lock. Solve the puzzle by turning numbers and have an equation that is 11. Left Top – 9, Right Top – 2, Left Bottom – 4, Right Bottom – 8. Enter the spring palace. Go left and click on shiny spot on the bush by the left of the statue. Use shears to trim it and take the wagon key that will be used to unlock Wonderland Express’s door. Go back and exit.
  • Go in the brown door. Go left to the train station and further to the end of the Wonderland express. Use wagon key to unlock the cargo car’s door. Go inside and pick a helm on the right. Click on the red suitcase and solve the puzzle by opening each brooches in the right order: top middle – lower right – top right – lower left – lower middle – top left. Take out a telescope. Go to the next car. Pick up a crowbar on your left. Go to the door and solve the puzzle of bars lock by touching the bars to change color and by the end to have all the bars in the same dark (brownish) color (watch video part 1 below at 10:42) or press the bars in the following order: 3 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 4 (1 is the top bar). Go inside the next car and tap on the envelope to read the letter. The station guide is to unlock the next suitcase North is down and South is up meanings. Go to the door and your may use the same combination for the bars as above to unlock it. Go inside the next car. Tap on the green suitcase and use North and South station guide to unlock it: S(down) – N(up) – N (up) – S(down) – N(up). Take out a shield mold. Go back and exit the express. Exit.
  • Enter the red door. Go left to the Water Mill. Enter and use crowbar to remove the plank on the left. Pick up a torch. Go back and exit.
  • Enter the yellow door. Go straight forward to the Sun Fortress. Install helm on the right poll. Use both hands to turn them simultaneously to bring the bridge down. Go inside and right. Tap on the helm to bring a banner down. Go back and left, take a shovel from the barrel. Go right and solve the puzzle by moving bricks and let gold and bronze ingots out (watch video below at 14:41). Pick up gold and bronze ingots. Go back and tap on the furnace. Place shield mold into it and bronze ingot to make a shield. Take shield mold out from the furnace by using tong. Go back and straight. Use torch from your inventory to lit it.  Then go into the first left door. Pick up a sword mold. Tap on the watch on the ground and note the time (9:55) to be used on Tower of Time. Go back to the furnace room and place a sword mold inside the furnace with gold ingot to make a sword. Remove sword mold from the furnace by using tong from your inventory. Go back to the camping site. use lit torch to lit the fire. Exit the zone.
  • Enter the red door. Go left to the spring palace and right to the statue with the shield bottom. Place the shield on the statue to unlock the door on the right. Go inside. Tap on the pedestal. By clicking on the cubes and turning them around, put them in the right positions (watch video part 1 below at 18:24). Solve the puzzle by connecting pipes in the right order (see the picture below). It will let water run on the right side of the fountain.

alice beyond walkthrough spring palace

  • Go back and go left at the fountain. Place a sword from your inventory on the statue that will unlock the door on the left. Tap on the pedestal. By clicking on the cubes and turning them around, put them in the right positions (watch video part 1 below at 20:53). Solve the puzzle by connecting pipes in the right order (see the picture below). It will let water run on the left side of the fountain.
  • Go back to the fountain and tap on it. The water will bring up a cork key that will be used to unlock the Spring Palace entrance’s mechanism. Tap on the stairs to the entrance. Use cork key to unlock the opening mechanism. To remove purple color plank, press on tow colors – red and blue gems at the same time. To remove orange color plank, press on two colors – red and yellow gems at the same time. To remove the red plank, press on the red color gem. To remove green plank, press on the green gem. You can look around but you have nothing yet to use here.

Alice Beyond Wonderland Walkthrough Video (Part 1)

  • Go to Tower of Time. Enter timing that is in your notebook: 5:15, 3:30 and 9:55 to unlock Tower of time’s door. Click on the scroll by the throne and read it. It will give a first clue to solve puzzle with masks in the spring palace. Go left or right, take a wind up key from the middle clock tower to unlock music box in the spring palace. Exit.
  • Go to the Spring Palace. Go right to the room with a music box. Use wind up key to unlock it. When it is playing tap on the girl to get a clue for the throne. Go back. Go to the throne room and move right handle symbol 3 times down then left one 2 times down to unlock bottom department with Jailer’s keys to unlock two locked rooms in the Sun fortress. Exit the Spring Palace.
  • Go to the Sun Fortress. Go left and use Jailer’s keys to unlock first locked room on the left. Go in and you will see a broken crank that you will need for Tower of time and need a rake to take it out from the hay. Leave the room. Use keys to unlock second locked room, in the font of you. Go in and tap on the scroll, read it with a clue for the next puzzle. Remember the trip way: Wonderland – Sun’s Fortress – Spring Palace – Winter Castle – Wonderland. In the train station there are four clocks for four places: Sun’s Fortress, Winter Castle, Spring Palace and Wonderland (see picture below). Apply direction of hours arrows to the bricks and click on each brick according the trip way (watch video Part 2 below at 02:59): 4 – 1 – 3 – 2 -4 to have an access to the throne room.

alice beyond wonderland bricks puzzle

  • Go in the room and tap on the scroll with a clue for masks puzzle. Pick up a gear that you need to solve puzzle in the Tower of time. Exit Sun’s Fortress.
  • Go to Tower of Time and use found gear to solve the puzzle (see picture below). The door on the right will be opened. Go up and up, the clockmaster’s workshop and pick up a faucet that need to use in vine yard to get an pickaxe. Go more up and tap on the scroll to make a note of gold pieces of sun locations that need to be dig out by a shovel. Exit Tower of time.

alice beyond wonderland gear puzzle

  • Go to Vine Yard. Enter the room on the right and install found faucet on the barrel. Open it to drain some vine (what a waste! :)). Now you can take a pickaxe. Exit the vine yard.
  • Go to the Winter castle’s room (blue door). Use pickaxe to get the rake from the ice. Exit Winter.
  • Go to the Sun’s Fortress. Go left and enter the room in the middle with a hay and broken crank in it. Use rake to remove the hay and pick up a broken crank. Go back and use a shovel to dig out a gold shard in front of water place at the left of Sun’s fortress entrance ( watch video Part 2 at 7:37). Exit Sun’s Fortress location.
  • Go to Tower of Time. Go to the room with the crank and replace it with found broken crank so the door will stay opened. Exit Tower of Time location.
  • Install the crank into the hole of the trunk. Now you can switch seasons. Turn it.
  • Go to the Winter room that in summer season now. Tap on the bottle and make a note of recipe for resins to make a glue that you will need for gold shards to make medallion of sun in Tower of time. Go inside the cave on your right. Tap on your right to enter small room. Read the scroll with a clue to solve a puzzle in this room in winter season to get a second winter orb. In the middle of the cave use stars to go down. Pick up a hammer and a ladder. Go back. Use shovel to dig out second gold shard (watch video Part 2 at 8:57). Exit Winter castle location.
  • Go to Sun’s Fortress (yellow door) which is in winter season now. Go to camping site on your left. Use torch to lit the fire and melt the snow inside. Take a ladle. Go back and forward to dig out third gold shard from the snow (watch video part 2 at 9:34). Exit this location.
  • Turn the crank to switch seasons back. Go back to the Sun’s Fortress. Go up on your right ad install telescope on the hill. Exit this location.
  • Turn the crank to switch seasons. Go back to Sun’s Fortress. Install ladder on your right and go up. Use telescope to see the clue to open the entrance of Winter castle. Remember it. Exit this location.
  • Go to Vine Yard which is in autumn season now. Go left to water mill and use shovel to dig out fourth gold shard (watch video part 2 at 10:48). Go back and forward to Vine Yard. Use pickaxe on the brick wall in the middle and take a seed. Go back and right to Spring Palace. Tap on the gate and make a note of sun’s positions that need to unlock treasure chest in Sun’s Fortress. Exit this location.
  • Turn the crank to switch seasons. Go to the train station and plant the seed in font of the station. Exit this location.
  • Go to Sun’s Fortress (yellow door). Go right to the treasure chest and solve this puzzle by putting suns in right positions (see picture below). Take a spring stone from the chest. Go back to the camping site and use ladle to mix resins. Exit this location.

alice beyond wonderland sun fortress treasure chest puzzle

  • Turn the crank to switch seasons. Go to the train station. Take a bottle from the window. Exit this location.
  • Go to Sun’s Fortress (winter season). Go left to the camping site. Take some glue by using bottle. Exit this location.
  • Turn the crank to switch seasons. Go to Winter castle’s location. Go to the cave on your right. Use the hammer to break ice wall and take first ice orb. Go back and on your left cave’s room. Tap on the icicles in the following order: 4 – 3 -1 -2 -3 – 2 and pick up second ice orb. Go to the Winter Castle and place each ice orb by the each lion. Go forward and tap on lion handles in the following order: R – L – L – R – R to open the gate. Go inside and read the scroll with a clue for masks puzzle. Then go to your right and solve snowflake wheel puzzle (watch video part 2 at 14:40). The order to unlock it is the following: 1 – 2 – 8 – 7 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 5 by turning handles at the bottom ( go back and worth). It will show you next clue for the next puzzle, the note will be made. Go back and on your left. To unlock the chest use the clue that you just discovered.The order to press is the following: 5 – 2 – 4 – 7. Take a summer stone from the chest. Exit this location.
  • Go to Tower of Time. Go on the room the the stand and place glue on it. Then install all four gold shards on it. The door on the you right will be opened. Go up. To unlock the chest use the following colors (window colors top to bottom): purple (top) – green (middle) – yellow (bottom). Take a winter stone from the chest. Exit this location.
  • Go to Spring Palace, to the mask room on your left and unlock the chest by moving masks in the right position (see picture below or watch video part 2 at 17:44). To move masks in the right position, you will need rearrange positions of masks on your left. Take a summer stone from the chest. Go back and to the throne. Install a spring stone on the scepter. Take the scepter. Exit this location.

alice beyond wonderland masks puzzle

  • Go to Sun’s Fortress throne room and place a summer stone on the scepter. Take it. Exit this location.
  • Go to Winter castle’s throne room and place a winter stone on the scepter. Take it. Exit this location.
  • Go to Tower of time’s throne and place a autumn stone on the scepter. Take it. Exit this location.
  • Install all four scepters into the holes by the trunk. Go inside purple door and stole the royal key from the red Queen. Exit this location.
  • Go to the Wonderland Express and unlock the jail car, go inside and free your friends!


Alice Beyond Wonderland Walkthrough Video (Part 2)

Alice Beyond Wonderland Full Walkthrough Video

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  1. When you are in the castle you are in a dark room and you have to arrange the bricks to come out of the wall I need to see a close up pic the game is called Alice beyond wonderland can you help me please

  2. I am playing the game of Alice beyond wonderland game and I need to see a piece of the level were you go through the castle and it shows you the bricks that come out of the wall and need to see pic of the part were the masks are on the wall


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